Hello lads, this is the kind of game that makes my heart hurt and wish that I could find a bigger group of people to work on such games with. I don't use unity but alas, making games is fun when you're by yourself but boy would it be nice to be inspired by someone. My dream game is similar in theme with the occult themes and dark fantasy stuff, procedural animation and all that.. You've done a great job here. Anyways, I wish you the best, your game brings me peace. And I only speak spanish so uh, bom dia. That's the catalan. Cheers.
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Ayy thank you, you can find more of the music creators music here (he was part of our team): https://www.youtube.com/@MiraOfMusic He's a cool guy.
Spooky! Thank you. I agree though, we talked about adding a way to bite bosses and I considered making the webs either have a cool down or limit the range of the web but I found that when you know what you're doing making a screen wide web is actually not a great option compared to making little boxes and waiting on the far side for the boss. But that's a reasonable strategy and I thought it was fine. My brother doesn't know much about keyboard and mouse (he's 14) and his strategy was to fill the arena full of orbs and hope for a lucky hit with big webs. I think both strategies work for different styles. But yeah, probably some editing to the "meta" would be good. Thank you for playing and you constructive criticism though, I am glad to hear your thoughts.
Yeah I forgot to put E in the tutorial ): But I added it to the game page.. which most people don't go to I'd guess. But also, thank you for playing Yword! Your game looks so pretty, I saw some people talking about it on the discord. I have to look through some of your other projects, really cool stuff. Cheers.
Well, it's not the most fun game I've ever played but there's some cool stuff, I suppose. It looks like it was a good exercise, the beam effects are pretty and the sliding and movement is pretty fun. I teleported to the top of the mountains and slide down. That was fun. Come back next year and wow us with a crazy game, I believe in you. (;
A little simple but I'd guess you're earlier on in your journey and by yourself no less. It's quite fun, the movement is pretty dialed in for gravity and friction, I wasn't annoyed by the controls at all, though I'd prefer to use mouse and wasd than arrow keys, if you're on game maker ord("ABC") is your friend .
I like the shooting and the sounds were pretty decent for what they were used for. The pixel art is charming, simple but solid. I like the boss designs, of course they spin but I like the layering of the last boss and the fade outs between phases is pretty nice. The attacks of using the wheel to teleport are thematic and raise the skill ceiling a lot which is nice.
The game isn't punishing at all, I got hit a bunch of times (because I suck lol) and I only went down to like 40% which is probably okay for a jam.
Well composed but a little barebones. It was fun!
I appreciate the kind words, maybe I will adjust some things moving forward but the game is finished. I do kind of want to add controller support and maybe even local multiplayer just because those things would be simple and make the game more fun in a goofy way (well, the multiplayer). But by and large, we wanted to make sure the game was done by release so we tried to reign in the scope creep lol. If you have any specific suggestions for things you'd like to see added I'd consider doing so, totally open to adding things if we realize they'd be a great addition. Thanks again for your support. <3
Well, I am not a card game person whatsoever, turns out, so I didn't really play much but from a dev standpoint the clicking and menus and presentation are all very solid. The artwork is simple but well used and the composition of the screen is well done. I liked how whenever you click a carm it shows it to you on the right, I don't know how standard that is, probably quite. Overall, I see what you're going for here, the build quality is high. I cannot speak whatsoever on the fun or difficulty because I did not interface with those elements. (terminal skill issue)
Classically i wasn't very good at it.. lol. I'm sure people who played my game also felt the game was pretty difficult but that's how it goes. (NOTE the web player might have been playing in slow motion? The speed of the game would change sometimes and obviously my critique that the game is slow paced doesn't really apply in that case, but I don't know.) Couple things though, I think the theme (not spin but the game's theme, art, design, ect) is well done and the atmosphere is obvious and quite entertaining.
The loop of the game is easy to understand and pretty fun but I think the game suffers from a lack of telegraphing and the controls are a bit simple/rigid for a game that involves some slightly more complicated weapons to use (attacking in movement direction is a bit awkward). I also thought that the movement on the player could be quickened as it's pretty floaty. I really like the different phases of the main boss and the audio queues are very nice in their job of directing the game's progression. The game could use some general juicing up and maybe the enemies should take knockback or some kind of response to damage would make them feel more impactful and fun.
Overall the game is fun and you instantly understand what you should be doing and want to see the fight progress but it is a little barebones in places. That is my review, nice job guys. (: