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Winged Souls

A member registered May 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you! Will do :)

Hello, thanks for the feedback! Not sure what the issue is here as the start button on the controller sends you back to the menu, but shouldn't send you to quit the game after that (which is what causes a crash, which is usually fixable with reloading) - will look into it.

Thanks for the feedback! Unfortunately the game runs in a fixed resolution so you will need to make your browser full screen before playing.

Satisfying gameplay - though the combat is deceptively simple (didn't know how to attack for like 30sec at the start) it's actually a really cool mechanic and it was fun to space attacks properly and later on, group up enemies and go between them to attack them all at once while avoiding their attacks. Upgrade system was also well done and made it exciting to roll for items with high stats. Great job!

Game feels fair and fun to play! Was too impatient to keep progressing but love how tightly the level design is done around the control loss. Aesthetic of the game looks great too. Great interpretation of the prompt and implementation as a core mechanic! 

(1 edit)

Nice work! Loved the theme interpretation and integration into gameplay, as well as the core mechanic and how everything damages the timer. I suck at dodging games so I didn't get to the end of any level but the time stop cooldown kept throwing me off - kept wanting there not to be one (which could make it feel more fluid being able to move through levels without waiting), or at least a visual (other than the small text in the corner) or audio indicator for when you could use it again. Otherwise really like what you've got going!

(3 edits)

Really impressive work! Everything fit together very well - the sound design and animations complemented each other well, the game looks polished and the gameplay was fun and tight. Great music too. Agree with everyone saying that it would be more interesting to be forced to choose between 2 upgrades instead of being able to opt out. Could also have been entertaining (if impractical) to be able to see every accrued upgrade listed between levels. Incredible effort! 

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Good solid simple fun. Love the art style and gameplay - enjoyable to lure around the farmers for a bit extra depth. On the feature wishlist could be higher value collectables spawning more often in more risky places (eg in that pen with the farmer inside with only 1 entrance) but I get that could have been hard in the timeframe. Already good fun nonetheless!

Great job! Love the simplicity of the controls as well as the look of the cars and drift particles, as well as the split path in the forest course.

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Really great interpretation of the theme into gameplay! Love the visuals of the echolocation and the simplistic sound design of it works well. Agree with the forced camera movement feedback - makes it a bit hard to react to when reaching new areas, giving more of a feeling of relying on memory of what part of the screen you have to move to in each section (although this could have been intentional). Great job and execution regardless!

Really love the art and writing as well as the amount of character all the animals have! Especially like the perspective from which the game is played. Great job!

(2 edits)

Great job all around - loved the variety of minigames which had a fair level of challenge as well as the detail put into the vast amount of art and animations and cliche filled writing. Audio was also very good!

(1 edit)

Love the gameplay loop and concept - feels well balanced! Audio was also cool - clean pixel art also. Great job! Only sad thing was that you couldn't serve pancakes like in the title screen :(

Love the look and feel of the game, especially when you land the 3rd sweeping attack on a bunch of enemies! Agree with the camera comment otherwise great job!