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A member registered May 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks, great that you appreciated it! Yes sadly we didn't have enough time to add sound or music or even a winning screen... Game jams problems haha :)

Glad you enjoyed the balance, I hope we didn't make it too hard, thank you!

Nice! That was the goal we looked for ahah, thank you!

Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks

Thank you!

Thank you! Yes agreed, too bad we didn't have time to achieve this, thank you for playing

I liked it it was really relaxing and satisfying to control the cat and jump on those big rats!
After a while the game lagged a lot on the browser version I don't know why, also it's a bit weird we can see the rats flying upward the screen it's funny. I felt the theme was somewhat respected, good job on the game!

That was really fun, I liked the simple artstyle and the overall "juiciness" of the game. There was a bit too much screen shake I agree. I also felt like the "grabbing" was a bit too powerful but I loved doing that even to the big bossy guys that was fun. Something I didn't really like was the theme I didn't really find it in your game. But that was good, nice beat'em up good job!

Such a cool idea for a puzzle game with a good fit for the theme I feel like! I wanted to play more it was way too short, but good job I liked it

That was a nice little game of one level, I felt the music was a bit too loud and I didn't find the theme more is less,  and the game is way too short, would be great to have multiple levels but we don't have much time in a game jam! You even added a menu and everything so that was good.

Amazing game, I went to level 7 with a score of around 15000 I loved every minutes of it, I tried at least 4-5 runs. It feels almost like a completed game, nice graphics, SFX, Music, you have nice menus with settings incredible stuff. Reminded me of some GBA or SNES games, loved it congrats. And perfect with the theme also !

Great game, very nice art, very nice music with the remixed of classics (reminded me of the end is nigh). That was challenging but this manageable, great content. I felt like the levels were pretty big for such a short time frame so well done, very nice "completed" little game with everything, art, music, sfx and a nice fun gameplay, congrat!

I really loved it! Everything seems to connect, the cat, the pots, the books the cute home feeling everything fitted perfectly, great aesthetics. I found the level design really well done, very challenging (maybe too much for a game jam) when you are not used to the controls but after a while it clicks and it's great. It could honestly be a really good starting idea for a game like jump knight or getting over it, where you have to climb up up up and then if you fell down you feel really bad lol. 
You have something there! Great job

Very good game, a lot of content and very polished in a very little time! The little knockback on the slimes was very subtle but a great addition otherwise would be way too hard! I had sadly a bug, there was 6 enemies left (around wave 10) and I couldn't find them (and never could they lol) so I never finished the game. Anyway, very good game, congrats

Ahah yes you need to be patient and analyse the patterns and try to optimize your best route! Maybe not the greatest fit for you, glad you still enjoyed it mate

Really made me think of pokemon, really simple turn by turn game that works well. As the others said I really liked the background changes too, it's a detail but that had a huge importance for me to really feel what I was doing was really changing the environement and I had to be careful. The artwork was a bit rough around the edges but still good enough for me to understand everything. Adding sound effects would have been so great too but I guess in a jam no time to everything right? ahah Great job dude

That was a good experience, very fun and exciting to play I felt the adrenaline pump man, good music and VFX with some nice effects! I felt that the bullets were a bit hard to distinguish between all the other stuff flying trough the screen but that didn't matter too much. I had a great time playing it, good job!

Such a great little gem, I love the popcorn idea for this theme it's clearly 5 stars for me. Very cute popcorns art man with all of these cute faces, they looked so sad when burnt I had to my best ahah! A bit weird that the lower your score the better, but it doesn't matter, great game for this jam!

Ahhh nice thank you! Great idea for this jam I like it, the dash when lightweight feels really good. I wished you had more time to polish a bit more these levels and make them feel a bit more challenging as a puzzle/platformer kind a way. Great job

Good game, very simple concept, well executed with some good lines! It was a bit hard to know exactly what do do, how many dashes you wanted us to do or if we were limited on time or something, but I guess it's part of the experience to find out, every decisions have a meaning and count! Good job

I really like it but can't seem to super jump by holding jump so I am stuck can you help me I want to keep playing, great idea and gameplay so far

That was really good, great theme, really relaxed and sooo polished for a game made in a few days, incredible. Great job

Good game following the theme, but it was really hard for me to get the puzzle, managed to do it though

I really liked it (though a bit scary at the end lol). Great atsmosphere, reminded me of antichamber. The game works really well, good music, very simple assets but perfect for this atmosphere. More is less is respected I felt like. I had a blast thank you

Yayyy I escaped! Pretty good platformer even if I found the walljumping a bit strict on your movements, everything else went smoothly. Good artstyle and chill music, I felt the atmopshere so well done. Agree that the theme "more is less" is a bit light. Good job

Well it was short to say the least but it worked so good job for that.

It was hard to play because it lagged a lot after a while there was like 20-30 fishes at the screen and it struggled. The controls are not the easiest :p

The idea is good but I can play only 3 levels, I don't know if there are only 3 levels but I feel it's a bit short. I waited for the longer and more intersting levels :p
Still good execution, I liked it

yep exactly :p

Good job! Yeah I know, we wanted to make a maze level but we didn't have the time to polish it... Thanks for playing my dude

Great little game, it works really well! The gameplay is great and loving the pixel art, it works flawlessly, no really any bugs I found. Only thing I would criticize a bit is I feel it's a bit light on the "more is less" theme, other than that I had a lot of fun playing your game, congrats!

That was good, very simple but very efficient I played for some times, very addictive. Could make a good mobile game probably. Well done for your first game completed mate

That was really good, kind of like a puzzle game, great twist with the theme less is more. We kind of has the same idea! Well executed, good job

Didn't really understood how to callibrate my shot and didn't understand the theme less is more. The game is working with some sound and music and you have a menu, that's not the easiest lol, so ya. It was hard.

I have no idea what to do. I don't think less is more if there is nothing lol

Very good little game, with a start and a finish, well executed with beautiful graphics and catchy music. The charater and its shooting feels nice. I felt the gameplay could have been a bit more fun, it was a tiny bit boring and slow pace for me. The theme is perfectly reminded in this one, very well done guys

I really liked the idea of less is more, not in a gameplay kinda way, but in a real emotion kinda way. The game is very simple sure but it evokes the idea well and that's good. I wished the illustrations of the UI (the stores, houses and Jill icons) were better looking and fitted more with the aesthetics of the illustrations once you completed the tasks, because they looked way better than the UI.
Good feels !

That was a pretty good Slay the spire like with a twist to "sacrifice" your soldiers. Loved the cute art style. I won at the end and was stuck but it doesn't matter. Well played!

I did 3555! Pretty fun concept that works really well I like it. The sound and the weapons are fun to use and that's the essential part of your game so well done, it looks good and sounds good. Gameplay wise maybe a bit too simple, would be even better with some obstacles and a bit more "world feeling".

Great job

I did 3555! Pretty fun concept that works really well I like it. The sound and the weapons are fun to use and that's the essential part of your game so well done, it looks good and sounds good. Gameplay wise maybe a bit too simple, would be even better with some obstacles and a bit more "world feeling".
Great job