This is a fun and unique concept for a card game. Playing 2 characters each with their own set of cards that synergize and help the other character, it was very fun to play and come up with strategies for. Good job on the game!
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I like the ideas and concepts for the game. The instructions are a bit unclear for the shaping part and I don't like that when leave the shape area and come back to it, it takes you back to the molds. I also wish the final grade was broken down on how it got that score, cause I haven't gotten over an 80 and I think your characters hate me or something.
Overall it's a great game. Needs some polish to it, but I like where you guys are headed. Good job!
Great game and I love the concept of it! The instructions are simple and clear, but it was so difficult for me to actually play it as I don't type or use my keyboard like this and the extra hazards didn't help. I enjoyed that struggle of it as it screamed "skill issue" for not being able to do as well as I thought I could and made me want to play more and get better at it. Again great game and good job on making it!
This is a great game. The features are interesting and well-executed. I think a problem this game has is that it's super difficult when starting out. The tutorial system was great, but after finishing it I still felt like I was being thrown into the deep end. The timer for the deliveries went down way too fast, for at least the beginning of the game and there were no stationary platforms to get your bearings straight. I think for the main base station it would be nice if it was stationary but the player can rotate it.
The game needs some more balancing, but overall the game is great and I like the ideas and direction you're going for it. Good job guys!
I love this game! It feels like you combined ideas from shapez and mini-motorways and executed them together really well. Some critiques I have are some quality-of-life ideas that would be cool to see in future versions of the game, but I understand why they wouldn't be here for this game jam.
- I like your camera system but I fought with it a bit. I wish there were buttons to ascend and descend
- Hotkeys for every button in the game like a keyboard button to select what to build, a key for bulldozing, and a key to manipulate time
- An indicator of how close you are to getting more buildings and also increasing the rate of getting more buildings would be nice
Overall this game is really well done and well polished. The tutorial system is great. The gameplay is enjoyable and it all runs so well. Amazing job! I hope you keep developing this game!
I like the concept! The controls could use a bit of work. I thought it was a button instead of a hover-over thing at first. I also wish the acceptable margin for the correct answer was a bit tighter. I love the scales you used and I wish there were more objects for reference. I also loved the different types of questions you had like the crowd questions.
Overall, great idea! I hope you keep working on it and flesh it out some more.
I got 209 meters!
This is an amazing game! It's a simple idea but executed really well and the balance and pacing for the game felt just right. The player feedback you gave with the coconut warning and hand placements was great. I love the music but wish it kept on looping. There are probably more things you can add to the game to make it feel a bit less repetitive, but even without it, the game was very fun to play all throughout.
Overall this is a great example of a game that stuck to a concept and executed every part of their game well. Great Job!
Great game! I love the concept and the gameplay is pretty fun. I wish there was a timer to know when an order is going to expire and what each station contributes to the network. It would be nice to know which trains are available as I kept spam-clicking on stations trying to send a train over there. I also encountered a bug where I couldn't exit out of the buy menu and had to refresh the game ( I don't remember how to recreate it so sorry about that). And my game wasn't as bright and colorful as your screenshots are. I don't know if that's a problem on my end or what, but I still enjoyed the artwork.
Overall it's a cute and fun game with some strategies you can play around with. Great job you guys!
This game looks great and from first impressions, I loved how it played and the genre of the game. Here are some of my critiques of the game.
- I wish there were keyboard controls for controlling the camera. The mouse controls were fine and I didn't have any problems with them, so I guess this is more of a preference for controls
- More detailed info somewhere about what the buildings do and what they require
- I soft-locked myself when I placed down the mine. I thought I was supposed to place it by the big rock and not near the smaller ones
- The very beginning felt a bit slow when I placed down the house and just waited for more resources to generate
- A clear goal would be nice even if it's something like getting to this amount of money
Despite that, this was still a great and fun game to play. Good job you two!
Thanks for the feedback!
The infinite dialogue was a last-minute bug I couldn't fix. Very unfortunate that it happened and we're currently trying to solve the problem so that you all can experience the narrative. Thank you for your feedback on the movement, we'll adjust it accordingly for the next version. We're also glad that you enjoyed the visuals of the game!
Thanks for trying out our game.
The never-ending dialogue was an unfortunate last-minute bug. When testing the game in Unity there were no problems at all, but the bug occurred after building the game. We're currently trying to fix the bug so that people will be able to read the narrative in our game.
Thank you for the feedback!
We wished we had an extra day to work on this as we didn't test our game till hours before the jam ended. Which of course is bad practice. I feel like we could have resolved many of these problems if we had more time. There were ways we could have used our time more efficiently during the jam, but that's all in hindsight. Each member put a ton of hours into this project and I'm grateful for that.
Great game! Very creative gameplay and is well-polished. The only criticism I have was that it felt very long. I don't know if it's cause I'm bad at the game or not but I made it 2 minutes in and it felt like I made it about 10% there. Also, I wish the banana appeared slower as it was difficult to click it, or there was a button to purposely slow yourself down so you could click on the banana and the other item. Overall, wonderful game you guys did a great job!
Cute game. It's simple but enjoyable. I wish there was an actual counter for the high-score on there and an increase of difficulty over time like more bombs or bigger bombs over time. For your first game jam though, great job on the game!
Edit: Oh I noticed in your screenshots that you do have a score on the top right. I played on the HTML version and the score wasn't there on the top right and the health regen bar is more to the right than in the center.
Thanks for playing!
It's funny that you said that we should leave some breathing room to test the game because we worked on a game jam last week, and we made the same mistake. But once again we overscoped a bit and I thought that I would be able to program everything in time. Man was I wrong 😅. Also, we found out the problem was in the web build if you would like to download and try out the full game without that bug.
Thanks for the feedback, we greatly appreciate it!
Thank you for playing our game!
Yes, it was very ambitious and we had a lot a more we wanted to add to the game like attack animations, another battle, a moving camera during the battle, player feedback in battles, and more. For the HP text, it was a very last-minute add. We did want it to be a bar hovering above the enemy, but I didn't know if I'd be able to implement it properly in time to submit the game.
I appreciate your feedback!
Thank you for playing our game!
Originally we didn't have that targeting system involved, but we thought the combat would be a bit boring so we came up with that idea. We had the idea of an ultimate attack where you have to charge it by successfully attacking or successfully parrying. Parrying would charge it faster than attacking, but we couldn't fully implement it in time. Thank you for your feedback!