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Yassified Watermelon

A member registered Dec 13, 2016 · View creator page →

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Oh, cool ! Yeah, I understand the time limits. They are hard to juggle with. Hope you can give your game what you wanted after the jam !

It was really tough to learn, but I love the concept. I think I got soft locked, though, I couldn't get the materials I needed to get ahead, but I think it could be developped into a great full game ! You would need to rework the controls a bit, I think, as well as the interfaces, I think it could be a great game if you feel like developing it further !

It is tough to figure out, but as the others said, once you figure it out, it's really fun and a bit addicting. It also has a pretty good concept that really plays with the concept of space, which is cool !

I don't understand why, when I use backspace, the sentence clears itself. Also the cursor is confusing. Really it's a great idea, but I think the actual gameplay needs some tweaking

PS : Ok, I just noticed that you also have to use space to delete spaces. Still think it's too confusing

3612 !

It's very hard to control, but that just adds to the silliness of it, which I appreciate a lot ! Those sound effects, too, they're hilarious xD

I kinda wish the funk stayed during the gameplay. Nothing like driving a silly car to some sicc bass liccs.

Very fun and funny !

I mean, it's very pretty and has great atmosphere, and the theme of liminal spaces is good, but at the end of the day, it's still just a loop with nothing added. I understand that adding monsters would be kinda counterproductive, but I think it would have kind of benefitted from having the atmosphere change to really tell the story... Maybe I'm wrong, though, or maybe I should have persisted for more loops, I don't know, but I still think it's a very well made vibe

This game is great ! I like that the gameplay actually uses the concept of space and how cleverly made the level design is with that. I played it to completion (the music started getting pretty old, by the end of it ^^') and it was one hell of  trip. The frustration of almost nailing it but missing the ship at the last jump, the extatic feeling of completely bypassing the intended route through the asteroids, over all it is really clever and engaging. Well done !

HELL YEAH, ALIEN DOOM ! Well, I would have liked it more if it had more than one room, but I understand, it still has a fun concept and I had fun !

YES ! Space drifting, I love it ! It's both strategic and very fun and I think you have nailed it. I'm having a really fun time and I'd really like to keep going, but I have to play more games. I think the biggest flaw of your game would be the graphics. You really didn't need to add so much particles, the game would have perfectly fine with a minimal setting. Aside that, very nice !

So it's not really doing it for me... Like I understand that there is no sound in space, but some audio feedback would really have made the game nicer, that and the fact that the beep when you fire is sooo loud... And even the fact that I don't even notice when I finish a wave, makes it somewhat confusing, even though it's pretty clear what you're supposed to do.

I wouldn't say it's bad, though

A nice idea and a cool relaxing game ! I find the controls a tad bit rigid and the collisions are sometimes a bit unfair, but that's not much of a problem. It has been a cool relaxing jazzy sessionand I like it.

Got a 23, btw. It's not much, but I'm satisfied either way

I was really looking forward to it, and what can I say, this may be your best game jam entry so far ! I think you really nailed that one, with a great mix of simplicity and weaponised overthinking ! The struggles depicted are higly relatable, especially for ths game jam xD

I just love everything about it, whilst not being completely able to say why. Just congratulations !

So I tried. I really tried. Maybe I just suck, but I feel the game is overwhelmingly unfair even on easy mode. I only managed to beat one level (the easiest one) in easy mode. I think it would have been fairer if either you had more resources at the start or the enemy also had some resource limit. It feels like the computer never runs out and you can't defend yourself against its ever growing attacks because your resources even with the production thing increase way too slowly and before you can even afford anything to block any of its attacks, you don't have any hp left. And even if you manage to put it there, in one or two blasts you already don't have it anymore.

It's a shame because the idea is so interesting and cool !

Again, maybe I just suck. But I think the game would really develop its full potential if at the very least its first level was fairer. Still it's a great concept, go for it if you're brave !

This game is hard, but not unfair ! it will time some trial and error but you'll eventually get the jist of it. I wished the game had explained the color changing mechanic because I'm still not totally sure how it works. I've noticed that yellow makes you faster (which is instrumental in fights given how big you are in the middle of the bullets) and I guess blue gives you a shield, but I couldn't figure out in which conditions because it seems that sometimes it gives me a one hit shield and sometimes doesn't. I still don't know what red does, as it doesn't seem to make me hit harder.

You have great music and voice acting, sadly there seems to be a mixing issue, as the music is way too loud compared to the voices, sometimes you can barely hear them.

Wish the game was longer and had pauses between the fights, but still very well managed and a fun time.

You'll have to get used to the bouncing mechanic, it'll probably take you a minute or two, but after that, It's pretty fun to play around ! There are some silly objectives but no real pressure to complete them (when the timer reaches 0, the game gives you another set of objectives), so it's a good time in general. One of thebig problems I would have with it is the mouse sensitivity and also how hard it is to control yourself mid-air. Also the link to the theme, while technically present is pretty weak in my humble opinion.

That being said, I still did have a jolly old time playing this game !

As in can my game not be explicit about trans issues but have a gameplay/environment that symbolises being transgender and stuff ?

I'm not much about stories as a developper

Yeah, but the thing is... I was using Firefox ^^'

Well, you got me confused there, that's for sure. To be frank I get the B-Game aesthetic you're going for, and I like it, but in some places I'm not sure if you really intended for this aspect to get wrong or if you just hoped that your aesthetic would just make it okay.

I'll admit, I never managed to find the key. I played for a long time then gave up, then started it back up, redid everything with the armchair thing you said, then still couldn't progress, then the game crashed.

In short, I really like your aesthetic and your mood. It was a good idea for a game, but aside from the fact it's snowing outside it doesn't have much to do with the theme of coldness. The cold is merely a detail in the story and it doesn't seem that important in the core of the game itself. The core is just this silly tavern and the intentional B-game style and abstract reasoning.

FINALLY a game that incorporates ZQSD controls as well, THANK YOU SO MUCH !

And the game is very fun ! The physics are fun, running around in the snow is fun, only problem with is that is that the balls grow really slowly, so rolling them takes a veeeery long time.

I love the cute little world you gave it. It's verry pretty, but why is there no music ? Your credits mention a composer, but the game is silent (which gets a bit creepy after a while). 

Your game is cool !

Sound felt weird at first, but then it developped with the sneezing sound and then it became awesome xD

It's a really great idea you have put together, and a very interesting take on the theme, but unfortunately, gameplay-wise it isn't as cool as I hoped.

The weapon feels kind of weird, it's confusing and without the first level I think I would have had even more trouble finding out.

The timer is also often out of the field of view, which is not really helpful. I'd suggest just putting it in the UI.

And finally aside from the limited time, I think it lacks a lot of challenge and it gets a bit boring at the end. Especially when you discover you can clip through walls.

Aside from all that it is a nice little game and I have laughed a bit and I had a good time, so congrats !

The music's way too loud. That's the first thing I'm gonna say x)

Aside from that it is a very basic interface to basically play rock paper scissors, not much to say.
With a concept that simple, you could have juiced it up a little, that would have been cool. It doesn't feel very good to win or lose and also since the computer just prints instantly its choice, it often doesn't even look like it just played. I think you could have gone further with the interface and feedbacks.

Simple things, really. The computer's choice sliding in place like a card, screen shaking, little animations for win/lose/tie, sound effects, etc

For that, I recommend you take an interest in the work of Martin Jonasson and Petri Purho who make games with a lot of juice in it, they even have a conference called "Juice it or lose it" Recommend you check it out.

Hope I helped !

Basically, it's super monkey ball with ice physics. It seems cool, but sadly, I think the game isn't very well made. You're left with complete silence and very stiff board movement and the physics don't really work how they should. I does feel chaotic, but not in the right sense.

You took a very bold and very hard idea to make, maybe you could have found a way to make it simpler for you (I don't have ideas at the top of my head, right now, though. Sorry).

I would recommend you really really think about sound, though. I know it's pretty easy to forget about it and it may seem hard, but you can find lots of free ressources on the net for that (like zapsplat, for example) and even if there were no music, having at least put some sound effects in it would have made the game much more satisfying to play and maybe even more fun.

Hope that helped you and I wish you the best for next time !

Hey would you look at that, I managed to go through it without having a panic attack from the subject matter x)

I can say firt of all that I really do recognize your style and your approach to game design that I could see when I played your other games. What I regret in it is that since there is not much gameplay in favor of dialogues, the gameplay doesnt really mean much in the game (which is why I put 3 stars on "fun"). It would have been cool to think about it a bit more, at least make the skeleton body and/or key a bit harder to find, for example. The key feels more like something to stall for time a bit than a final achievement (Because it's just right there on the ground). Maybe if the interactions with the other people could have been about mutual help ? You helping them with their woes and their stories giving you a small piece of your past. It's just a suggestion, of course. It could have gone many ways.

That's my only problem with the game, though. It's very interesting what you did there and you managed to master your ambience perfectly, both visual and sound-wise. It is very impressing !

Thanks ! Yeah, I forgot to add a tutorial before posting it. Feel kinda dumb about it x)

Glad you appreciated it ! :D

Thanks ! The full version will be much longer, rest assured

I used your fires in my game and they hold a pretty important place. I'm very proud of it, so thank you lots !


Hey, thanks so much for this ! I used your tileset (and also your other tileset deep cave) in my new game and I'm pretty proud of it https://ema-la-yon.itch.io/antar-tiqua


I used your sprite (redrawn and recolored) in my game ! Thank you so much, this helped me tons !

It's really hard (for me) to understand this game, but I don't think that just because I don't usually play those and thus have trouble understanding it that it's a problem for the game itself. It really isn't for neophytes, I guess. And that's alright. So I'll try to rate what I can.

The graphics are amazing and the only point I'm deducting on this category is because the text is hard to read with those colors.

The music is very satisfying too, even though it's a simple loop, it puts me in the right mood and I gotta love that BASS ! Very cool.

Other than that, I've tried maneuvering. It's pretty hard to get the hang of it and I still haven't managed to reach a planet yet, but the game being hard is exactly what it was made for, so it's a success, I think.

To be honest it wasn't much fun to play...

The fact you chose the straight flag is unexpected and original, and I like how you almost gave it a film noir aesthetic, but the game itself doesn't really carry its concept.

The gameplay is very rigid and confusing at the same time, your bullets bouncing all over the place end up just making a mess of everything, I can't understand where the enemies come from, it's really confusing overall.

I hope I at least gave you some useful information to keep in mind for your future works !