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A member registered Jun 28, 2016 · View creator page →

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Holy cow this is fantastic. Such a beautiful and unique take on the theme. The art is beautiful and the puzzles were engaging.

Pretty! I couldn't figure out the crafting system, but the visual effects were nice.

WOW! Really good puzzles that work perfectly with the theme. Well done!

haha yeah I wish we had more time to tweak the difficulty curve. glad you enjoyed!

I'm sorry! the game sounds interesting, would love to try a fixed build after the voting period!

Very cute! Love the concept! The double jump felt a little slippery and hard to control at first, but I got the hang of it.

Wow I really really love this concept and execution. I could see you expanding on these puzzles even further!

love the concept and the arty style so much! wish the dogs moved and destroyed things a little faster though!

same, can't run. only the exe file was uploaded :(

404 :(

love the pixel art style and color palette! had trouble with the jump button just not working after the first few seconds... did I do something wrong? I could keep burrowing down but not get back up.

This is the first game in the jam I went replayed several times! The the way you need the light to see but can't defend yourself is a fantastic take on the theme. Also the art is great and the monster sounds were actually scary.

Fun! Enjoyed the day/night cycle, but felt like night never ended up being dangerous enough for me to not just keep running for resources. I wasn't entirely sure what the pattern was with which turrets I could upgrade in which order? 

enjoyed the music! had a hard time figuring out which bridges i could disconnect vs. which ones were permanent? also, I think some of the enemies were able to go over a disconnected bridge?

Nice, like a cuter I am legend haha. I enjoyed the music and sound effects, not to mention this is a pretty accurate summary of what it's like to walk an overly friendly dog. 

i'm getting a javascript error, not able to run :(

love the music and art! after a few levels, the exit orb was blocked by the barrier walls and i wasn't able to progress :( would love to try an updated build after the jam!

fun! a few moments where i thought i was definitely stuck, but then figured out the solution at the last minute... always a great feeling in a puzzle game.

love the concept of the dog walking the human! enjoyed both the regular game and the infinite mode, even though i wasn't super good at either! 

was able to get download build to run but not embed. was fun to play both as a single-player game with both hands, and as a co-op game with my partner! we were able to get 31 as our high score!

This is such a gem! It straddles the line well between zen and stress. Great job!

Enjoyed the concept and the music! Took me a minute to figure out what to do but then ghosts started flooding in from a hallway and instinct took over.

Wow that was really cool, very french-moody vibe with the art, music, and writing. Also when is building things not fun?!

Congrats on making your first ever game jam. Since you asked for feedback, here's a couple notes :)

  • A like the jump sound effect, it complements the pixel art style! It would have been nice to have a sound for when you take damage, too (I didn't realize I was taking damage at first)
  • Nothing happened for me when I merged with the flub in the top right corner
  • Maybe I took damage from the boss too quickly, but I couldn't beat it with just the starting attack (or I gave up after several seconds)
  • I liked the changing weapon abilities with the colors!

oh no! sorry, it'll take me a day or two to get access to a mac to test on but I'll try to get a fix posted soon. any details about why it won't open?

would like to submit for the free games / collection of supporters, if you are still accepting submissions.

interesting concept! took me a minute to figure out how to start the game, but eventually i realized i had to hit up. 

the game was... difficult for me. using the "instrument" to shoot out notes felt quite unresponsive, and notes often came in such large clumps that it was impossible to jump over all of them, meaning that you eventually fell down into a cloud of red notes. because of this, i often felt like it wasn't even worth trying to collect green notes, since it was safe to just focus on avoiding the reds, since the greens were always surrounded by reds.
i also didn't quite understand the point of "playing" the different notes A-G? as far as i could tell, there was no impact on gameplay? also, using the literal letters A, B, C, etc. was a little confusing, since they are not all in a row on the keyboard, meaning that i had to process for a second to figure out which note was which, and would often accidentally hit a button that didn't do anything.

i enjoyed the concept of gaining fans, and the idea of a music themed endless runner. however, and it might be because this is just not my normal style of game, or it might be that the game runs at a different speed on different processors? but idk... this game felt frustratingly difficult in an unfair way. when i died, i usually wasn't left thinking "ohhh i should have jumped differently" or something,,, it usually felt like "well, there was no way i could have avoided that :/" 

i liked the art and the music style, but just wish i could get farther in the actual game.

any luck on fixing the windows version? or do you have like, a playthrough video or something?  i'd love to see it, sounds really interesting!

Cute! I liked that it's a multiplayer game, and simple enough for two people to play on the same computer. Minimalist but fun. The jumping seems a liiiiittle glitchy at times - sometimes i'll jump, almost reach a platform, start falling to a lower platform, then suddenly warp up to reach the platform i didn't quite reach? it might be something with how you're handling the collision detection? Overall, a nice little  game!

Looks interesting, and definitely has a complex menu system, but... I can't actually play the game? I started making my character, but more and more of the buttons either don't do anything, or take several clicks to register? Like, on the screen where you are building the character.  Also, many of the drop-down selections don't actually have any options... Once I have selected my band mates, I'm trying to click "Start New Game" but... nothing happens?
Also, there's no way to exit out of the band creation page to go back to the main menu?

Once I exited and restarted the game, I was able to click Continue for some reason (even though I never actually played the game before?) 

Once I loaded this saved game, I'm able to do some of the actions, but... the game is so incomplete (and so many of the actual options are just filler text) that it's hard for me to understand what is actually going on?

I managed to release a song, but it doesn't seem to have any impact on the rest of the game?

There are definitely a lot of complex systems that you're working on here, but honestly I'm not sure how to review or provide feedback at this point, since the build seems to be so early in progress that few of the actual game mechanics are playable? 

I do enjoy tycoon games, and it looks like you are setting this up to be an interesting one. I hope to check back in the future to see the game once it's a little more playable!