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A member registered Jan 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Played this with a few friends and it was wild, honestly one of the best games in the jam!

This game made me hate strawberries, Apple protagonist / 10.

Honestly one of the best games in the jam, really fun AND challenging though I wish the enemy projectile speed was lower (especially the big snowballs, if you don't see them coming you're dead) definetely one of the top 5!

I thought I couldnt submit my result because I took too long... lol

Fun game and really creative mechanics, I also like that it has a leaderboard!

I'll keep that in mind when  updating the game! I should've put some reminders that you can reverse, because you're supposed to reverse if you crash...

Really challenging for sure, maximum I could survive was 25 or so seconds, I really like the santa animation and the voice lines specially the "I will surgically turn you into an elf" one, it's funny.

The sensibility was way too low but the game was really good, love the graphics.

The idea is nice however the game is way too easy the enemies don't ever feel like a threat, and there is a lack of enemy variety. The art is nice though.

Fun game, I like how open the map is and the b l o o m looks nice

Wasn't sure what to do after delivering the first package but it was still entertraining to wander around the map and talk to every npc.

I expected this to be easy, but it was quite challenging to time it just right, which was a nice surprise! The art is also really nice!

Quite fun, I like the animations.

Yeah, I'll make the post jam version easier, didn't have much time for balancing during the jam.

Good to know that santa not being able to read my writing wasn't clickbait 10/10, made me realise how bad I am at maths.

Finally, It's here!

A very good game (as expected from soft :D), very challenging  and the bullet patterns  are absolutely awesome.

Nice artwork, and interresting patterns, however the bullets always despawn before reaching the bottom and you can't autofire, nice game overall though.

The idea of leveling up and gaining different weapons for different slots is so cool, the visuals could be better but this is hella fun, great job!

A great game, the green enemies feel like they teleported too quick but I think thats intended, I haven't any critique for this game it just feels great!

Music is pretty nice and so are the models, personally I think the game would be much more fun if it was more fast paced as the turning and moving are pretty slow you could add some polish to when taking damage as well as it is not very clear when you take damage or not, still quite a nice game overall.

Great audio (especially the music) and amazing visuals, I love the bloom and particles, though the player hitbox is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too huge, it makes it feel quite unfair for the player since the movement is kinda smoothed (not sure how I would describe it) sadly there's a bug in stage 2 where no more enemies spawn and you basically don't have anything to do which is sad considering how great the game is, I also didn't notice I was taking damage sometimes but that's a pretty irrelevant thing. Overall, great job!

thanks! now that i think about i really should have added space bar to shoot :p

The game looks nice overall and it's a pretty creative idea however i think you make it clearer when the boss takes damage, and the movement can be a bit weird sometimes.

Thanks for the feedback! I agree the sfx isnt great, and the music is a bit quiet in this build, i should have made it more clear that you can change the volume in the pause menu :p

Very fun game! I like the simplistic visuals and how everything is animated it looks really nice in my opinion, it's good as is however I think if the player were a little bit faster and there was an indication of how much health left the boss has it would be even better. Great work!

oh dang i changed the sfx volume this build because people were complaining about it being too quiet, you can still change the volume in the pause menu though!

This is what we have lived for

the good option will hopefully come out soon...

taking notes.


im in the wasm version btw

(1 edit)

im stuck at the intro...

glad you liked it, quite impressive that people liked the map i made in the last 10 minutes of the jam :D 

Little way too hard but other than that it's perfect