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A member registered Feb 08, 2024 · View creator page →

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This was great! I really like the style, clever puzzles, and interesting mechanics that are intuitive. I only wished for a button to quickly restart a level instead of having to go into the menu. Otherwise really solid all around. With a bit of polish this would be a gem.

Not sure why I missed this one. I found this really amusing and fun. Interesting that you need to figure out the right order to be able to get everything before you get too big. Great entry. Just needs a little polish and away you go.

Good effort for your first jam. The concept is cool. I would just like to see more developed mechanics to keep the gameplay interesting.

You've managed to pack quite a lot into a well fleshed out game, especially for a game jam. Fun gameplay, nice visuals and animations, really good music and sounds. Great stuff all around.

This was really fun, entertaining and a unique take on the theme. Everything is solid all around, great details and high quality design. Addictive gameplay, trying to get better times to get more stars. I'm not very skilled maybe but I couldn't get all the stars, some of the stages were difficult.

Alright so I know you didn't have time to complete very much of it. But based on what's there, the game looks good, animation is nice, and the movement feels good. Personally I would want the resize controls on a separate hand than the movement controls. There was some jitter/stutter in some places when moving forward, so some kind of optimization is needed. Otherwise it just needs time to build out the levels/content and details and expand on it from there.

A charming and fun little game with a cute style, I liked the use of the theme and the mechanics overall. My main critique is the layout of the controls doesn't feel right, like the grow and shrink should be swapped and I want to use a different hand for movement vs size controls.

I didn't mind the sketchy/chalkboard hand-drawn style. I get that it's made in 1 day so not much to it. I just wasn't sure what I was trying to accomplish. For me it's hard to get past the awful controls.

This was quirky and oddly fun, despite the controls being a little clunky and the visuals a bit mis-matched. I liked the concept and the take on the theme and the use of the different sizes. 

A good effort for a first game and a fun way to expand on that brackey's tutorial! The main mechanic is cool with incorporating the different sizes in the puzzles. The feel of the controls could be better though.

Was pleasantly surprised at the amount of content in this entry, and I liked the different phases to the game, as well as interesting levels. Overall this was fun. The controls were a little clunky.

This was fun overall once I got the hang of the controls and movement. However there was not much help in learning the mechanics and so it took a while to get there figuring it out on my own. Some instructions on the gameplay mechanics and what you're supposed to be doing  would go a long way. That said the controls themselves were responsive and smooth. Everything runs well even in the browser on my underpowered laptop. The theme is a bit weak apart from money number get bigger. Visually it all looks great and fits well together. Overall quite a good effort for a 1-week game.

Bug Fix!

I have now fixed the one bug where if the player moved the mouse outside the window/game area and then back inside, it incorrectly detected it as out of bounds and the player would lose the game. Not sure if anyone encountered that issue.

This is awesome, super well done especially for a jam game!

Controls are good overall except for the issue of having to reach up to the 1-2-3 keys can be awkward while frantically running around with wasd. Activated abilities maybe could be better somewhere else.

Gameplay was really fun, combat was interesting and strategic and tactical with the different abilities and types of dinos. I enjoyed that the different kinds of dinos would attack or run away from each other. The choices of different upgrades and paths made for cool combos, and feels like a variety of builds are viable, whether you go with a small or big dinosaur. I got a kick out of the endings, of which I managed to get two.

Artwork is really lovely and super nicely polished including all the creatures, animations, ending illustrations, and even UI. Music and sounds are perfect.

I think this is my favourite of the games I played so far.

A must play just based on the title alone. A cute and quirky concept. The style is charming if a bit unpolished. Well, it all fits a nostalgic late 90's-2000's era vibe. Controls were a bit clunky and clumsy so that made the parkour bits frustrating. Sound effects were perfect.

A fun and cool concept so far. The visual style looks great. The controls took a bit of getting used to but movement felt good. Hope you can develop it further.

The main mechanics and controls are pretty good and the bones are there for a potentially fun little arcade game. Unfortunately the bugs with the growing mechanic meant that after a retry or two I could never get any more smaller enemies that I could consume to grow, so I was unable to get very far. And didn't feel motivated to keep trying. I like the concept and the style is charming in a quirky/janky way. With those bugs fixed and some balance & gameplay tweaks and a little polish this could be great, so I hope you keep at it!

A curious and unique game. The main mechanic was interesting. The game was a bit confusing and it wasn't really clear what I was supposed to be doing at first. It wasn't clear how much I needed to do to clear each level. Also it could be a little more challenging.

Fun game and a cool take on the theme! The design is nice with some nice visual effects. The central mechanic is cool and the puzzles make good use of the mechanic. Some parts were pretty tricky but I was determined to make it through all the levels. The controls are a little on the touchy side. Music and sounds are great. Especially liked how sometimes the theme music would slow down or speed up.

Nice! I wish I could have implemented a leaderboard for the high scores.

This is a solid entry all around. The gameplay is intuitive and easy to pick up. A simple concept that makes for some tricky little puzzles but not too difficult. The use of the sizes of the fish as part of the puzzles is cool twist on the theme. The art is charming with some nice details like the bubbles and subtle floating movements. Nice job!

I liked the idea of having different size hammers that do different things, an unexpected twist on the theme. Overall the art style is fitting although it just needs a little polish and a few more animations to make it all come together. The main menu screen looks great. The gameplay was alright, the puzzles using the different hammer mechanics was cool, but the controls were a little clunky and it wasn't sometimes clear what I was supposed to be doing. With some tweaks it has potential to be great fun.

I won't give it a rating since I can't play it. Too bad since the screenshot menu looks nice which makes me want to check it out. Hope you can get it up and running at some point.

Ah I see, that makes sense. I didn't notice those mechanics, maybe I didn't play enough to notice it happening. 

5 stars!

(1 edit)

I really like the graphics style and nice details that are throughout this. The use of different size cars with different mechanics is cool. I personally didn't really like the driving mechanics as much, it took a lot of getting used to and I found it frustrating coming to a halt and getting stuck when hitting things, which happens all too easily with the controls. Maybe it's just skill issue on my part. I liked having the playground area to practice in. I do think this game has plenty of potential to be great with the right gameplay mechanics, if you could nail the driving feel a bit closer to something like mario kart.

By the way I also liked the inclusion of the leaderboard, which is something I wish I could have done for my game.

The gameplay is nice and smooth, controls are good. Gameplay overall is simple but fun for what it is. I wasn't sure how much the theme is represented other than having some big enemies. The design and art style overall is cool.

The game mechanics are a bit clunky and not much to the gameplay overall, but I can see it having potential with a bit of development.  It doesn't seem to have all that much to do with the jam theme, maybe just the size of your stack of items? I do like the art style, especially the design of the characters and their animations. So it could be fun with some expanded gameplay and mechanics.

Seems to fit the jam theme perhaps, but it looks like this was made/released months ago.

(1 edit)

Leave a comment if you manage to get The Big One!

: D

This is super well done overall for a jam game! And has potential to be developed further into an amazing game at some point. Really love the art style and design in general. Feels like the lore and gameplay already has a nice amount of depth to it that one could explore further. I want to see what it would play like if the opponent had the same kind of deck/cards as you. I feel like that could be interesting. I could see it potentially becoming a full-fledged TCG. You could even explore having some cards do extra side effects like drawing extra cards and so on.

Ok so now that I managed to run it (using the renaming fix), I'll give it a rating.

Actually it ended up being kind of fun. I enjoyed the use of different abilities for the three sizes. Obviously it's a little unpolished. The art style was nice enough, it could just use a few animations for the character and interactable objects. The dash and double jump mechanics and controls feel pretty good. It might just need some clearer instructions about the mechanics.

Oh yeah so it turns out it didn't run because the file names didn't match, so I had to rename one of the files to match.

Unfortunately it didn't run when I downloaded it. The executable had an error when I tried to run it, possibly a missing .pck file or something. So I didn't give it a rating yet.

Cute game. The art is quite nice. The physics of the stack of squishy cakes is quite satisfying. The game play wasn't fully intuitive at first. The music was fitting but got a bit repetitive.

Nice take on the theme. The controls are smooth and feel good.

Unfortunately it doesn't run so I couldn't play it.

Great job! This is all really well executed. 

I'm never very good at these kind of bullet hell games, but this is really well done all around. Controls feel good and the art style is very nice. Great job!

The concept is very cool, the atmosphere is great and the sound/music fits well. I liked the vibe and graphic style overall. Took awhile to figure out what was going on. Could use just a simple instruction for how the control works. Also I ended up going outside the "container" and went sailing off into space forever. So I guess I escaped... But I don't know if that's where I was supposed to go.