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A member registered Jan 03, 2018

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There's MD3 export plugin for Blender 2.75.

Also, I think Maverick Model 3D had that format export.

I tried to do an illusionary wall, sort of. Md3 cube model with same texture as other walls and no collision so you can pass through it. It's very hard to get the dimensions 100% right, so there are some tiny gaps, but the real problem is that once the middle axis point of the cube is obscured by level geometry, it stops rendering altogether.

There is a simple cheesy way around it - make your decoration into an enemy with a speed and damage of 0. As soon as you're in view, it will try to move to you and display 4 frames of walking animation. It will be destructible and have death animation. If you don't want it to be destroyed, just give it some obscene amount of health (like 99999). The only issue is that when you'll be in melee range, it will show only 2 frames of attack animation.

Use the power of google to find free game assets. is great for that, like for example:

I mean, there's also a lot of nice stuff here on itch,

I think he meant placeholder graphics for enemies, weapons and such, just like there are for health items.

Current build is broken anyway, without updates it won't be of much use. I really hope the author is ok and didn't abandon it. Been 2 months since he last posted any comment on this forum.

Lovely, but is there any chance for a version working on AMD Gpu's?

Played it, nice little demo. I liked secret doors placement, big skeleton dudes and overall vibe is great. Are you going to develop it further?

Gotta ask: how did you do gibs on enemy death? Haven't seen that functionality in the engine. Scripting? I'd love to have similar effect in my little project I'm working on.

Played it, the main character's design and graphics (especially the first map) reminded me of Might & Magic series, nice nostalgia trip :)

I was wondering how did you make those sparkle effects below the flying carpet, since decorations don't have animations in this engine. Then I realized, it's actually a 0 speed, 0 damage and 99999 health enemy with empty png's as blood, and that animation is his walking sprites :D Clever, you should post it as a tip in workarounds thread :)

I like the style, but where's download button? :D

It's a known bug in the latest version, gotta wait for update.

I had a similar problem, I wanted to make curtains in a doorway. A sprite decoration was out of the question, as it rotated towards the player. I tried to make a single plane with texture and import it as a model, but for some reason it made decoration entities (like the barrels on my screenshot) on the other side invisible, whether the transparency option in model configurator was used or not. After a LOT of trial and error, I came up with a way that seems to work. Can be used for things like fences, perhaps even wall decals.

So, here's the weird procedure, maybe someone will find it useful for their projects:

1) I made an image of the curtains, 64x64pix png with transparency.

2) Used a voxelizer tool on this site to convert it to 64x64x1 voxel image, then save it as .vox file (MagicaVoxel format)

3) Open it in MagicaVoxel (it's a free software), export it as .obj file.

4) Open the .obj file in Maverick Model 3D (another free software), export it to .md3 - it's important to DO NOT touch anything, don't move, don't scale, nothing - otherwise texture will be corrupt.

5) Import the .md3 file to EasyFPS, set Y offset to 3, scale to 4. Do not merge with level geometry, because it will be halfway in the ground and the offset won't work for some reason.

And yeah, there's an ingame model with pixel-perfect texture to the original png and working transparency. Offset is tiny bit off, but the engine does not take inputs with decimals like 3.1 in offset field for some reason.

From what I understand, he currently has problems with accessing the money due to international sanctions. I suppose we'll see what the future will bring.

That's the whole point of the PRO version - if you want to sell your game, buy the engine.

I actually tried that before making this thread, any negative value set in .ini gets sanitized to 0.1 in-game.

It's great news that you'll implement this, though, thanks!

First off, I wanna say great job, this app is great, I'm definitely buying pro version in the near future.

However, it is lacking a quite important feature for oldschool shooters enthusiasts - invert mouse.

The origin of inverted Y axis are flight simulators, which were the first truly mainstream first person perspective games. In them pulling controller towards yourself makes aircraft ascend (like, well, in an actual aircraft). This created a habit in gamers which was recognized by developers of early FPPs like Duke3D and Quake, and the option sticked to this day. A large portion of older FPS gamers are unable to play without it, it's like writing with left hand for them.

It would be great if this option could be added as a tickbox in controls menu, or at least be configurable in .ini by setting mouse speed value at negative like "-5".

Good luck on further development of this project!

Valiant idea, bad execution.

As of now, the game is clunky beyond belief, it doesn't feel like old shooters, there's just a plain feel of a generic Unity engine-based title.  Weapons are severely underwhelming, the whole combat feels dissatisfactory,  and while I appreciate the gore, it still seems very artificial when enemies explode from a gauntlet hit. Gameplay is rather slow and tedious - it's nothing like in retro fps, where you made use of your speed to outmaneuver and dispatch hordes of enemies on large arenas mixed with tight corridors.  The one level featured in the demo makes me rather pessimistic about map design as well. 

Game also misses some basic features like invert mouse option (very important if your target audience is supposed to be retro players), fov setting, 16:10 screen support or the ability to bind keys. It also suffers from abysmal performance even on a quite powerful PC - which I assume can be partly blamed on Unity, partly on unoptimized assets.

The graphics are neither retro nor modern, they seem like something from TesIV:Oblivion, but with much worse character animations. The built- in pixelize color filtering feature needs work, right now it just produces unintelligible mess rather than simulating reduced color palette.

In the state presented in demo, Apocryph isn't either a modern game with retro sensibilities nor a proper oldschool game. It needs a lot of work and improvements, otherwise it will be just another lowly  shooter with lots of wasted potential, stuck in the limbo of mediocrity.

I sincerely hope it will get better, good luck with the development.