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Wauhaus Production

A member registered Jul 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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Really great idea with a polished execution! The use of the limitation on the second floor of the tower is SOOO cool, loved it! Also the art style and music integrate perfectly with the game, one of the best of this jam imho!

Great game! I love the idea of actually being able to carry only two items at a time without a backpack, and the execution was marvellous: not only are the sprite and animations cute, but the music is a banger too!

On a sidenote, I don’t really want to kill froblins. I want to hug them. I want to be frogged.

Great idea and execution! I particularly love the fire spreading mechanics and animations, and the items on the background taking fire is really a nice touch.

It gets difficult pretty fast, but its quite manageble for the most of it: I would have removed the timer if you wanted to focus more on the combat with the policeman, but I can see it adds an element of urgency to the game that otherwise would be there. Another suggestion I have is that I you could make the enemies take damage from the fire: this way one could decide where to let the fire spread in order to kill them while balancing the need to put it out after.

But I’m rambling, overall it was really fun! Keep it up!

Really promising idea, unfortunately the realization still needs some work.

The concept of a dungeon building game is one I find always appealing, and here it is made even more appealing by the cool art style, but unfortunately I couldn’t progress further than level 4 because heroes got stuck on each other: seeing as they don’t really need to collide with anything you could remove the collisions altogheter! Another thing I’ll say is in a possible post-jam version the room upgrades will need some way to visually distinguish them, be it a number overlayed on top or completely different sprites.

I would also allow heroes to move together to gradually increase difficulty. As I said, as a proof of concept this game has much potential, if you keep working on it and give the player a little more action you can make it a really fun game!

Oh yeah this has big Disco Elysium energy for me

Thank you so much! Yeah, service workers are the real heroes!

Thank you! <3

Thank you so much for the in-depth feedback, it really helps us out a lot! We agree that the design should have been tuned more to force the player to look at the orders more, unfortunately time slipped away and we didn’t have time to do proper playtesting and balancing! ^_^’

Thank you, loved your game too!

This is SO GOOD! From the art style to the puzzles, really a bite-sized fun experience that utilizes the limitation well to make a great game. A very simple and clever idea polished to a brim, love to see it! <3

Really cool idea! The thought of combining only two alchemical elements to achieve different effects is such a great one for the limitation: as a proof of concept this really works, and I would love to see an expanded post-jam version of this!

One thing I’ll say is that right now the game lacks a bit of feedback to the player: it’s not easy to spot when you’ve been hit or what each element does to enemies, making it more difficult to understand how they interact in combo. Nothing you couldn’t add with just a few more hours of development though, overall the game is fun!

Cute and simple, I like it! As Allegrak said I liked the idea of the map showing the various levels one can play, and the game mechanics per se were quite fun. Also, I like the implication that saving civilians is totally optional ^_^’

Wow, this is GREAT! I’m amazed at how you managed to create all this in only 72 hours, it’s incredible!!!

There’s so much love and soul in everything here, from the art style to the soft music and ambience sounds. Not only that, the game is really fun both in its mechanics and writing: I love the simple but profound combat, the addition of “perfect timing” to deal additional damage provides a really nice challenge.

And the story. If this was based off a D&D campaign you played I would have loved to be there with you: not only the premise is incredibly intriguing, but the ending moved something in me that I didn’t think a jam game could. If game design is all about evoking emotions and experiences then you two are incredible designers and storytellers. On that note, great dialogue! I didn’t expect a branching narrative but you really surprised me, and the narration is extremely evocative while keeping concise.

The only criticism I could have has to do with performance, which unfortunately was a little poor when playing in the browser (I use Firefox, that may have something to do with it?), but it’s nothing you couldn’t fix with a few more looks at the code.

Onestly I’m amazed no-one has commented yet, this is really a gem! Keep up the good work, both of you!

I really like the music and the art!

I’m probably a super noob, i wasn’t able to destory even a pile of bones :D


Really interesting idea. The absence of light gave to the guardian angel a nice explorative function. I like the division of roles between the two characters. The inventory limitation was not really used, since in my playthrough i never had more than one object in the inventory. I really liked it! Keep up the good work!

Very impressive as a first game! I’m looking forward for more of it!

This is INCREDIBLE! The art and music are amazing and the bird animations had us genuinely shoked by their beauty and fluidity: it really shows you’re both extremely skilled artists with so much talent.

The game itself is a really nice experience too. Albeit short, taking the time to explore this beautiful painting and admire the stunning visuals and animations is really fun and pleasurable, would love to see an expanded version with more quests and art. Heck, I would actually buy it!

If this is a proof of concept of a bigger project as you mentioned in the game’s description, you’re really headed for greatness!

Incredible take on the theme and limitation! The concept is so cool, a “match-three” game becoming “match-two” where you have to carefully manage your resources to beat the level, love it! ^-^

I would also like to praise the incredibly cute art, the charming music and the design behind each hero ability: they all come toghether as a cohesive whole that has me shoked thinking you did all this in only 72 hours! Genuinely one of the best games I’ve ever seen being mad during a game jam, you even had a tutorial! <3

Wow, this was so fun!

The use of items to expand the player’s moveset while simultaniously limiting their use for each level is such a great idea, and it allowed for some really cool level/puzzle design. Great work on the art department too, the animations are so snappy and well done.

Would love to try a post-jam version, keep up the good work! :)

Thank you for the precious feedback! We had in mind to create a brief interactive tutorial but unfortunately time run out on us and we weren’t able to implement it. Still, we’re glad you liked the idea and story, it was an idea we found extremely funny when brainstorming and decided to go with it for this very reason. We’ll surely consider working on it a bit more when the jam ends, so thank you again <3

Thank you, we’re glad you liked the idea! Maybe it was a tad too ambitious for a game jam, but we’re happy we were able to deliver something you found fun! :)

Ahahahah, totally unbiased! ^_^’

Thank you so so much! We really appreciate your comment, especially since this was our first project working togheter. Looking forward to surprise you with an ipotetic extended version! ^-^

Thanks for the feedback, we’ll surely work to make the game more clear!

Thanks for the kind words, we are glad you liked the feel for the game that we went for! Hero pathfinding is unfortunately incredibly broken, but we’ll surely revisit it when the jame ends!

Thank you for your comment! Yeah, we admit the game is quite confusing and a little bit broken, and we’ll sure add some sort of indicator for heroes becoming sus!