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A member registered Oct 26, 2019 · View creator page →

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Really fun game, I love the fact that you can do the track yourself with the French fries, it's really interesting but it makes the game a bit easy I think, I got to the point where there were no more ants to catch, it's a sad there's no end screen ^^
But despite these small remarks, it's a very good game, and especially since it was made in 72 hours! Well done! ;)

Très bon jeu, le style game boy est vraiment très réussi, même la difficulté rappel les jeux game boy ;P
J'ai mis longtemps avant de comprendre qu'il fallait ramasser le coeur pour avoir plus d'une vie et qu'il fallait aller dans la porte noir pour sauvegarder ^^'

Mais sinon très bon travail ! ;)

I did it in 75.0 s :) 

Really nice game and interesting concept. And artistically, as much for the music as for the graphics, it's really very cute and pretty. 

Great job ;)

Hi, here's the twin stick climber I made for this game jam, I hope you have a controller because it's pretty hard with the keyboard '^^

Sorry for that a friend also told me about this problem, I think I should have spaced the rocks a little further apart ^^' 

Thank to you for your kind comment and I'm glad you liked my game ;)

Haha I'm glad the keyboard version pleases at least one person! ^^ Thanks for your comment :)

I understand I'm also very bad with the keyboard, thank you anyway for your comment ;)

Thank you very much, your comment makes me very happy! =D

Your time is not bad at all ;) thank you for your kind comment :D

Very cool game, I love clickers game and I love clicking everywhere :D the graphic style is very pretty and you've almost got me hooked but I still didn't get to the end because I wanted to try out other jam games! ^^ 

But great game, well done ;)

Very good game, you've managed to create a really cool and original atmosphere. And your game is very complete. The hints helped me a lot, especially on the piano where I had no idea what to play... ^^' 

In any case good work ;)

Thank you :)

Really cool game, the dash plus double jump mechanic really lets you do some cool stuff.

On the other hand, for your leaderboard I didn't really understand how to submit, so I press all the buttons and sometimes it works, sometimes not ^^'

I also have some bugs with text placement:

Thank you for your feedback. Yes, it is not easy to gauge the difficulty, and I did not want to add checkpoints because I wanted there to be a real challenge and for players to really be afraid of falling, a bit in the line of Getting Over It or that kind of game ;)

Thank you. Yes heave ho was one of my inspirations ;) 
Really weird, does it only do that in my game or all over your computer? And which controller did you use? 

I'm sorry for what I did but when I saw the leaderboard I wanted to see if you had protected it like I did my game but unfortunately you didn't, I hope you can erase my score and you won't be angry ;P

Otherwise your game is very cool and really fun and my real best score is 13325 ^^ 

Wonderful game your art style is really amazing !
It took me a while to understand that you had to pick up the pieces of the ladders to climb, I thought there was a bug. But once I understood that the game became really interesting and fun, good job ;)

11 m 23 s and 25 saves to reach the end ! I love your game it is really fun, the difficulty is well balanced and everything in your game from art to voice acting is really well done.
If it were a little longer we might think it's not a jam game! ^^ Really good job! :D

It's really weird, I tried on firefox and I still have the same problem, here's a gif of what's happening

but otherwise I managed to launch the game on my mac (on safari) and it's really pleasant and interesting, good job ;)

I finally managed to go beyond 1000 m but it wasn't easy and with 1102 m I didn't go much higher! ^^ 
Very good game, very fun, it's also very beautiful, I love the parralax cardboard effect in the background, it looks really good. Great job! :D

Really good game, the abilities are all different, and all really interesting, but my favorites are beam and cataclysm. That's with them that I got my best score of 5947, but I just saw that I had to have a downloaded version to add a score to the leaderboard. Just out of curiosity, why this limitation?

Good game, the scale mechanic is very interesting and fits well with the theme. However, I had a little trouble understanding how to open certain doors, perhaps you could put indicators to show how much weight is missing. 

The background of the game page is a bit scary, but otherwise your game is beautiful, I really like the style. And your gameplay is very interesting it reminds me of the game I made for the previous ludum dare where we had to select the right people to send into space, but I think you've done a much better job with the concept and your game is much more interesting to play. Really good work ;)

The game is really nice and fun, the camera movement is sometimes annoying because it prevents us from clicking where we want and the fact that you have to click on the fridge icon rather than on the fridge itself confuses me every time I have to open it, so finally I leave it open but it's not really good for the planet ;P

Anyway, I really enjoyed playing your game and your drawings are wonderful ;)

Thank you for your nice feedback :)
What OS are you playing on? Because there's a downloadable version but only for Windows, unfortunately I haven't had time to make one for Mac or Linux :/

I love your game, it's really great! The minialistic style of the drawings is very beautiful and fits in well with the gameplay and the idea of being able to control the difficulty yourself is so clever, my best score after many attempts is 95!

I'm a big fan of factory games, and yours is really well done. It's really very complete and the puzzles are interesting, the pixels art are also very well done and the little bits of humor made me laugh. Good game, congratulations :)

727 for my best score, I was 2 bars away from beating the boss... T_T
Really, really good game, fun, pretty, original idea. I don't have much else to say but good job! :D

It's a nice little game and very pleasant to play, but I have just two small remarks. Sometimes, you can fly too high in space and you lose all sense of direction. You don't know if you're going up or down. I understand that this is part of the theme, but I find it a bit annoying.  Also, I think there should be a restart button. Right now, I have to reload the page to start over. And since I'm not very good, I crash often ^^' 

I'm sorry and maybe I'm stupid but I can't play your game ^^' I click to launch the grapple on the first platform and it makes a little noise and it removes a grapple use but then nothing happens and I can't send grapple anymore. Should I do something else? Do I need to do something with the keyboard or is everything done with the mouse?

It's pretty simple once you understand the concept, but it's still enjoyable. I think it's missing a few things, maybe a little randomness or bonus features to make the game more fun. The graphics are very well done, though. I really like your style.

Thank you for your kind comment, I'm glad you enjoy it. :D

I'm not a big point-and-click player, but your magnificent pixel art with its superb colors pushed me to try a little harder, and in the end I really liked it, and the twist at the end is really fun! You've really done a great game ;)

Ooops sorry I haven't done a lot of keyboard testing on the browser. Thanks for the feedback. I've just added the 2 shift keys to the control, but it seems that the hands get stuck when you use the 2 keys at the same time, and I don't know why :/ 

I had to sacrifice 102 subjects to arrive until the end 🤷‍♂️ ( The light diver are really too strong )

Your game is awesome, the idea and his execution are top, nice reference to portal, the little messages for each robot are very funny, graphics and effect fit well with your game, very good job here ! 👍

Good game, I didn't like the reversed levels but everything else was very cool and well designed, good job ! ;)

Haha in fact I did not think that people would go so far so I stopped putting background ^^

Thanks for your feedback ;)

Thank you :)

Cool game, the graphics are really cool to see that this is not your specialty. The gameplay is nice but I find the indications of what you have in your hand a little too small and maybe it would be better with pictures instead of words.

Haha thank you for your nice comment ! :D