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A member registered Sep 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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I can see this game being really fun to play with friends with a few tweaks!
One thing I would love to see is an indicator of each player's current power level. I can tell it increases when depending on how long I stay in water, but it took me some testing to figure out that the tip doesn't mean water = power on, no water = no power.

Also I keep self destructing by shooting the wall, but I don't know if that's a bug or I just have a skill issue.

It took me a while to figure out I had to use the mouse to interact with stuff in the game world, even though the intro game was clear and I had to use the mouse there. This is partially because they feel disconnected in style and gameplay. I think a way to solve this could be a custom cursor during the intro minigame that persists when it's finished, making more clear to the player that the cursor is intentionally still left on screen and meant to be used. This could be combined with a highlight when hovering over interactable objects. The only way to tell that the bomb is interactive is the difference in pixel size from the rest of the art, which is generally not very pretty.

I feel like right now there is no reason not to hold click to keep charging the gun, though there are a few options that could turn into new interesting dynamics:

-Slow the player while they charge the gun

-Have a precise point during the charge that fires a more powerful projectile when released

-Have the gun misfire after charging for too long, causing stun or knockback (that could maybe also be used as a way to knock out enemies)

Pretty cool control scheme, honestly a lot easier to get used to than I would expect.
Very solid, though I couldn't find anything...

I like the basic concept, it could be integrated into some larger puzzle game.

You can also think about variations like removing the objects that have already been used.

It took me a bit to understand the "billiards" controls, where I think the distance and angle of your click determines the power and makes the ball shoot off towards the oppsosite side. An indicator would help a lot (like a line from the ball pointing towards the shooting direction, increasing in length when further away)

Also it's still possible to add balls while on the restart screen, which breaks the game.

I really like the concept for a puzzle game, I think some more controlled movement would benifit this game (for example being able to keep cubes alligned, or having a small funnel/groove shape to guide the sphere).

Fun to mess around with!  Sometimes it's hard to estimate where my hand is when it's offscreen since the distance can vary. Maybe add an arrow at the edge of the screen pointing to the hand as an indicator?

I like the mechanic. though it seems a bit difficult to make it unexploitable.

There's a bug where the post-its merge when you get them close to eachother.

Otherwise, I just want more levels and maybe new interesting types of sticky notes!

I like the level itself, it feels fun to navigate.

I think it's very important that the grapple mechanic feels smooth and satisfying to use in a game like this one. RIght now, there's a long pause between when I connect with the sticky pads and when I get flung.

Also, it would be nice to have a visual indicator for when I'm in range of a sticky pad, for example by highlighting the pad when aiming at it while in range.

I thought the mechanic of refilling the sticky hand in the puddles was clear, though it took me some time before I realised that I started without any "sticky juice".

One final thing, giving the level geometry some colour or texture really helps with visibility.

I like how the playing field naturally gets more chaotic to navigate, making it slightly harder to manage the pillars. However there is no goal yet, even something as simple as a score would be good for a game like this. I also don't understand how this fits the theme of "Sticky SItuation."

I like the concept and the risk/reward dynamic you created.

I would've liked an indicator of where the blue car is relative to me (and maybe how far, if that wouldn't make the game too easy)

I like the concept and I like how it looks.

Personally I find the WASD controls a bit unintuitive with the isometric perspective,

maybe consider a different control scheme

Oops, forgot to actually attach the game file...

Should be there now!

I love the graphic style and it's a great concept! Could definitely see a full puzzle game with this core

Fun game!
All it needs is a few different enemy movement patterns, and maybe some different enemy types that require different tools or actions?

Also some small things:
I think it would be better to disable the minimap while shaving
It seems like one of the enemies is a slightly different colour on the minimap

Pretty satisfying!
Maybe you could add a mechanic that dulls the razor slowly as you use it, then having to clean it to make it sharper again.

Also the music plays twice after going back to the main menu, don't ask me how I know

Wat is er met de Xinder gebeurt?

I think mashing space messes with every horse's speed, making some even go backwards. This stays after restart. Otherwise I think it's an interesting risk/reward, I feel greedier on each try

I love this concept, this could definitely be a full game!
All it needs in my opinion is a  bit more variety in the levels

I like the concept, but I think it would be easier to play if the view switch was on a one-button toggle. Maybe even just holding it down to see the view.
I think later levels could use obstacles that push you away

Fun idea, and I like the way it looks even if it's simple

One thing that I believe would improve the game is that every buttonpress spawns a new cube along with the new button. This way, it seems more doable even after multiple presses.

I really like the mechanic of killing enemies to use them as walls, it also prevents softlocks which is nice.

Maybe instead of the enmies turning into walls directly, it could give the player a resource that the player can put down where they want?

Nice idea.
I feel like all it needs is some powerups, and of course a high score system, and it would be a fun mobile game for example.

Amazing concept, and in my opinion a perfect level of difficulty.

Two additions that I think would improve the experience are:

-A quick restart
-A slightly bigger range for when the player can see the platforms, to make it easier to see by how much you missed the jump.

I also personally didn't quite understand that the map where you place the platforms is top-down, but again that might just be me.

I like the concept!
As others have said, I think the one bit of feedback you should give the player is a successful hit/kill.
Maybe you could add a feint noise in more difficult stages, that would kill the player if they slash in the direction of the feint?

I like the mechanic of piercing the food on the sword and having them block shots!
I wish the food wouldn't fall of as easily though. If this were changed, maybe you could make a spiky food that the player could fling to the enemies?

Great and fun gameplay!
Two things I would add:

-A small indicator for eyes that spawn out of view, like a small arrow on the edge of the screen for example.
-A way to show the player when the cannon is ready to fire again

Fun gameplay, could be spiced up if some diners slowly looked around or maybe got up.

Also a clearer indicator of how much of one type of sauce you can hold would help a lot I think