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A member registered Feb 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey, anyway to update this so that godot 4.2 projects work like this? Id love to display my games on my site and lead them back to

Holy moly, if you have an "explode your own head" button, please leave it in! lololol

Thats so awesome!

All solid points. I rushed to finish and ran out of time for the sound effects. haha. But I def agree that its needed - especially for new orders and completed. So glad you liked the lamps because I spent way too long on those suckers to make them respond in that fashion. haha

Thanks for playing!

I loooove alien crap. This was a cool idea. Very beautiful.

I have some feedback though...

  • Instructions were very confusing.
  • We trained for a gun but I thiiiink we switched to a new guna dn never switched back? or the gun got new features?! I was a little lost at the training portion.
  • I looooved the design but I dont really know what were were supposed to do there.
  • One of the barns had missing materials on the platforms inside - pink.
  • Aliens seemed to be chill, but they attacked once at lightning speed then just...disappeared instantly after being frozen
  • no barrier - walked right off the edge of the world

Cool game but Id like to see more specific stuff to do in the game. Love the spider alien things.

I dont really know what was going on. I tried to play but im not sure what I was supposed to do.

I liked this game. It was neat. I thought it was a bit interesting in game play, I liked the line-shuffling to show whos turn it is. Beautiful game art.

I dont have much feedback on this one...

  • I deleted one of my teammates because I thought I was supposed to for the tutorial and couldnt get him back. The game kept saying I could make a new character at the soul creator but it never seemed to let me do it, despite saying "character unlocked". This was a bit confusing.
  • Some moves seemed to do damage and also do stuff to the player as a buff but I could never see how much damage these moves do so choosing the moves based on damage had to go through memory of what happened the last time that character was up for a turn.
  • I dont know how to heal. :( lol
  • Lots of tutorial sprinkled through the game play. I spent a lot of time going through talking.
  • Game play started to feel a bit repetitive for me. It was like "appear from nowhere, kick a butt, jump through a portal". I expected a bit more story or story-facing direction when it comes to gameplay.
  • The mini-game puzzle was nice but I didnt know I was playing a matching game until after it was done flipping the matches down. This might be my fault, I just dont know what I expected there but after it happens once, the user should know what to do so even if this happens to someone else, theyll be ready the second time. :)

Good stuff!

I love consoel-looking games. Like sanctuary rpg and junk. This is cool. But I felt a little too open ended. It was like I could type anything and did not have much direction but most things did not work. For example, I was in a destroyed house. If I say look, it repeats. I say help and I saw my only option is go. So I say go. It responds with with "go where?" So im like..." ` go to the moon`" and it says "there isnt a way in that direction" so im like "oh cool...okay...a direction. 'go south'" but it repeats there is not a way. I understood what to do eventually but I was very lost until I effed around a bit. This might have been in the spirit of the game but it was a little frustrating in the beginning. I think the help menu could clear this up with mentioning "talk and kill only works on orange" or "go only works on the exits". I think you should also put commas or slashes between options. Im dumb - I said "go inside north" lol

I read you are using godot - I think it might be nice to use a scroll container. You could scroll up and see what was typed and responded to previously.

I got stuck. lol. I started killing everyone. That doesnt work - you get stuck. lol.

The game is neat, but I felt it was a bit linear. Could have had more things change after interaction.

  • I killed a knight who had a sword while I had nothing, I killed a guard, a king, a....well..everyone. I think it would have been neat to see some resistance and potentially die.
  • A goal would be nice in the game. I didnt know why I was playing - a goal when adventuring helps pull the player into the game and let them know why theyre playing "Im playing to save the princess, Im playing to visit my uncle who has money for my family, Im playing to find medicine for my sick sister." Giving this reason is important for motivational purposes.
  • I think there could be more mystery without adding more confusion. For example, you could say "you are in a destroyed house" then I type "look" then it says "you look around, there is nothing on the floor but you noticed someone peek through the window. Upon noticing you, the ran to the south of the house." I think this would encourage the player to think of options. Right now, the game a bit predictable of what to do. You go to the only place you can go to, the guard says "ill let you through for a bottle" so you go to the next only place you can go "there is a bottle on the table" - I think the game gives the illusion of option but it actually more linear than expected.

I think the game is a great start but I would love to see it expanded into something more. Really love these types of games. My boss doesnt know its a game because it looks like im coding. lol

Heavily respect this. Ive noticed a few things that cost money in this jam but that its hard to give feedback if you have to pay to do so. Thanks. :)

(1 edit)

This was fun! Absolutely fun. I absolutely love the music and the game feel. I died by a rope touching my head and my head exploded. lol. Im not sure if that happened on purpose, but I loved it! lol. My goodness, when I found out you could just lay down and punch, it looked goofy and fun - was great!

 Its very smooth. 


  • I had trouble both controlling a direction that I moved and also the mouse at the same time. This was mostly an issue when wall jumping, but also a bit when I had to jump to the right, then to the left, then back to the right again. Its not a bug and might be more of a just me thing because im not a huge keyboard user(controller guy) but it made some of this a bit difficult.
  • Steam vr opened when I started it?!?!? I dont think this is related but...hmm...I didnt even have steam running lol.
  • Got stuck in an editor menu or something after launch - just couldnt find a way out so I alt+tabbed and closed it.
  • The start screen is the ONLY thing that I think really needs to change. Its a bit much. Im thinking maybe making playing the game prioritized in the start screen and the other features like level creator or character creator can be hidden by default. Consumers are so unfocused so you gotta point them where they should go and give them options if thats not what they wanted. There was so much text on the screen I just didnt know what I wanted to do. I thought I had to create stuff in order to play.
  • not a bug, just funny...movement works on controller but not animation...hahaha. So he just slides. made me laugh a bit. Tried controller after I got to the wall jump.
  • You should have a restart button if you die. I kinda sat there after death

Overall, super fun game. 

Cool stuff. I just realized you could hold down the button to attack. lol. Love how characters attack differently.

I think the game is fine, but some feedback is below.

  • Because this game is locked on location and you cant explore, it helps if game play shakes up with bonus points, point multipliers, weapons/move modifiers, potentially vehicles, bombs - in general pick-ups that are either timed or based around a number of usage. The pick-ups could expire if you dont grab them quick enough but the point is unless the waves continue to get drammatically harder, it makes sense to kill the pick-up after awhile of using it. in summary, I would add pick-ups to spice up game play.
  • Enemies seem to be designed in certain waves. I think you should consider a more random approach but this is just an opinion.
  • It felt like the waves could go on forever. I think there should be a timer or a set number of waves. The player needs this to have a goal to reach.

Over all, lovely game, I think it needs expanding but I could see me playing this on the steam deck or something if it expanded a bit.

Interesting. I didnt get to read the end message. It left too fast.  =[

But nice graphics. I think itd be neat to see review comments pop up from both employees and the customers. If you ever wanted to have a win/lose feature, you could have decisions pop up. kinda like that game "Sort the court."

I know you made it for a quick laugh but you could flip it into an addicting game as well if you added things like bills that have to be paid, random industry changes that affect what you should do, make money gain over time. Have events and press releases in the game that help you make decisions. You could do these and still have the corporate greed message you want to share as well.

Really liked the graphics and the ambiance sounds.

Totally fun! The sound worked great in this game. Its one of those games where you play it and the sound is teasing you because its calm but you have to be on edge. lol. I loved it. This is the kidn of game where you would benefit from having hundreds of levels, reusing the same assets, having a different sound track for each group of levels(like world 1, world 2, world 3... each with several levels in it like world 1 -level 1 and world 1 level 1...). Since game play is fast, players would also probably find it fun to have a set of collectibles on each level(like stars or something) or a timer that shows if they reached a certain rank by finishing fast enough. Either way, games like this do really really well when you lean into things like level replayability instead of game replayability - meaning give them a reason to say "Darn it! I finished the level but I didnt get everything so I gotta go back and try to get a better score!!! Ah! That level was too hard!"

I have feedback though...

  • I think I would add a delay and animation to the shooting of a bullet each time - death seemed so quick that while movement was fast, I never saw bullets coming if I was even close to the guards.
  • Center camera if character stops moving - the camera only moved when the player reached close to the dge of the screen - but with bullets firing very fast, you cannot plan out your next move.
  • I think attacks COULD also shoot a shuriken - I tried the hold game and only hit a cop with my sword once out of 25 play-throughs - cops kills me everytime I tried in an instant.
  • Wall jump! You have a ninja, wall jump is a popular feature, if you can put in a wall jump, I seriously think it would be a game-changer when it comes to how people feel about your game.

Overall, fun game! vibes! :D

Hey, running your game after install says "CreateProcess() returned 2" and never runs. Let me know if this is solved, I can try to test your game and give feedback. :)
Windows 11

Totes played this again with my kid(2-player this time). They loved it. It was fun. It felt awkward at first to share the keyboard but it quickly grew on us. :D

We will probably go through it again. Super clean game.

The game looks beautiful - great colors and fun stuff. Sliding is really fun. The scenery would really come together with some sound. Im not nearly good enough to win this game. haha.

However, no hit indicator leads you to dying while dude is behind you and not knowing what happened. The snowmen seem almost invincible. I kinda felt like they were "coming for me" - I never got a second to find "home" -> the game design term referring to a spot to catch my breath or not be attacked for a second. For example, when I spawned in, I looked around for a second, then died. I thought you actually start with 5 health because of this. I also never found the man in the woods because I was attacked too often to stop and look around.

The game really does seem like a nice foundation but I think it needs a little tweaking. It reminds me of that game called Muck. Muck is really fun - this seems like its heading that way.

I think its neat so far. If it were me, Id find similar games and go "feature-hunting" so I could find things Id want to add to the game.

btw, good job on the was very smooth and fluid-like the way it responded. :)

(1 edit)

Looooove the vibe. The graphics were neat and I liked the shader.

Only bug I got was I kept getting stuck on doorways. I had to like flick the mouse around while hitting forward to fit through the doorways. I also didnt really understand the inventory at first. Was looking for a fourth component the whole time. lol.


Im not entirely sure what its about. I kinda felt like it was about someone who is use to being defensive and theyre learning that people are just...people and they arent trying to attack you maybe? Maybe dude was so worried about being judged he basically hid in a whole and now he realizes he didnt have to do that ever? Therapuetic message.

Is the bomb usable? I wasnt able to use it but I felt like that was the point - like I was supposed to feel like there was a danger but there wasnt.

(1 edit)

Neat. I didnt know anythiong about this historic event.

I like the shooting. Its pretty spot on. I think the animated soldiers wer cool. Death animations were neat.

Fun game but I have a few notes.

I think you should find a way to break the information up a little bit. Its a lot to read before you play the game. Also, I think you should make it so that you can skip the quote. After you die, the quote still shows everytime.  I think you might need a sign or a trigger to go to the next area - I killed the enemies and then didnt move to the next area until I found a hole in the fence behind a house.

I did not like that the mouse is not locked onto the game - because I have multiple monitors, I was clicking all over the other screens when I turned. In godot, the code is something like... Input.mouse_mode = Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED (however I think you only want the mouse to be in that mode when youre in battle because you wont be able to click buttons like that) - a great resource for that code is...

I really enjoyed the game. It reminded me of a duke-nuke-em feeling game but with historic feeling. :D Good job.

haha! Thanks! :D
I rushed the exit button haha. Someone on fb got stuck in fullscreen so I was "crap! quick exit button, hurry!" because the jam had already started. lolol.

I had the same feedback as you though for myself...I was like "why dont I have a main menu button?" gyah! Thought it might be cheating to add before the jam was over. Def goin in later, for sure!

Thanks for playing and giving great feedback! My son did the music, im gonna let em know you liked it. :D

Awesome! Thanks for the feedback. Yeah you make a good point. I need to take it slow. I want that anxiety feeling once it fills up but but I should slow it down and wait until the play gets comfortable before they start working that hard at it.

Btw, youre the first person to understand how the danger and warning sign worked. lol. I had a lot of provate feedback saying they didnt understand why they were there or what triggered the lights. Im gonna definitely have to have some type of explanation.

Like you said, you figured it out, but the problem is that I should have made it more clear in this type of game.

Totes loved your description of it - "overcooked mixed with tetris" haha. Im gonna steal that description! Thanks, you rock!

Thanks! Im glad you liked it. Yeah I think im gonna flesh it out a bit and have a tutorial screen and make it start with less customers and what not. I appreciate the feedback!

Im starting to hear that a bit. Had coworkers say the same thing. at first I only planned this for the jam to help me speed up but I think im gonna run with it a bit and expand it out and start slow and bring progression into the game.

Very helpful feedback. Thanks so much!

    First off, the "x-card" is pretty awesome. I appreciate you thinking about how comedy can sometimes be unintentionally a dagger. Second, totally kid appropriate and I think this could be marketed to families. I am ALWAYS looking for ttrpgs that are quick to learn, easy to play, and kids can understand them.

    The catchphrase is like the best part; admitting defeat with a giggle. lol. 

    Typo on page 3 "The GM will describe the effects that the Character’s actions have has on the situation" - not important but were all in the jam for feedback, right? :)

    Okay so what I wish this game had...hit points. I think the players need a way to lose and I think the bad guys also need this. Otherwise, it can get a bit stale. Also, having death/knockout really helps with the potential for MORE comedy. I also think it will help keep things going on along.

    Maybe also add a system where the player's response to the puns change the damage done. Like really funny puns were super effective.

    We actually played around with the hit point idea a little bit. Each bad guy had 10points(might need adjusting). We gave a rating system for each pun, as a group, and took the average score(1-3) and did that damage to the bad guy, but only if the action made sense too. This helped us keep it on track and push for funny responses. Catchphrase results in 0 unless it was incredibly funny at that point.

    Really liked your game!!! The solo play is interesting - its definitely different for sure. :D

Holy moly, thats my fault! I missed that. I will try it again with my kids tomorrow. Im sure theyd get a kick out of it. Two player makes so much more sense! Ill come back and tell you how they like it. Gyah! I feel bad now because it totally sounds like two player controls.

The lock on glitch was a bit weird, I think it happened right after training, I got outside the door and wasnt entirely sure where to go so I was like "explore maybe and look for the those things it showed me I should destroy?" but I noticed the lock-on icon thing below me(maybe I triggered in panic when doing the dodging) so I figured it was possibly my target and it put me in a tailspin looking straight down. If I stopped trying to move, the robot would look up and tailspin upwards. During the glitch I could either go toward the target(which seemed to be nothing) or go into the roof. Dying didnt fix it but restarting did. My theory was that maybe I locked on to the thing I was supposed to dodge in training and when it went away, maybe the lock-on system was still looking for it?! Since it was below me I thought maybe you didnt destroy the object but instead moved it downward. Just a guess.

Im excited to try it tomorrow with two players. haha. Thanks! And im glad it made your day. Us devs and designers gotta stick together.

Im pretty new to ttrpgs so I was a bit lost but I was trying very excitedly!

This is really cool. I spent the last few hours running through it but im still at the beginning because im trying to understand the rules. I thought I could make a character, then found that I should only be making characters based on whats currently allowed maybe if you havent purchased the full multiplayer game? Then I just went with it but the online character creator seemed to be geared toward multiplayer because it started asking about relationships. But Im just now realizing there was a portion of the pdf that I had missed because originally I saw a link that said "begin your investigation" on page 4 but im now realizing that the link doesnt start me where im supposed to be, it starts an experienced player where theyre supposed to be

I have been looking for a good solo ttrpg because most people I know flake on rpgs and none of us are good gms so....this is a great thing. I didnt get far enough to really get into it yet but im gonna have to come back to it this friday because have set up a GREAT mood!

I realized when I started talking to people that I must have missed something because its talking about cards and sway and I thought we were still barely into creating our character(which I did a few times because the order kinda seemed like "create your character's story and reasons for doing things based on entry 1" then it turned into "entry 2 - choose a preset character or create one base don a preset character thing(I still think there are some rules for a custom character class that I missed - Ill go back and look) and also your relationships, background, questions and motivations" to entry 3 of "okay now choose what secret motives you have also rechoose your background".

My biggest problem is im having trouble knowing what to do and what we were about to do because some of the text implies I should do it and then it tells me to choose from a list in the entry afterwards.

But Im excited to go back and try again when I have a bit of free time this weekend because it seems really awesome and like I just need to read it carefully and maybe peek at the next section before completely making my decisions.

Great job on the mood, great job on the characters, great job on alot of it - I think its mostly my fault for being pretty new to ttrpgs - maybe the feedback is helpful coming from an inexperienced player or maybe I just need to read better. 

Also...totally love the anchor-linked text. Just skips you to the right stuff - man that makes it so easy though on the spots where I needed it. Gonna show this to a few people and see if they like it.

Man...this was cool. Like really cool. But honestly its controls are really really hard. Im glad you tried to do something different for the controls because you arent relying on the classic mouse movement but is really hard because the controls.

For example, you have to use wasd to change where you are pointing, but you need to hold the space bar while doing that. You also need to quickly reach over and hit the arrows to prevent damage because getting shot for just a few seconds is death. All of this while trying to aim with your other hand using the mouse.

I like that you were thinking out of the box, but the controls need fine-tuning.

The design in this game is boss! Very well put together, design wise. Great sfx and great music. The models look great and the training was wonderful.

I ran into a weird glitch where after targeting something, I just kept spinning in a barrel roll for awhile. After dying, respawning kept spinning me. No big deal, I just restarted.

Cool stuff - I wanna try it again if the controls get changed a bit. :)

Lol. Was cute and funny. I liked the art. I didnt get too far in it but ive never played the fnaf games before. I think it might be worth putting some instructions on your game page for newbies like me. The call wasnt in english so I didnt know what to do. But it looked cool. I especially liked the dude with the gun. :)

Hey I tried to play your game to rate it but it says "cant read property build of undefined" Sorry. Let me know if you get it working and ill try it. Im using a sandbox mode with app.

Wow. Totes thought it would offend you. Would love to see it grow if you guys took it further. 

I looked at some of your games earlier and im eager to go back and try them btw. Im just wanting to finish rating peoples games first. Lol

Was cute, fun, and interesting as a dating simulator. I like the replayability of this game. I have not beaten it but Im gonna keep trying in my spare time.

Absolutely love how side things affect bonus stuff in the game. And its pretty funny. The dog poop thing for example, lovely. And the multiple responses based on availability to have the right cards - very awesome!

I have a note, but dont be offended because its gonna sound harsh but Im just telling you what would make this a perfect game for me. I think it would make more sense to class up the women a bit. I think the women are either under dressed or have gigantic elephant-sized boobs in an attempt to make them more sexually appealing. Though it is fine to give women big boobs and make them under-dressed, I dont think every woman in the game should be in one of the two categories. Women come in all varieties, just like men - so, for example, the red-headed woman would look just as fine in a button up shirt or a flannel and a cowboy hat or maybe the gothic girl wears a t-shirt with a music band logo and jeans or even a skirt that isnt flying up in the wind. Or heck, maybe the red head still keeps her outfit but it doesnt show her side-boob?!  Idk...Im not saying they all have to look like the office friend, but maybe make them dress a little closer to what the average woman might wear instead of having a goal to show their bodies. At the end of the day, this suggestion might come from being a father and not wanting my daughters to display themselves that way - so dont take my comment too harsh - im assuming with a dating simulator, youre likely to hear a suggestion like this either way over time from people.

I think the appeal in this game is that its cute, unique in the game play, and maybe a little suggestive with little jokes and stuff.

I feel bad, it seems like im ragging on your game - I actually really like your game. But I feel bad playing it because the women seem sexualized visually. If you maybe added a few other women that seemed less sexualized, it might auto-balance. Again, like the game, love the game play, dont take offense to my suggestion. Im gonna follow you to see what you make of it or see other great quality games. :)

Great! I love how this shows the possibilities out there for godot as a lite-weight software beyond game dev. Cool stuff! :D

Thanks! Yeah I did a bad job on my last jam and realized I wanted to not have a little time to polish so I stopped two days early and only polished it. Im glad you like it. After the ratings, Ill add some variety and some instructions and levels and junk. haha.

Totally feel the coolmathgames vibes. haha

Wow. Definitely couldnt tell you were dyslexic - the text seemed very well put together. Im trying to get use to game jams; I tried for the last 6 years but wasnt able to finish on time for them until after switching to godot in the last year because I put myself in my work and its hard to release something that just...isnt ready yet.

I think its cool that you wrote the story to help with your real-life issues. I think video games are one of the most expressive types of art - it is definitely the most interactive art mediums.

I went ahead and followed you. Im a fan of people who put their passion into their work and id like to see other work you do.

Thanks for poking your friend - Id love to hear her feedback. :)

(1 edit)

Really really cool. I liked what I saw! I would love to take a whack at a more polished version but its really really cool how it is as well. You can clearly see where youre going. smooth game feel.

Wow. Im gonna have to make my kids play this. It was very fun. Looks good, great art style, high replayability, neat way to combine gambling with someone's need to it!

Fun. Pretty addicting. :D

I think some sound would help it alot. But its a neat concept. Very simple game with simple controls. Great work! :D

ABSOLUTELY LOVE the card game from ff8! Great job, but holy moly your ai kept killing me! I finally won once! score!

I like the idea but I couldnt play long because I couldnt find a way to jump past the animals. It seems like theres only one possible spot to jump each time and sometimes there are animals blocking those spots. I dont think theres a way to attack them or avoid them. But maybe there is, I only saw spanish(I think) which is weird because I also all the screenshots were in english. Idk - I cant find a download so I only played the browser version.

The art is cool, really liked it. And also the cute little outfits. I think it would play smoother on download - seemed laggy from browser.

Doesnt run in browser or on the downloaded version. I was using windows and chrome.

Browser just doesnt do anything after running the game and the windows file doesnt have a .exe in it so I cant run it.

Sorry. Ill try again if you fix it. :)

Having a hard time reading it because the game is outside the bounds. The words on the comic at the beginning were like that too. Some of them were too low to read. And a lot of the frames were out of view. 

Attack(e) didnt work, L kept saying "spell wasnt found" and im not sure what to do. I reached the end where a door was but couldnt go through, couldnt attack anyone. It asked to use my mic as well but I dont know why? But I let it.

The art is cute though. Id love to try it again when you get it working. Maybe I just misunderstood the instructions. I was playing the english version.