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This is hands down my favorite game I've encountered thus far for this game jam! Already sank an hour and will be saving this game to come back for more. :D

Oops, I may or may not have broken my patient's arm and fell out their body. I dig the concept and huge points for making this game so fun for such a short and simple game! The rotating limbs really drives up the fun factor!

Not me pausing to take a peek at the level layout only to find that Alice is still expanding! Definitely one of those speedrun-like, fast paced, quick reaction type of game. As much as I suck at this (+movement and control is kind of janky), it's pretty well thought out in terms of game design and honestly, fits well with the theme!

This game is bringing out my inner Zeke from Attack on Titan (iykyk). Highlight of the game is definitely the animation and vfx. Great use of camera angle and slo-mo to really drive the satisfaction of landing a shot! 

I thought I was strong, things were looking easy, and then big daddy sheep humbled me real quick HAHHAHAA. Everything about this game, from the art to the sfx and vfx came together so well! 

I'm confused on how to start the game. Am I missing something?

Great use of background music! Behind all that zen, I'm sweating trying to calculate my next 10+ moves lol. A pleasant game to stumble upon, I thoroughly enjoyed this one, despite the simplicity.

I loved soloing Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons so you best believe I was absolutely delighted knowing that I was going to get my brain tied in a knot. Great fit for this theme!

Instructions unclear, ended up on the moon with a dollar in my pocket.

I like the tetris-themed inventory system, it's a great fit to the theme! Gameplay was simple and fun, and the inventory adds that extra layer of challenge that kept me hooked for awhile.

You caught us! Balancing Jupiter and Saturn was harder than we anticipated. With more time, we would like to add even more power-ups beyond planets to really solidify the game.

Got lost in the sauce testing all the weapons and build features! 

Same issue here and was able to fix it by turning on hardware acceleration on Chrome. You might want to give that a try to see if that improves your performance. :) 

Clever spin on the theme! Managed to figure out how to score with houses but couldn't quite understand the overall gameplay: do I destroy their house after they leave ? why does clicking on a house lose points?

I've never been this invested in clickers, but this game was a good balance and I surprisingly sunk half an hour+ into it (perks of afk farming). Shoutout to my CUTEST wee little workers! 

This game reminded me of those classic jackpot arcade machines that tested my level of patience and concentration. On the bright side, I could spam the shots with no consequences! :D

Super adorable art and concept. Only made it through a few levels until I ran into the reset/jump issue, but the progression balanced and well designed. Not sure if it was intentional but I noticed I was able to grab a box and move it the opposite direction, just not consistently.

Given the time constraint, I'm impressed with the outcome! I love puzzles so I'm glad I stumbled upon this. I enjoyed the challenge and how you incorporate the theme. I will admit it was quite buggy, sometimes I would climb something and fall from the animation and when I try to climb the same spot, it would not allow it. 

We appreciate you trying out the game and providing feedback!

We were able to determine the root cause of the cue ball getting stuck and made a note of it on the game description. If the cue ball travels for a long time and eventually sinks into a hole, it will not respawn.

(1 edit)

Super cute design with a simple but addictive gameplay! The difficulty scales well with progression. 10/10 will be anxiously hugging the walls like my life depends on it until I beat this game! I would love to see a replay button so I can feed my addiction.