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Tyrone Parry

A member registered Jun 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Vey cool idea! Also cute art. Couldn't get past level three, that's on me! but the blocks resetting each time made it less enjoyable after a while... But love the concept, and the scale mechanic, and the art was super cute! would play id developed into a full game

Took me ages to work out you need to shoot at the floor in order to move, and then I immediately got trapped in a wall by building the blocks under me... LOVE the concept! May not be the game for me, but very cool idea! Cool graphics too!

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Love the concept! Missed a jump in the fourth level and couldn't get back up from a catch 22, so maybe a "restart level" button? But great game and I like the use of a puzzle platformer and the take on scale

I don't understand? I made it like the mindsweeper map but it still wasn't right. Couldn't get past first level. Shame because I like the concept, just no clue how to do it!

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How do you play? It says you could scale but I couldn't work out a control to change size? I tried all the buttons (in browser) There are no instructions. Also, the gun doesn't seem to do anything... What is the game? Are you mean't to shoot?

Didn't really understand how the cogs worked? They only seemed to work in specific places and some didn't appear to do anything? You could buy as many as you wanted but couldn't place them all. Brace button did nothing, and there was an option for tutorial but it didn't work... If there was a tutorial, I'm sure the game would be really good! I usually really enjoy these kinds of games, but I couldn't work this one out myself

Thanks for the feedback! The idea is to scale up and down the ring with Z and X to dodge the obstacles and to use the mouse as more of a nudge in the right direction.

Hi, the jam is 'built to scale' and in this game you scale your loop up and down to dodge obstacles. The world of the game is also in different scales -  ranging from being inside an eye, to atomic scales, to the universe.

Really like the scaling transitions between the stages, really impressive especially with Pico-8! I found the wall jump to be extremely frustrating.

It seemed like the jump was higher when using arrow keys vs WASD, it wasn't clear in the description whether this was a mechanic or not. I really like the level design, a little tricky for me but a good idea!

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This is an amazing idea, I didn't know that this was even possible! I may be getting a bug or don't fully understand the window aspect ratio mechanic but I was unable to get a photo of the moth, it's likely the latter! I just tried playing again and showing my wife and I totally misunderstood and this was a really cool little game! 5 stars! 

My wife says: Adorable graphics and really fun game. Love the scaling aspect, how creative! Played it all the way through and love that you can save your little photos too!

Really like the idea. Controls were a little tricky to get used to.

Like the idea. However, felt that some of the physics were a little buggy and blocks seemed to fall for no reason.

Really neat idea. I found myself getting quite frustrated while striving for the perfect fit, but also couldn't stop playing until I got it! Loved the music and the little squash and stretch in the animation.