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A member registered Oct 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks! We really tried to widen the scope of the game as much as possible with the different characters, while trying to keep each mechanic interesting. Glad you enjoyed it 

Thanks for your kind words, pumped to read that you enjoyed it so much :D

Thanks for your praise, glad you liked it

That's a great idea! I'm stealing this as my head cannon for what was the initial "origin story" of the Robber, before the glitches and what is seen in the game as is now. 

Happy to see someone saw the clues towards the electrical panel puzle and got it right! Happy to hear you enjoyed it, and thanks for the feedback.

Gracias por el comentario y por todos tus halagos. Nos alegramos de que lo hayas disfrutado tanto. 

Glad you liked so much. Thanks for the feedback, of course, there actually are two possible endings, either upload the "bad guy" or not, but yes, we would have liked for those two choices to be more branched.

Thanks a lot! Glad you enjoyed the story and hope that sense of realism made you really question your final decision

The fact that it's not your type of game, but you still played it and left a comment means a lot! Thanks for the praise

Thanks! We put a lot of effort into preloading shaders and effects so the gameplay would feel smooth, happy to hear it did

Nice job, very akin to Hearthstone, it shows promise as a solid structure. The cards for minions and spells that you implemented offer strategic depth. While it needs polish and additional core mechanics, a tutorial, or more information, the foundation is there. With the right tweaks, it could turn into an engaging and immersive card-playing experience. Looking forward to seeing how this game evolves into a polished gem!

Actually liked it. It does have that celeste vibe going, it could achieve it with some good polishing and more time. The snow and ice theme really helps make it feel more cohesive and with some music and minor upgrades you have really something going on. Hope to see something from you in the future!

A surprising gem! I had a hard time with this game until something clicked and I really got the appeal. Switching between fast and low damage guns and slow, high recoil and damage penetrating bullets really gives it a great feel of tactics. I wish there were more powerups around, but still enjoyed it. Great fun and ended up wining in the end. Keep it up!

A cool and refreshing experience. The procedural tower ensures a frustration-free journey, and the basic enemies add a nice touch without overwhelming the player. However, the collecting of treasure seems a bit off. Some constructive feedback: consider tweaking the rewards to make the treasure more meaningful, providing players with a stronger incentive to explore (health or arrows to buy). Excited to see how this already impressive game evolves with the tweaks!

A simple yet intriguing concept. The diverse effects, from changing the scale to adding new squares, promise an engaging and dynamic experience. It's a straightforward mechanic that can lead to endless possibilities and strategic thinking. Looking forward to exploring the potential outcomes if you continue its development!

(1 edit)

Hey, I see what you did there ;) Thanks for the compliments, glad you liked it so.

That means a lot. So happy you enjoyed it even if it's not your style. Hope you found something new by playing it.

Thanks a lot. We did put some dialog choices that lead to different conversations and lore to find. But yes, all jam games are more proof of concept than anything, and we would have loved to be able to expand our game as much as possible to incorporate something like that.

Thanks! Happy to hear all those details really improved your experience. I'll be sure to check your game too soon ;)

Still, thanks to you too on your kind words. We put a lot of care into combining the art, music and writing to give that vibe, so glad you all appreciate it.

Yes, it was a feature we planned to add, but we had so many others that made the game what it is. Glad you still liked it and thanks for the compliments and feedback.

Thanks! There was a lot of work put into everything, including the writing. There are even some secrets hidden behind certain dialog choices at the end.

Thank you! Hope you enjoyed the game as well :)

Thanks for your comment, we really tried to evoke that 80s cop thriller style.

As its pixel artist, thanks :D

Thanks for you comment, we tried to be subtle about the theme, but incorporate it in all the game (the scales of justice, the scaling operation and game modes, the tilting of the scales at the end...). But most important is that it was enjoyable.

Thanks for your feedback! What kind of games you like? We may want to switch it up for the next jam

Thanks for your kind words, as the pixel artist of this project it really means a lot. Glad you had fun!

Thanks, we wanted the operation to scale even more, but happy to hear you enjoyed the game modes we had!

Thanks a lot, happy to hear you enjoyed the twist. Did you trust Him?

Yes, it's designed for mouse play. Our last game did support touchpad, but for this one we liked a more PC experience. Thanks for trying it out anyway, and I hope you get a chance to replay it on a computer and enjoy it :)

Thanks for the compliments!

A unique and engaging experience. The need to switch scales adds a layer of strategy, and the bonus system with stored powers is a clever mechanic, rewarding skilful gameplay. It's all a refreshing twist. Looking forward to diving back into the action and mastering the art of aquatic warfare!

A delightful challenge of a puzzle game. The difficulty level adds to the fun, and the satisfaction of finding the right combinations keeps you hooked. It's a clever twist on the matching game genre. Looking forward to more strategic card-shuffling enjoyment!

A very interesting game. The ever-increasing maze sizes provide a good challenge, and the lighting and art style cleverly guide players toward solutions, without giving it away. Are the mazes procedurally generated? I swear they were getting more and more complex. Looking forward to seeing how this intriguing concept develops!

This game was a trip! Dodging enemies and growing bigger was as expected, but that jumpscare adds a cool, unique vibe, fitting the atmosphere of the game. It's a weird but cool experience. I hope to see what you do next!

È stato un vero gioiello! La scelta e il controllo della propria melma, la crescita attraverso l'incorporazione di altre e il pericolo incombente di essere mangiati creano un'esperienza dinamica e coinvolgente. L'adattamento di suoni e animazioni aggiunge un livello immersivo. L'estetica gradevole, con una grafica stilizzata da cartone animato, giochi di luce e ombre credibili, rende il gioco visivamente piacevole. E mi è piaciuto molto il fatto che il gioco si adatti alla lingua del PC. È stato fantastico.

This was a true gem! Choosing and controlling your own slime, growing by incorporating others, and the looming danger of being eaten create a dynamic and engaging experience. And the adaptation of sounds and animations adds an immersive layer. The pleasing aesthetics with stylized cartoon graphics, plays of light, and credible shadows make it visually delightful. And I really liked that the game adapts to the language of your PC. This was awesome.

Sure, it's rough, but it's got potential! I know it's a test, but there's something oddly satisfying about cruising around, and the mechanics all work as intended (I actually had fun colliding and sliding against the sloped rock wall). With a bit more polish, this could turn into a full game. Keep at it – looking forward to seeing where you take this!