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A member registered Oct 26, 2019 Β· View creator page β†’

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Classic Minesweeper but fun and well done! And in a week it's not necessarily easy, good work ! ;)

Good game, it gets really hard after the password game, but at the time I'm writing this comment I'm 2nd just behind you ;) 

I would have liked to have a display of my current score while I was playing. But otherwise I really liked the different mini games and the different sounds that give us an indication where to look, well done :)

Good game, my score is 72 ;)
At my first game I had 2 pair of king but unfortunately you don't win if you have 2 times the same pair ^^'

Really fun take on the theme and cool game, I played on computer so it was pretty hard, especially on the long jumps, but I still managed to get to the end! =D

We feel the potential of a nice little game where you can play over and over again. Unfortunately, as the other comments say, all that's missing is a little indication of the tiles that surround us to help us make a choice.

But in 2 days you've already done a great job ;)

Really funny game, original and very close to reality ^^'.
However, I don't think it's very clear how to use the cards, why do you have to place some on the left and others on the right? At first I thought I wasn't allowed to use certain cards.
But in any case good work ;)

Good game, pretty fun to play ! :)
 I'd have liked more levels and more difficulty, and maybe a way of displaying the game in full screen mode. But very good work for a jam! ;)

Still stuck at 5 flowers which makes me wonder, I manage to exceed 300 points on the first level but not on the last so does the random becomes more "evil" as it goes or am I just unlucky? ^^ 

I really love your game, it's so beautiful and so relaxing but at the same time it's a bit challenging, I love that! <3
I've only managed to make 5 flowers so far but I'm going back to try and make more just after this comment ;P

Good game, really complete, it's a bit difficult to understand everything at first but once you've got it, it's really cool and pretty too, good job! ;)

Nice game, good choice of assets, the gameplay is enjoyable :)
It’s difficult to play with a mouse, but much better with a keyboard.
Also, I’m wondering if it’s normal that some ingredients have no indication?


Thank you :)

Great game, it's very beautiful, very easy to handle, and very pleasant to play.
I’m not sure why, or if it’s intentional, but it reminds me a lot of Mario 64 ^^
I think the length is perfect for a jam gam, long enough to enjoy but not too long, so there's still time to try other games. :)
I don’t remember how many flowers I managed to collect because the counter disappeared at the end, but I think I was around 109. Can you tell me how many there are in total?

The tutorial was planned, but a bit before the end, I had to choose between adding the clouds or making the tutorial, and I chose to add the clouds and put a few explanations in the description instead ^^ 
Thanks for your feedback! :)

Oops, I got stuck, then pressed R and ended up falling through the floor, and then this happened :/

But before that, I did manage to try out your game, and I can say it’s really cool! The city is well-designed with spots that are harder to reach, the fans are super annoying but add something very interesting to the gameplay. I really enjoyed your game, well done ;)

Your game reminds me a lot of a game I made for the ludum dare 48 on the theme Deeper and deeper ;)
But yours is so much prettier and better, I love it ! <3

I really liked the moment with the big "fish" at the bottom, it's so surprising ! However, I was so happy to have escaped it but I was disappointed to see that I wouldn't get my oxygen back when I surfaced and then the sharks finished me off before I got to the boat ^^'

It's quite frustrating that the game is so short, it was a good idea and there's a good start.
But congratulations on not giving up after your first idea didn't work ;)

It becomes very hard quite quickly and when we have to choose our improvement the time is slowed down but not stopped. I don't know if this is intentional but it's quite annoying :/
But otherwise a really good game, fun to play and very pretty, good job ! ;)

I'm not really very good at word games ( I didn't manage to get over 36% even in the easy mode... ^^' ) but I still had a lot of fun with your game, everything is really very, very well done. If someone had told me it was a complete game, I wouldn't have been shocked. Congratulations on your great game!
Et merci d'avoir mis le dictionnaire francais ^^

Sorry about the optimisation, or rather non-optimisation, for your laptop ^^'
Thank you for your kind comment :)

Thanks ! =)

Thank you for your detailed feedback and suggestions. :)
I've already had suggestions about adding enemies, but I don't think that's right for an idle game that you're supposed to be able to leave running on the side. 

Thank you very much for your very kind comment, I really appreciate it <3

Ah, I hadn't thought of that option, I was just trying to modify the curve for earning money. 
I don't know, I wanted to try and limit myself to a palette of 8 colours, but you know that with the palette switcher and especially the random mode you can get very colourful flowers. ;)

Thanks for your feedback! =)

Flowers that can change colour to suit your mood?
I don't think that exists ^^

Yes, I wanted to add more upgrades but I ran out of time for the optimisation too :/
Thanks for your feedback =)

It's a good game, a bit tricky at first but you get the hang of it pretty quickly.
Perhaps an indication of the flag's location would have been cool, or a zoom on the level at the start. Unless you want us to search for the flag? 

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean :/

It’s done! 1082, I finally reached my goal of surpassing 1000 ^^
Your game is really fun, I really like it, and the signs indicating the color beforehand are a great idea! Well done! ;)

Great game! I love your drawings; they’re very beautiful πŸ€©
But I don’t know if it’s just me, I find it very, very difficult ^^

Thank you for your comment! I just realized I didn’t mention anywhere that you can move the camera with the right mouse button and zoom in/out with the scroll wheel ^^'

I was going to say like the other comments, I had a bit of trouble grabbing the blocks quickly, but it didn’t stop me from having fun.
And I’m not sure why you marked the bouncing platforms as 'not use' I think they’re the most fun to use! ;P
Great work overall! ;)

And you were right, the balancing is the biggest flaw in my game, I think. πŸ˜…
Thanks for your comment! πŸ™‚

Thank you :)

Very pleasant and beautiful game, great work! πŸ˜‰ 

A small compass would be helpful, I lost because I couldn't find the totem. Also, you can keep playing even after the game over! πŸ˜…

I don't usually download Windows games, a bit out of laziness I must admit, but I came across your stream during the jam and it really intrigued me.

And I'm really not disappointed, the game is really beautiful, the atmosphere is really cool and the gameplay mechanics work really well together, little by little we set up our routine of checking, refueling... and I love it.
I just had a bit of trouble with the obstacles, I didn't really understand how to eliminate them, you have to stop close enough and press the button, right?

In any case, congratulations on your game, it's really cool ! ;)

Very fun game, I feel like there are 2 games in one: guess the size and try to make the most beautiful drawing, it's really very cool and I think your choice of colour and object are well chosen πŸ”΅βšͺοΈπŸ”΄πŸ˜œ

This is the kind of game where you think, 'Just one more round, I’m sure I can beat my score,' and you end up playing over and over without realizing it. It's really well done, bravo! ;)
My best score is 104112. A leaderboard would have been perfect, but it might have made the game even more addictive ^^

This game is hilarious from the start screen to the end. The banana running away when you try to scale it had me laughing so hard!
Super original idea and brilliantly executed. Nothing else to say but bravo! =D