Check her on forest/field on afternoon and you will see her in there.
Recent community posts
As for now, just bring back the Meditation Skill from the Brooch I mentioned before because your Healing skill (Skill Point type) is not even useful or give any benefit at all. What is the point when you have Meditation card on the Upgrade but cant be accessed because you change the effect of it???
Also, this game still lack of the Story and character development because we still dont see the Blonde Nun actual "sex scene" while Red and Purple nun already did. As for his sister, we dont even see the epilogue after escaping from the prison and it just have Credit rolls.
In addition, Gold Brooch should give you Meditation Skill, not Knowledge Anatomy which is USELESS and not functioning at all. How can you guys messed this so badly??? This was fine in 0.80 patch, but now it become rushed and bad updates. I'm sorry to say that I dont like this game anymore because it was fun on way back then, but now its just another bad updates without even fixing them correctly.
If you wanted to add Tactical mode, at least you should nerf the Golem Battle skill where Rock Drop/Slide skill can be removed after certain turn passed like Arachne's Web attack too. Its really annoying where you only have 3 slots left to attack after getting hit by Rock Drop/Slide every few turns and its barely can attack/defend with that remaining slots we have due the effect was permanent until you defeat the Golem and start again with 50% health remaining and card slots get reset again.
Other than that, adding adventure/story mode is fine due not everyone wanted to play hard or being wasting time beating quests and story too. Thats what I wanted to say about next update.
Well, I played this game since their 1st release and every updates they did which I know in and out of this game. I already send many feedbacks to the Devs about the state of game itself and they did balanced the game over time.
However, this update is broken mess compared to previous updates where there are only minor issues and I can deal with them. As for skill issue, I played hundred of games like this and I can tell you that this is rushed and badly made for v0.8 while on v0.65, it was fun and enjoyable.
I think you tried to judge me from how I comment but you are so bad on decision to make, just play this game from beginning once again to see if you can handle it instead of playing on NG+ like a NOOB. Remember, I always play this game from FRESH NG on each updates, not NG+ like others to see the changes completely instead of just skipping the game to latest one.
Yeah, the Devs are literally being jerk to us right now, so many things messed up on this update from missing Arms Trader on Rubber Bliss mission, crafting cant be done regardless of having sets of ingredients to lots of BROKEN mechanics on Goblin and Arachne dodges where they mostly dodge the attack despite it said 15 and 20 percent yet they can dodge 2-3 from 6 attacks which is BS for me.
I HATE this update entirely and I dont want to waste my time at all. Just play 0.65 and it was much better than 0.80
During combat with enemies, we still dont have detailed information about their skills/attacks like Goblin Skill on Theft is still missing and the effect is unknown like what kind of card they will steal (healing, attack, defense or random cards), this will help us to prepare better on what kind of attack they launch and we still confuse about the effect of it. At least make the Monster Encyclopedia with their stats and skills they have.
Thats what I wait for, another expansion on story and some changes in the game too. I will play it from scratch again and see the difference over and over. Many players dont like starting from scratch again, but I dont mind because I can tell which route I need to go even if they changed the way it goes, it will ended in same path again.
Yes, you will restart again from scratch but you also can skip all of them on New Game+ too. The biggest reason why they keep doing this because as updates/patches added, they changed the system which is not compatible with old patches and it will be stopped when they finally released the full version.
Do you Paid for $5-10 or full price??? If you paid for $5-10, then you need to wait for a week to access it. If you paid for full price, you can access them directly as soon as update come.
Thats how rules applied in this game, paying for partial price will not give you direct access to the latest update until next week while on full price, you can access latest update immediately.
There are so many issues with patch 0.45 which i will explain the main problems 1st
1. The new enemies on Lake Dungeon did not have loot drop which is they making it hastily but forget to add them and it is not worth to beat them even on Mission 34 where we get a request from Arms Trader to find the book, beat the Hydra and give the loots back to her again.
2. I dont like the passive Dodge which make our attack missed alot because most of time Goblins and Arachne often evade our attacks like 30-40% chance instead of 25% chance and they will killed you easily as time passed too long. Need some rebalancing on Dodge mechanism, too often spawn on crucial attacks
3. Status effects are extremely annoying especially on this patch where our Protagonists will have really bad time dealing the boss and enemies who have Paralyze, Card Theft, Rot (healing cards will damage instead of recover), Spider Web and Progression Action drain. Please rebalance it heavily or give us Status Potion from Witch Shop to remove the negative effects. Card Theft should be nullified when the we BLOCK the entire damage taken, not the other way.
4. Some Accesories like Necklace and rings still have old patches and it did not work at all. I already equip and unequip but still doesnt work at all.
RIght now, I want you guys to make quick fix soon because this patch is really messed up and I did finish the game but with sour face. Already done on every big updates and I can tell the issue immediately
We wanted a card that can be used to stun/disable enemies in exchange of high cost like 4 or 5 points but we also need to have increase the Stamina pool too. 10 stamina with some new addition cards also will take toll on tougher enemies, it should be increased via Skill Stats too (5 points should be enough).
Provoke or taunt can be added when we have some companion joined the battle too but it will be very long time before we can see them for sure.
1. We need some quests from Vampire girl and Blacksmith quests too, both of them are barely interacted on last 30 missions. Blonde Nun and Red-haired Nun also another a good recommendation too.
2. The Elf still have some bugs when completing quests, I cant see the CG or animation on dating time, its more like they wont show on Gallery while others were present partly due the change in her story which caused conflict on her coding. It need some fixing.
We also need some more gathering side-quests where you need specific materials give to them and gain reward like we have now. Blacksmith will asking for Ores while Executioner will asking for some furs/pelt
The problem is :
1. I do not used Itch Launcher, I just play the game directly from your download links
2. You misunderstood about point 1, what I mean is : if you Click and HOLD CTRL at same time, it caused conflict between skip and clicking, thus clicking will be disabled as long as I hold the left CTRL before clicking to anything on the screen. This was not an issue at older patches, but 0.36 and newer have this issue whenever I did that (Holding CTRL while tried to click on the screen)
In patch 0.35, you can skip the texts while clicking on the screen, but you cant skip like that on patch 0.36 onward because of your change on the settings.
On 0.35 or older, Skip Text was in "ALL TEXT" mode while in 0.36 and newer, Skip Text was in "UNSEEN TEXT". This caused the conflict in coding which I mentioned back on patch 0.36 but you saying that I should turn on the pass, it will fixed itself but it NOT FIXED at all.
This is the screenshot from patch 0.35 and older

The combat is nice to play, but the Boss Battle is basically gone wrong too much, you basically cant beat them if you dont have Good RNG especially against Arachne and Golems where they just screw you up with lots of Disables (Web Spider and Rockfall which stuns you for 2 turns). Need to buff the damage system on Swords and Bows slightly higher (3% is barely have any effect when your base damage is very low) and nerf the Boss disable duration into 1 turns instead of 2 turns, its not funny when you getting killed over and over when get hit by that skills, you just making this game barely playable.
Please rework it again or else nobody will buy this game if you making it way too hard or too easy, just balance the boss skills and buff the sword an bow damage skills slightly better.
At least we have new combat system where certain enemies will have unique way to beat them rather than using bows on all enemies for better damage output which is illogical. Healing and defense cards should be reworked too, we dont want invest too much defense/agility to make us immune against weak enemies, at least we still can take some damage from them but not too little. Healing also need improvement like the bigger our HP is, value also increased too (10-15% of Max HP depending of your stats)
Thats what we need right now, dont rush too much with main story, let us have more side quests and enemies to beat for more experiments
I like the way you guys doing it because our mechanics are just not good at all, bows should be used against flying enemies and swords should be used against normal enemies (beast type). My suggestion is : improve the quality of skills and status information (agility, strength and charisma) to see the true effects instead of just adding but we dont know the value of it.
Another one is we should add another side quests like getting special equipment or cards that can be added on deck and also we should have deck changing system because we cant add or removed cards we have and it still far from useable.
Thats all I wanted to say about this game, its okay if you guys feel not really important but at least weapons and card decks should be reworked for sure.
I know about that, but the problem is they doing it while the work still in development which is not something you would do if you don't finished the game 1st. You can give us paid DLC, but please finish the game 1st before or else your work will be delayed more and more.
That's why there are some backlash from players who play this game and did not like the idea of releasing another DLC in 2 consecutive months (Halloween and Winter DLC). If they added another Christmas or New Year DLC again, another backlash will appear again and they will stop supporting Developers anymore.
The problem is they still far from finishing the game and by releasing another DLC means they intentionally making this game got delayed again. It's better if they finished the game 1st then adding DLC later to make sure they did not stray from their schedule right now. If they released another DLC especially on Christmas or New Year, I wont support them anymore.
Don't delay the schedule for finishing game, DLC can be added later as soon as you finished it. This is the main rule of making projects/games on any company, you failed to do so, you will ruin yourself.
I love it when you guys are very dedicated to make this game better and it will paid well. The only thing that you guys need to improve was the speed of loading the game itself still too slow compared to other games with similar tags, especially interaction and transistion between menu move like a snail. Thats the only issue we have right now and rest of them already in good shape.
Everyone agree with that because of your pacing like a snail and it will cause bored after some time passed. Also, your hints and marks are really bad that it doesnt even activated in 3rd or 2nd level, totally blank. I get tired after playing for 1 hour and maybe need another week to throw this frustation 1st before continue playing. UI, interaction and control was so bad that it killed the fun.
Lol, someone delete my post here because they think my post is cringy, but I said it honestly, no drama at all. I complaint because no guide at all and no hint where I should do the tasks or like an Exclamation Mark (!) to see what we should do. I was being stuck at day 3 because it doesnt say anything about it and some glitches happened when you used old version before Hotfix was being downloaded.