Amazing artstyle. VERY long though, it felt like i had seen + mastered everything 2 minutes in, when i wasn't even halfway yet. Also, it wasn't well communicated that you had to click the energy drinks / bananas, or what the solution to mouse being sad / connor getting confused was - took a guess while everything else was obvious. Otherwise, great job!
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The Chaotic Ride's pageHow does your game fit the theme?
The game is based on a day of cyclethon where Connor encounters obstacles and boosts throughout the route.
Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 4 days?
Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 4 days?
OUG! <3
Loved the artstyle! Man do those pixel tyres have a short lifespan (so many van callouts :D).
Nice work.
Incredible art, but I think the game is a bit too long, and the events become a little repetetive.
Loved the sprite work and, wow! This is a unexpectedly good tutorial for a jam game! But as i played it kinda became really monotonous...
Good game, but I think it should be a little shorter because there's not much that can happen to Connor. Also loved your pixel art!
Played the game twice and got 13549 as my highscore lol. I had to have used a whole bottle of sunscreen on both of those runs. Amazing art in this game, very good for the time frame. Your leaderboard seems upside down, the highest score was marked #10 and lowest #1. Other than that the game ran smoothly (I got the downloaded version like you suggested). Pretty original take on the "racing" games. Would have liked to see credits for the music since you said you guys didn't make it (Also capping the audio score, but other than the sfx were great!). Very cool game here
The art in this is nuts!! Brings back fond memories of Cyclethon, and it's a fun little concept to boot. Gameplay got a little repetitive (it didn't help that the music loop was WAY too short for a game that takes 4+ minutes) but it was really original and charming. Great work!
Great work! Your game has a stunning visual style, and everything felt very polished. The gameplay did feel very long and a little tedious, but was still enjoyable. I didn't mind sitting around if it meant I got to stare at the beautiful spritework, haha. Neat idea, great execution!
Great game! Very creative gameplay and is well-polished. The only criticism I have was that it felt very long. I don't know if it's cause I'm bad at the game or not but I made it 2 minutes in and it felt like I made it about 10% there. Also, I wish the banana appeared slower as it was difficult to click it, or there was a button to purposely slow yourself down so you could click on the banana and the other item. Overall, wonderful game you guys did a great job!
Really cute game, But it went on for a very long time. I loved the little bits and the Mouse was greate.
Great visuals and concept. The only thing I would say is maybe starting Connor back a bit to give the player a little more time to click on the bananas, that was the only issue I really had haha.
Great game! Love the visuals, simple gameplay and the Cinnamonke! It took me a while to figure out that I'm supposed to click on Connor and not the icon for oug.
I think there might be a bug with the leaderboard? If you get a better score it does not update if you use the same name again.
I liked the game, even with the tutorial I didn't really get how to activate chat for a bit, until I miss-clicked just in the right spot lol The art is very good and there's a lot of effort in the game. I wish there was a second degree of difficulty near the end, but at the same time I don't know what that could be. Still, a very solid game! congrats!!
Tutorial gets a thumbs up from me. Really nice art and unique gameplay, definitely stands out from the crowd!
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