A fun idea and competently executed! Actual Intelligence is pretty clever; I could imagine a decent amount of potential by running with that. I’m glad to see folks throwing in Mark Brown into their games as well, lol!
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Here’s my review! Definitely a solid interpretation of the theme I’d say overall, and well executed for the 48 hours. I like the presentation featuring the number of the level within the level itself, that’s a nice visual. I had a few graphical hiccups here and there–sometimes when a level would load, either my character or the boulder would be at the far edge of the screen, while the other was where they were supposed to be. Usually, moving around would get them to align, and when it didn’t a restart would, so nothing game breaking!
Additionally, few of the levels felt pretty tight and fiddly with the controls, so that’s something to think on if/when you iterate on this idea. Level 11 in particular was one that came to mind–the concept of the level itself works, but getting out of the first tiny gap was oddly difficult. Still, a solid entry nonetheless for the jam!
I know I didn’t mention say it explicitly in my comment initially, but it was in my attempts to click on the first level (which resulted in nothing happening) that made me make the comment in the first place. I only had functionality with the Back button, none of the numbered level buttons were selectable at all. I’ve posted a screenshot of how it looked for me.
I did mess around, however, and it turns out to have just been something on my end! Turns out the Google Chrome add-on Privacy Badger had blocked the scripts that let me play levels in your game.
Took me half a second to understand the mechanics since I managed to cut through an early puzzle but having one of the Bros bounce on the head of the other bro to avoid an obstacle, but after a quick read of the instructions to recognize the Shift key, I started having a good time! The tractor beam sound is a very satisfying one, and I liked seeing the bros go -_- when they were pulled in lol. I think overall you made a solid game for this jam!
I'll wait to review to figure this out first. For whatever reason, I seem to be stuck at the title screen. When I go to press start, I'm sent into full screen and only capable of clicking the back button. When I hover one of the numbers for the letter, my mouse cursor turns into a 🚫 symbol. Using WASD or Arrow keys doesn't seem to do anything either. If this happens to be something on my end potentially, or another issue, let me know if there's a fix! The music had a pretty catchy riff, at least :)
I think there's a solid concept for a puzzle here! But I greatly would have appreciated a clear description on what was necessary to actually activate the other robots on the field, especially since the first three levels before the robot is introduced do explain themselves. And maybe even getting to those puzzles a bit quicker; this is meant to be the defining feature of the game, after all! I spent a lot of time pressing every single key combination I could think of before I managed to line up my robot for the tether to automatically join.
That being said, once it I figured that out, I got some good puzzle juice out of it! I might have preferred getting the capacity to tether and un-tether at a button press, rather than walking up to it, but I think that there's a workable concept that you can iterate on. A good effort made for 48 hours!
Hey, pretty good idea! It took me a good second to really get a sense of what was going on, the control feedback was a little unclear. I'd try clicking on things, and sometimes the minigames wouldn't pop up or I wouldn't tether to the oxygen supply. But I think this could turn into a fun challenge when iterated on, I get the sense adding even more minigames of increasing difficulty as you progressed, or maybe letting the player have input on how their ship gets built over time and making the ship's creation a minigame in itself, rather than then spawning from the aether. A lot of choices!
A great aesthetic, I'll say right out of the gate; super solid boops, fun little guys, it's all spot on. It's a little wonky getting used to WASD on the isometric grid, and getting a way to cycle through all the robots more conveniently would be a plus. I could imagine this working great on a mobile set up, or maybe just adding mouse functionality to move everyone around instead. Still, a great base, something totally worth iterating on!
I didn't bother looking at the controls in your page at first, so I was stuck at the title screen for a bit before I realized was possible, but when I figured it out I felt pretty cool! I feel like the conceit makes for a solidly fun puzzle platformer, I think just making the execution clearer would really be what sends it to the next level. I wasn't sure if there were meant to be specific pivot-point blocks that I was supposed to be pivoting off of, or if I was supposed to be pivoting off of the mouse cursor at times since sometimes I would be able to pivot off of nothing in mid-air. But, cool idea all the same!
A pretty nice rendition of the jam concept, a very crunchy vibe to the whole thing to be certain that is humorous in some spots and a little grating in others. I could see having the challenge be Green Ball has to avoid Red Blocks while collecting Green Ones, and that being vice versa for Red Ball becoming an interesting direction to iterate on this idea, rather than only worrying about the Green Blocks. I will admit it was very confusing that the start screen explicitly tells me not to collect green blocks when that is, in fact, the goal of the game. Still, great job getting something out!
Interesting conceit! I didn't mind the idea of having to read ahead. I'm not quite sure it strictly adheres to the jam theme--I didn't personally get the complete sense I was joining the rooms together as an intentional choice on my part. But the presentation was quite good!
A few things I'll note:
1) The shortcut provided in the zip file doesn't work, since it is looking for the pathway on the original C:\ Drive it was made on. Launching the game application from the Bin folder does work, however.
2) The first plasma puzzle has some kinks to iron out in it. Having a clearer understanding of when the block would take a plasma ball left, downward, or right, would be useful. I wasn't clear whether or not it going downward as intentional or not even after it passed through the block as well.
3) Every time I went into the room after the first plasma puzzle, the screen would remain black and I would fall straight down. I don't know whether that was intended or not either!
A classic idea with a fun rendition of the jam's theme. A few audio hiccups here and there, and definitely pretty easy to get overwhelmed even on the second wave and have the battery surrounded by zombies without a fast enough method to clear them out, but high score nature and quick respawn makes that all more agreeable. Still, I can't help but imagine some kind of AoE electric discharge that you use at the expense of fuel, or maybe having the pea-shooter style gun be something you have access to while disconnected that stuns the zombies, while being connected to the battery gets you a more powerful electric strike. Or maybe another direction you could iterate on, who can say!