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A member registered Jul 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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what a wee game :) the music is a bit over-epic hahha :D also idk what is the zoom on right click of mouse, is there any mechanic i dont know about? :)

It took me a while to understand which box is a bomb :D I thought they are looking more similiar haha :) Despite the thought of it being easy, it us well challenging. Good job! :)

I got to 120.8! Took me a while to understand how to move around :) (mouse :D). Cute game! And congratulations to you and your partner for achieving this! :) 

Oh noo! You missed the data folder and without it cant play the game :( Also I see you have same problem as I did with exporting the game to webGL - in Unity you need to go Player settings -> WebGL -> Publish settings, and there set Compression to disabled.

Very fun game! I love the mechanic you made, seems simple yet so hard to focus on the colours with the time running! :D Got to 34. Great job :)

For some reason I cant place any single book? 👀 They always appeared off-shelf and when I clicked they just dropped to the floor. Appreciate the wee music and well the graphics look great too :) 

funy wee game, a bit chaotic and can infinite jump but yeah pretty solid :) took a second for me to realise what to avoid (everything xD)

A bit difficult from start and I sometimes get magneted to platforms when I meant to avoid them xD but got to 900 ! :)

Cute little platformer :) Only problem I had was that in higher area I couldnt see my brick anymore and needed to guess where are the shelves to avoid them and get higher but then at some point I couldnt move higher anymore so I think I reached the end? :) Also it is the first time I see this engine, interesting :)

Interesting mechanic you pulled out there! Took me a while to understand how to play haha :D But funny game! :)

fun little game! I needed to figure out how to jump tho didnt see any controls about that xD

wow super solid game! enjoyed playing it, good luck with the jam :)

got me few seconds to understand that the agent is moving and not just hiding in a book as I was just running around and was confused on how I got killed hahaha :D funny wee game, good job! :)

pretty funny, and well done with settings as well! 

Very challenging game, but great job! :) Pretty interesting concept :3

Very funny game! Takes a while to learn how the stuff works there, but I managed to finish (I think? or maybe the next level just didnt want to load for me). Pretty original as well! :)

So cute and minimalistic game! :3 The only thing I find missing is the sound, and maybe some more types of the demons? But yeah pretty solid for 3 hours, good job! :)

Funny and cute game! The RNG seems to be hitting up on me tho cause I almost always get three bowling balls after a while :(

Hi, I have sent you a friend request in Discord :)

Hey there! Thank you for your feedback and for playing our game! ❤️

Oh yeah, we actually planned the pause menu to be able to restart the game, but we run out of time. Sorry! 😥

It is interesting that the beaver fell through the map, it actually never happened in any of the playtests. 🤔 Well I guess there's only so much of the bugs we could pinpoint in the timeframe. 😄

The foxes were supposed to bypass the trees, but couldn't get them to do that so I just added a wee code to push them slowly to x/z positive direction when they touch the tree, maybe it was just happening too slowly 😛 Sorry! 

Thank you for the feedback and playing our game! ❤️

Thanks for the feedback and playing our game! <3

Thank you for your feedback! Glad you enjoyed it! 😊

Hey there's nothing to apologise for, all the games have some bugs, and it is still impressive with what you got in such a small time frame! <3

That's pretty fair with the controls needing to be memorised, it actually reminds me of how Papers, Please work in terms of having to remember each country's cities of issue and stamps 😊

I just played for some time again and got 750 so I am getting closer! 😄

Thank you for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed our product of this weekend! 😊

Thanks for the feedback and playing our game! ❤️

Hey there, thanks for your feedback! <3
Yeah we wanted to make somehow funny/cartoony game based on actual way nature works, and it just appeared that Beavers and Tetris work together 😄

Hey there!
Thank you for your feedback! We really wanted to get the map appealing in terms of nature, which is the aim of whole COP26, so that's great to hear ❤️
Thanks for playing our game!

Hey there, thanks for the feedback! <3

Yeah, we realise that controls are the confusing part of our game, but with the limited amount of time, we couldn't think of any other way than to introduce another button to enter the log mode. 😥In fact we tried different versions of interacting with the logs, but then we would miss other features like rotating the block, and the log mode toggle felt most understandable for us - even though it still could use some adjustments 😊

Thanks for taking time to play the game! <3

Hey there, thanks for the feedback! 🥰

With the controls, we planned to keep it to one interact button but then this was too hard to get around moving the logs, especially with the rotating part. We found it to be a bit less intuitive when a player could just step on the blocks to make them move, cause sometimes a player would want to leave the log field while it moved the block with the player as well so that's why we made a separate button for the log mode. 😊

In terms of logs falling down, we actually planned to have it slightly faster and also have the player build more dams to finish the game, but in the end game we cut it down due to how hard it was to achieve the game win condition, especially with all the foxes coming around and complexity of the log levels the player may get and get stuck in. 😄

And same with foxes - we initially had them spawn more often, it is just at the late playtest stage we thought it may be too hard, considering it was hard for us - people working on the game - so we just nerfed this amount in the very last-second build just so people would be actually able to finish the game. 😊 We wanted to keep it simple so it is appealing to everyone, although we may have gone too easy with it! 😅

Thank you for taking the time to play the game! <3

Thank you for your kind words <3
Yeah, we actually had the idea of making the game about beavers as a joke but it turned out that there is a lot of stuff going on that beavers help us with climate change and environmental issues! :)

I love the aesthetic you got there! It is pretty much fitting the mechanics. I think it is easy to get lost and out of bound - at least that was the case for me :) Nice job! 

It is a very unique idea of being attacked by mutated fish! :)

I am not too sure if it's just in my computer but it seems the game is not running properly? The only way I could finish was by going to sea :) It is still pretty impressive with the whole map you achieved in such a quick time :)

I love the addition of story! I wanted to beat the game so much to see the ending! :)
Cute platform game, great music, great art. Mechanic-wise sometimes the jump doubled, while sometimes the glide didn't work, may be just issue of my keyboard tho :) Pretty fun!

Amazing game!
I feel like you balanced pretty well with how the player starts with only one turbine and then it gets harder with dozens of them! :)
I like that you have the quick info's and it feels like a nice arcade game!
It is a simple game but you managed to make it fun, I will give you that! :)

Reminds me of one of those games I played as a child :) Pretty fun idea, although I wish there was a bit more to it, for example, it does not seem like there is any way to lose the game unless it was just me :) Loved the inclusion of information about the animals you use. Great job! 

I love the visuals and audio! The mechanics are nice, but it would be helpful to have a wee control scheme shown in-game, instead of having to memorise it or try to guess the correct one :) I like how there is a lot of different types to sort, and my high score is 425 :)