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A member registered Jun 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Great idea! One thing that could definitely be improved is the difficulty, since I don't think the game is challenging to beat. You could also add some more gamemodes ^^ Good job nonetheless!

Thanks! As for the goal- not really- the game was supposed to have a lot more cats and map sections, but I did not have time, unfortunately. Originally I wanted to make a list of all the cats, so the main goal would be completing that list. However, some mechanics took my way too long because of my lack of experience ^^; But thanks for trying out the game!

Extremely polished game! The puzzles are great, it's visible that you put a lot of effort into making them. It's also great that you thought of adding the slow-down button and the skip button ^^ The presentation is also great- simple yet cute. Great job!

Great game! Really liked the concept, although there should be some kind of block limit since most levels are extremely easy to beat- the unbreakable block could also be very useful in designing more challenging levels. I enjoyed the game regardless!

Really liked the game! I'm always down for more Pokemon-themed games ^^ The art first the game really well and the music is great! It was a little hard at fits, but after finally realizing that the trainers have arrows on their clothes that mark in which direction they are going to move, the game became much better (I guess that's what you get for not reading the entire description ^^;). Great job!

It was a little hard to figure out at the beginning- mostly because the hitboxes of the moles are a little too small and sometimes it makes it hard to hide them quickly. But overall, very enjoyable game!

Great idea for a game ^^ I liked the gamplay a lot- it was a fun to play as a big, powerful boss. The boss could use some improvements, like a little more movement speed or less delay between attacks, more types of attacks etc. but overall it's a great game! Good job!

As a huge Pokemon fan I got really excited upon seeing this game and it did not disappoint! The gameplay is simple yet extremely fun ^^ The music is so great, fits the game so well! I had a smile on my face the whole time while playing your game- excellent job and a great idea!

Yeah, the in-game instructions could've been better, but I'm glad you found the solution in the comments ^^; Thank you so much!

Hi! I liked the concept of the game, however, I wish there were some more gameplay mechanics. The endless mode is a good idea, however, the hunger can be lowered so much that the game will become practically impossible to lose at- so implementing some kind of level system or making the game harder could be a good solution to that. Still, good job!

Great game and a great idea! Really liked the concept of the game, although I wish it was a little longer ^^ Some things that I noticed:
-Sometimes you can jump inside the moving platforms and become stuck inside them (especially in the last level). The game will also boost you upwards if you touch a wall of the moving platform.
-It's a little hard to notice where the transformation power-up appears. Some particle effects or another indicator of where it is would be cool, because you can miss the sound effect.
-There could be some improvements in the movement, but not that much.
I'm also very impressed by how well the AI of the fox works and how beautiful the art of the game is.
Overall, the game could use some improvements, but excellent job nonetheless!

Did not expect to have so much fun in such a short game ^^ The idea is creative yet the gameplay is simple and very enjoyable. Great job!

The game was really fun ^^ One thing that would really improve the game would be some kind of tutorial and also an explanation how different enemies work. It would also benefit from some music, but overall- extremely good job! The visuals and sound effects are good and the main mechanic makes the game really enjoyable ^^

Thank you so much! I definitely struggled due to the time constrains since I made everything apart from the music- I really wanted to add more to the game T-T Very glad that you enjoyed it!

Thanks! And yeah, I already got a lot of feedback about the hook, so I will keep that in mind. Thank you for trying out the game! 

I'm amazed. The game was amazing! I did not expect such a fun concept. It was a little hard to follow some of the instructions since English is not my native language, but I still managed to figured it out ^^ The visuals are great, the music is nice and I love how each character tells their own story. What I could suggest is adding more time to each drawing, since I did not even have the time to use any of the colors ^^; And of course, more levels! Amazing job!

The game was actually somewhat hard to figure out at the beginning, but when I figured it out, it was a lot of fun! The visuals and sound design is really nice and the game fits the theme really well. The only thing I could suggest is more gameplay mechanics, but overall- good job ^^

Wow! The game was extremely fun! The visuals are great and it's easy to understand how to game works. Great job!

Such a cool game! Great idea, amazing art and a good choice of music- also liked the little story at the beginning. The game was a little hard however, but still very enjoyable!

I liked the game, however without some additional clues it was hard to solve some of the levels. I like the design of the main character, although the jump could be improved. The music and the sound effects are fitting, and some puzzles were very cool, but some could use some improvement. Good job regardless!

Hi! Really liked the concept of the game- too bad it was so short, but I still enjoyed it ^^

Such a cool game! You can tell that this game required a lot of creativity- such a fun concept ^^ You can also easily add more levels and features! Eggscellent job! :)

Such a cute game ^^ The movement is great, it makes the game fun and easy to play- I really wish it was a little longer. Good job :3

A cute and fun game- it has a great vibe. It also looks and feels polished, which is great! The game could use some more features, but it was fun regardless! Good job!

Hi! Really liked your game- even if the instructions did not scale properly, it was extremely easy to understand all the mechanics, which is important when making a game!

You could even make more powers/actions and turn it into a puzzle game, while also leaving this as an endless mode- just a small suggestion if you are ever going to work on this again in the future :3 Great job nonetheless!

Thank you so much! I definitely want to add more features after the rating period ends- thanks!

Yeah, I should have worded the instruction differently- but I'm glad you enjoyed it, thank you for playing ^^

Hi, and thank you so much! I should have explained it better- you have to pull the bobber back in order in order to throw it (more like 'shoot' now that I think about it), kind of like a slingshot. But thank you very much for playing the game and leaving a comment! ^^

Great idea! Adding more machines could make it an amazing puzzle game. It's also cool that you can play on the arcade machines. Hope you'll add more levels in the future!

Great idea! The art is great, however, the game could use a little bit more light. Zooming in on the character could also help. The map could also use some small improvements, but overall, very fun! The atmosphere is amazing, so I'll be looking forward to seeing you improve this game!

Thanks! I'm not an artist but I tried my best ^^

So many great ideas! The visuals are simple, yet very effective in a game like this. The sound design is also great.
There could be some small improvements in the gameplay- for example, making more space to move the blocks in some levels, since sometimes you can accidentally touch something and have to restart the whole level :/ Other than that, amazing idea!

I really like the idea of your game! However, there are things that could make the game so much better.
First of all, checkpoints. I guess that's caused mostly by the time limit, but the lack of checkpoints is definitely the worst part. Restarting the whole level after a bad jump makes is way too annyoing and should be the first thing to add next, in my opinion.
Which brings me to my second point, which is the jumping. I think the character should jump a little higher, or at least have some more airtime. It would make it less easy to die and the lack of checkpoints would be a lot less of a problem.
To be honest, if you had time to fix most of the bugs, add those two things and more levels, the game would've been awesome. I really hope you continue to work on this, since the idea is great ^^

Hi! Just wanted to give you some words of encouragement, so you will continue to work on your game ^^ I would say your game really do has potential, I really like the idea. However it will definitely take lots of work to finish it. I'm curious about the idea of taking down enemies from 'the inside'. but it would also be good if you added some graphics- it would definitely boost up the quality a lot, even some placeholders. 
As for the character, I think there are a lot of small improvements that could be made. For instance, giving the character more movement speed and fixing those small glitches while moving.
Hope you continue to work on your game, best of luck!