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A member registered Dec 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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I’m working on an app for playing this for my own games, and I’d also like to share this with the community. The problem is that such an app would have to include the prompts themselves, which would make the pdf unnecessary.

I’d like to hear your thoughts on this! I don’t want to create anything that would damage your sales.

Colorblindness is a weird reason not to include color. You could simply include both texture and color.

Your ship exploded :((

I’ll rate this in like 3 hours brb


Yup! Randomly picked at the start of the game

This was really well done! The OS and daily minigames really made it for me. Well done!

(2 edits)

Good point, i agree! Also Id love to learn multiplayer at some point. Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

There is actually! Just use the scrollwheel. You need to grab the part first though

Fair enough!

Great artstyle! I almost felt like a gamedesigner for a second there!

Cool! I loved the fixed camera, and the mechanics were cool. It was a bit easy to figure out the solutions though, leading to moments where I knew what I had to do, and only had to go through the motions. Lots of potential here!

Cool! Weirdly, the projectiles were invisible on my computer, but I could see them clearly on my friends pc. Still, it had a fun progression system, and has a lot of potential. What I miss is some kind of indicator of ability cooldowns and firerate and so on. High expectations for a gamejam, this is still great. Good luck!

Very hard, but absolutely great! The battery mechanic is what makes the game for me. And 5/5 for creativity! The style was also very well put together, and looks great! Would suggest making levels that are a bit easy for you, as most of us spend at most 5 minutes per game, and are therefore absolute garbage at the game. Good luck!

This is amazing! Putting leaderboards was so smart! And so gorgeous! I did sadly not realize it was online before choosing my name. I’m Penis :( Sorryyy

I’d say… uhm… top 10 graphics of all time? Maybe give a kiss? For the compliment??

I dont understand why but i absolutely LOVED this game. I felt so powerful and cool. My new favorite button masher.

image.png Wooo Cashiers all over!! Great game, the best I’ve tried so far. Only wish it was longer, as I was safely established as a supermarked mogul in no time. Good luck!

High praise, thank you! And thank you for playing!

This is so beautiful it makes me want to sell my soul to it.

Cool game, cool guy! The platformer controls feel great! Cool luck!

Cool game! I especially liked how you made different sizes have different effects. It was a tad bit long for a jam game though, as there are a lot of games to try. Maybe try dropping the weaker rooms in the future, so we only get to try the best of the best? All in all, I had a really fun time with this! Good luck!

Do you have any ideas for what parts i could add? Let me know!

Fair enough! I thought this was a limited deal as part of the summer sale.

Why is this on opposite sale? Its more expensive, why??

If you still haven’t bought the game, it’s available in the TTRPGs for Palestine bundle for 10$:

This is a demo

That title says bumba

Very clean, very satisfying! Both this and Underground appartment has great UI! Minor feedback: I want a black hole feature. The pressure is high enough, where is my black hole. image.png

Love this!! Agree that some diffuculty could be nice, but i also like the laid back vibe you’ve got going now.

Yo wth you made the game we planned to make but didn’t have time to, so we dropped the minigames

(1 edit)

Episk Jona! Par biter med feedback:

  • Jeg døde noen ganger, som ikke gir mening, for jeg er perfekt. Må være en bug.
  • Jeg likte spillet, som ikke gir mening for jeg liker bare meg selv.
  • Du bør ikke bruke Esc som en knapp i WebGL spill for det lukker fullscreen modusen.
  • For mye vann. 7/10

Revive som mechanic er veldig lurt når man viser fram spill til folk som gir opp alt for lett (meg), og det føltes likevel som at spillet hadde konsekvenser for dårlig spilling, så setter spillet opp til en god:

7/11 (høyere tall = bedre)

Nope, never heard about FAR before. Trailer looks cool as hell though. Will check it out! Btw completely agree about adding ambient music. Sound is our weakest point, but i’d love to improve.

Being compared with don’t starve is the highest honor. Thank you!

Nice game! It was fun and felt responsive! Good work! The water could use some additional frames. It kinda hurt to look at in full screen because it moved so fast. Otherwise I liked the art! Good luck on getting some more reviews! Leaving comments is the way to go if you want people to check out your game

lol yup im dumb

Seems you uploaded the webGL files to this page instead of on your page. Still not playable ://

I forgive you. Now I shall play

Cool game! If you were to continue the game, you could try adding reeling in as a part of the game, trying to avoid other fish while the fish you’ve caught tries to pry itself free. I like the concept, good luck!

Nice game! It felt nice and responsive, and had a nice difficulty curve. To make it more convincing that you’re actually going deeper, you could use a looping texture or some simple background elements moving upwards. Good luck!