I do own a gamepad, so perhaps adding in the functionality and letting the player choose what they'd like isn't a bad idea. Many other blind gamers have gamepads as well. I'm interested what this turns into, if you decide to continue development.
I loved this. I hope it's made into a full game at some point. The mouse point and click is very unique, and I loved the descriptive text and interaction mechanics. Extending the game, perhaps there are more crystals and each one contains different sounds of the forest. You could unlock the soundscape as you play. One note though, not many totally blind players are comfortable with the use of a mouse. Alternative keys for rotating and interacting would be great. Thank you for the submission. I really enjoyed the game.
This was great! I loved the idea of supporting your allies rather than being in the fight directly. The voice acting was fantastic. The sounds were well designed, and I loved the story. One thing that stuck out to me was that while moving, there were no footsteps during the cutscenes. I hope you further develop this into a full title. Thanks for your submission.
Really neat concept. I like the one button play style. It seems like more a resource management and decision making game. I liked the sounds and the tutorial wasn't too much either. I managed to beat it on my first run through, but this could easily be turned into a mobile game that has a scoring system to encourage replayability with different difficulties. Thanks for the submission.
Fun idea. Some improvements might be to make the cells play sounds instead of reading numbers. So a sound for 1, a sound for 0, and a sound for empty. Bonus points if they're in key with the awesome music. I also noticed that I could overwrite the cells that were generated, so basically cheat to win every line, not that there's a scoring system or anything. Very nice concept, and thank you for your submission.
This was really creative. I liked the concept. Some basic UI would have been nice, like a pause menu that included a record of our fastest lap. Mine was 25.7. Perhaps also inverting the controls would have been nice as well, hold any key to accelerate, and release to break. Thanks for the submission!
It's a nice concept. The puzzles are a little too easy to figure out. I only played once through it and I'm not sure if there's a way to lose. I think if you added in some sound management and more mechanics for uncovering new options, you'd have a nice little game engine to create more stories like this. Thanks for the submission.