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A member registered May 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks for trying it!   It could be a lot more fun but i ran out of time.

you are not the first one to tell me that they didn't know what to do at first.   I really need to make it more clear to the player, lesson learned i guess :D

I thought it was difficult as well, but apparently it is pretty easy for some people who played it lol.

Ah i see, I was thinking there are multiple ways to achieve it and was wondering which way would be more clean/efficient.

thanks for the insight!

(2 edits)

this was a nice fun/chill game to play!  it is very polished to me (menu, how to tips...etc).

well done!

fun game!

I also really loved your menu intro.  It is inspiring and makes me think about what I could have done with my game.

May I ask you how you handled the timing/fading?  Was it with animation component, hard coded in scripts, or something else?

I am glad you have enjoyed it.  Thanks! :)

edit: Just realized that you are the developer with the awesome sound effect, you could totally use some of your voices for a rhythm game. ppl loved the sound effect as is and putting it in a rhythm game would bring even more focus to it!! Do it do it! :DD

Did you try it on the WebGL or downloaded it?  WebGL's got some known issue the game won't play right :/

Yeah, definitely would have put in a lot more player feedbacks if i had more time to polish it.  Showing player if they were early or late needed to be one of them for sure.    Other things like max combo # and a score at the end of the song (C, B, A, A+, S) would be nice too.

"makes we want to try my hand at a rhythm game too :D" I am so glad to hear that :)

Thanks so much for your kind words!

Hey, first of all, thanks for your detailed feedback.

I understand a lot of these issues you are having as i know about them, just didn't have enough time to fully address them.

So ... 144 FPS is still not enough since the timing was aimed for 300-400 FPS (with no v-sync),  i realized the issue too late into the Jam so i did not have enough time to revise it.  (if you download the game, it should have a default setting with no v-sync and a target frame of 400 FPS.

i agree, it should have been more clear that you only need to clear the bottom line of keys.

I put a little pause before the 3-2-1 start since if music was causing our of sync problem if it starts early while other objects is still loading/initializing.   i should have put some kind of visual indicator to let the player know to wait.

for the game music, i put it at 30% because everyone's volume's set differently, and i didn't want it to blow anyone's ear off.  That's why i had put a reminder on main menu to have each player adjust their volume setting before playing (with a bg music for them to hear).

I agree with the UI inconsistencies, mouse was working in the main menu and i had put an UI panel over it for scene transition and that blocked the mouse clicking.   i realize that issue but did not have time to revise it in time.

I understand how you feel about the story where nothing had changed.   since it was just a small project, not a full production game, it was meant to be a joke:  Player has been doing this for a while and just to realize that is only the beginning of the same thing all over.

I was using WASD and spacebar myself, so i didn't think about how it'd be backwards for people using arrow keys and spacebar.  I can see how it would be frustrating.   A solution could be letting player select if they are using WASD or arrow keys and make visual adjustment around it.

Your feedback is well appreciated, it definitely gives me something to think about on the next project.

wow this is crazy.  I am amazed that you guys did this in 10 days.

well done!

wow this is crazy.  I am amazed that you guys did this in 10 days.

well done!

wow, this is awesome.  Love how you used the lights and the pimp walk from Anubis.

I think you can continue to work on this further and see where it takes you!

great job, nicely done!

lol like everyone else here said, the sound effect is awesome.

i like how you start to spin when you get hit by the bananas.

For feedback purpose, with the camera also shaking with the spinning player object, it can get a bit nauseous.

great job!

I like the fast pace of this game. you can go as fast or as slow as you want.   i also enjoyed the "purple pole" (not sure what to call it) mechanic very much!

nice work!

Thank you! I am so glad to hear that.

Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for your feedback, and I definitely agree with it.  could definitely polish and expand on it more.

Once i found out how the jumping mechanic works, it was fun.  I have to say that i almost gave up before i found out how to jump higher tho.   Just for feedback purpose, I think if that's one of the game's main mechanic, it doesn't hurt to just let the player know (i/o letting them find out).

all in all, it was a fun game to play.  I loved the surprise room with lots of evil spirits.

great job, keep up the good work! 

(p.s thanks to your page i realized that you can have both WebGL build and downloadable executable file at the same time!)

that was fun.

i didn't feel too useful as a soldier cause i ran out of ammo, and then i felt even more useless as a zombie as i got mow down by 80 soldiers lol

it was fun sending Tim flying everywhere. not sure if it was the WebGL build but it was a bit laggy for me.

I liked it, it was fun sending the pigs flying!

great game idea to the Jam theme!  I am not sure if it is an issue with my webGL but I could only turn so much.  had a hard time going backwards

I like the game mechanics, it got panicky real quick.

this was fun to play :)

cute game! i like the art style!

Hey, thank you for your feedback.  It is my first game jam, so the positive words really helped.

good catch on making it more clear that you only have to clear one line of keys.    It was obvious to me since i was making the game but I see how it would be confusing to players as they don't read my mind :D

Hey nice work here.   I like environment setup, it does give me that post-apocalyptic feel.

I like the portal a lot at the end, really cool effects.     I don't want to ruin the surprise but i also liked the secret thing you can do (not sure if it is meant to be a hidden mechanic, but i liked it as is).

Just for the feedback purpose, i feel like the jump needs more of a "stick to ground" force.  it gives player more sense of control.     As a player, i didn't feel like I was in control of the jump because you slide a bit when you land.

great work tho! keep it up!

Nice, this is my first jam and i was wondering about that.

this helped a lot, thanks!