Very funny and original game. I love how enthusiastic the background characters are. Not sure how the robot is affected by smelly fish...
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Good job finishing what you could. It definitely looks like the start of something. Whether you continue with it or not, hopefully it was a good learning experience and you grew from it. Hopefully for Game Jam 2025 you can put together a more completed project.
Good luck on your game dev journey!
Very good job finishing the game.
This is a very fun game. I really enjoyed it. It was challenging and when I figured out first what the arrows was about and then figuring out the answer, it was super satisfying. I also liked the concept of of the sliding map tiles. This game had many inventive ideas and gave it a very unique style.
I've been thinking about looking into Godot for fun, but not to learn it for a game jam. Haha. Good to know that Godot doesn't have a very high difficulty curve to learn. It'll likely take me more than ten days to learn...
Good job finishing your game!
I had the same thoughts as others had about the game. The difficulty and controls were issues. But I really wanted to comment on what you wrote on your game page regarding your own thoughts on your game. I thought it was very insightful with what worked and what didn't. It's definitely something I need to work on for myself. Through what you wrote, I feel with enough iteration, you would do very well improving this game.
Good luck with your game dev journey!