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Community Translations Sticky

A topic by Grizzly Gamer Studio created Aug 20, 2021 Views: 50,385 Replies: 100
Viewing posts 1 to 34
Developer (11 edits) (+33)(-12)

Here are all current translations, made by the community.

password: ILCN
GermanAndreas Meichelböck
Brazilian PortugueseDanilo Manrique Macedo
Felipe Alves NemesisDoraColgate666
Lucas Ferreira Alves
Gustavo Fernandes Tsurayamiku

the link of chinese translation didn’t work


Sorry, this should work now


hello,i bought this game but no chinese translater


were is the spanish traslation?


I may throw my hat into the ring for the Spanish translation, Currently wrapping up my studies for my x-ray program. after that, I'll get to work


I have translated about 70%. If someone wants to help me, please answer me.

I can help you with it.

would love to help


I sent a request over Telegram

Hi, I would like to know how the translation is going, any news? :D

(1 edit)

Hi, we are working on it. Currently we're checking all the translations done so far, and we're translating the affinity with Astaroth and other daily dialogs. We're waiting for the developer to upload the new lines of the new ver. We are trying to translate the game into neutral Spanish and the jokes and puns are a little difficult to translate, so we need some time. Soon we'll need people for testing it, so we will post an update here.

I get it, thanks for answering!

Aun puedo ayudar? Me interesa apoyar 


Siguen trabajando en la traducción? Me gustaría ayudar
Are you still working on the translation?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes, we are. There are currently three of us working on it. The main translation is done (minus the new content just released today). We are currently working on editing and agreeing on a standard neural style for all Spanish-speaking regions. I believe we will soon release the final result for play-testing, but the all together as  a team will have to agree when that will be/when we are all happy with the final result

Si, estamos.  Actualmente hay tres de nosotros trabajando en esto. La traduccion principal esta terminada (menos el contenido nuevo liberado hoy). Actualmente estamos trabajando en editar y estar de acuerdo con un estilo neutral estandar para todas las regiones de habla hispana. Creo que pronto liberaremos el resultado final para prueba, pero todos nosotros como eqipo deberemos de estar de acuedo en cuendo sera esto/cuento todos estemos felices con el resultado final

Deleted 2 years ago

I would like to help in the translation in Spanish 


(2 edits)

Hello all!

We appreciate your patience  and sorry about the silence of late. We are a team of three that have been translating, editing and refining the Spanish translation in our spare. Two university students with full time jobs (formerly three, I just finished my education and have been crazy busy at work).

We got about 90% of the entire text (up to the current update) translated and edited. We continue to refine the text as we see errors. We are making the current translated file here:

Here, you can download the file needed to see the translated Spanish text in-game. Also, you can keep up to date of our progress, and gives us useful info about the localization (A Spaniard, a Panamanian/Mexican, and a American-born Salvadoran guys are doing our best to provide a balanced Spanish localization that everyone can enjoy)

We can wait to read what you think.

In behalf of Merch98 and Ursus, thanks in advance


ps. We have the Telegram channel 'live,' but still working on ironing out some kinks. Everything should be working soon. We'll keep you updated!

Hola a todos!

Apreciamos su paciencia y lamentamos el silencio. Somos un equipo de tres que hemos estado traduciendo, editando, y refinado la traducción en Español en nuestro tiempo libre. Dos estudiantes universitarios con trabajos a tiempo complete (Antes tres, acabo de terminar mi educación y he estado loco con trabajo). 

Tenemos como 90% del texto entero traducido y editado (hasta la actualización presente). Continuamos refinado el texto al encontrar errores. Estamos haciendo archivo de la traducción aquí:

Aquí, puedes hacer el download del archivo necesario para ver el texto en Español en el juego. También, puedes estar al tanto de nuestro progreso, y darnos información útil acerca de la localización (Un Español, un Panameño/Mexicano, y un Salvadoreño nacido en USA estamos haciendo lo mejor posible en proveer una localización que todos puedan disfrutar

No podemos esperar en leer lo que piensan.

 De parte de Merch98 y Ursus, gracias por adelantado 


p.s. Tenemos el canal de Telegram 'en vivo,' pero todavia estamos arreglando algunas cosas. Los mantendremos al tanto!

Thank you for your patience, the site is live! Here you will be able to download the latest file to play the game in Spanish. We will be updating the files as we continue to edit and receive feedback.  We will be making a separate community post dedicated for feedback on the translation.


Gracias por su paciencia, el sitio esta vivo! Aqui podras descargar el archivo mas reciente para jugar el juego en Español. Estaremos actualizando los achivos a lo que continuamos en editar y al recibir reacciones. Estaremos abriendo un post comunitario dedicado a reaciones sobre la tradiccion, 

Disculpe, no tengo cuenta de telegram y ni telefono para descargar el archivo, ¿existe algún otro medio para que pueda bajar el archivo?

Puedes descargar el archivo directamente en el link al comienzo de este post, junto a los links de la traducción en Ruso y Chino. Déjame saber si tienes aún tienes problemas con ese link

(1 edit)

Una pregunta la tradicion de la comunidad al español se puede utilizar en celular

si, descarga el archivo (y haz una nota de adonde se encuentra en tu teléfono). Al abrir el juego, ve a opción y pulsa el “+” para agregar el archivo. Espero que esto te ayuda. Déjame saber si tienes alguna duda.

si ise eso hasta le ise una carpeta al archivo pero cuando lo intentó algo que dice filename se pone rojo cuando presiono el botón que dice select que hago 

A este punto te recominedo que mandes un mensaje GrizzyGamer para mas asistencia con respecto a este asunto. Perdon que no tenga mas informacion quen sea mas util 

y donde se encuentra eso 


Wanted to give a hand on the Portuguese translation but I'm on linux (i can play with Lutris) how can i help?









Deleted 3 years ago


Deleted 3 years ago



就是不行, 没有解压码, 谷歌网盘和百度都不行


Deleted 3 years ago

您好 我在评论区没有看到 0.9的 请问可以发一份邮件版的吗

Deleted 3 years ago


Deleted 3 years ago


(1 edit) (+1)

Wondering about helping with Spanish translation, I think a lot of people would love it!




没有中文汉化作者了(╥ ㉨ ╥`) 



yes please

Hello, know something about the translation into Spanish?


sorry, I haven't heard of a Spanish translation so far :/


Hi! I've helped a little on a translation into Spanish . It was almost done, we were just making adjustments and correcting typos; in fact,  I have a copy of the project. 

I wasn't able to keep helping at the time. I'll get in touch with the person that had already made the huge progress and inquire if we can provide an update. Probably the project can be shared, but it still needs to be reviewed.

Hola! Yo ayudé un poco en una traducción al español. Estaba casi lista, sólo estábamos realizando ajustes y corrigiendo errores ortográficos (typos); de hecho, tengo una copia del proyecto.

No pude seguir ayudando con la traducción en su momento. Me pondré en contacto con la persona que ya había hecho un enorme avance y preguntaré si podemos facilitar una actualización. Probablemente el proyecto  podrá ser compartido, pero todavía necesita ser revisado.


Gracias 💖 realmente apreciamos y respetamos su trabajo como traductores

Siguen trabajando en la traducción? Me gustaría ayudar

Are you still working on the translation?


Yes, we are. There are currently three of us working on it. The main translation is done (minus the new content just released today). We are currently working on editing and agreeing on a standard neural style for all Spanish-speaking regions. I believe we will soon release the final result for play-testing, but the all together as  a team will have to agree when that will be/when we are all happy with the final result

Si, estamos.  Actualmente hay tres de nosotros trabajando en esto. La traduccion principal esta terminada (menos el contenido nuevo liberado hoy). Actualmente estamos trabajando en editar y estar de acuerdo con un estilo neutral estandar para todas las regiones de habla hispana. Creo que pronto liberaremos el resultado final para prueba, pero todos nosotros como eqipo deberemos de estar de acuedo en cuendo sera esto/cuento todos estemos felices con el resultado final

I'd like to help, how could I contact you guys?

I’ll pass along your message to the group 


hola buenas sobre la traduccion en español hay alguna manera de estar mas pendientes algun grupo de discord o de alguna red social? para estar al tanto porfavor si pudiera aver una manera de comunicarme con ustedes para estar al tanto de la traduccion en español y si se puede poder ayudar en algo estare esperando una respuesta muchas gracias

Does anyone know when a Mac OSX version community translator will be available? Thanks in advance!!

Hello everyone, I love the game and I would like to know if there will be a translation in portuguese brazil


Hello, I saw on our discord server that some people were working on a brazilian portuguese version, but I don't know how far they are.

ah, okay, TKX

but... someone any news about the updates ( mission about the king, kill the dragon, relationship with someone ) etc...

hello,i bought this game yesterday,but it told me that chinese translater can't use,what should I do?

A question? When will the new batch of text for 10.0/10.1 will be released on the community translator? Do I need to something specific to update the new dialogs?


Hello JaySage, The new texts should be available this week, but I actually think of using another system than the actual community translater (don't worry, you won't lose your work) because it seems most translations are made in groups of people, and I want to make life easier for them.

Awesome! Our group (the Spanish translation) would be trilled to use a more efficient method and speed up the process. How can we have access to this? Thanks for your reply. By the way, I personally have enjoyed playing (and helping translate) the game every step of the way! 


The new system is not yet created but I have some ideas in mind. Can you send me an email at so I can send you a preview of the new system?

If you can, send me your project file so I can work with it and transfer it to the new system.

hola buenas sobre la traduccion en español hay alguna manera de estar mas pendientes algun grupo de discord o de alguna red social? para estar al tanto porfavor si pudiera aver una manera de comunicarme con ustedes para estar al tanto de la traduccion en español y si se puede poder ayudar en algo estare esperando una respuesta muchas gracias

Me interesa.  Si sabes algo por favor, comunícate conmigo <3


Eu faço a tradução para Portugues PT-BR..... estão utilizando algum programa que facilita a substituição do codigo? eu to bem rustico abrindo em notepad++

Cara se conseguir traduzir consigo te pagar 100 reais pra custo de ajuda

tem discord?


se quiser ajuda com a tradução pt-br manda uma mensagem

Como faço pra entrar em contato com você mano?

Como faço pra entrar em contato com você mano?

Opa, bom dia, desculpa essa tremenda demora, eu tava começando a traduzir, ate que vi a postagem do final da saga e coloquei a tradução de lado para poder focar na faculdade e trabalho, vou retomar apois outubro. gostaria de me ajudar?

Opa, bom dia, desculpa essa tremenda demora, eu tava começando a traduzir, ate que vi a postagem do final da saga e coloquei a tradução de lado para poder focar na faculdade e trabalho, vou retomar apois outubro. gostaria de me ajudar?

Deleted 1 year ago
(4 edits) (+1)

正體中文 (Chinese Traditional )漢化版本:(開啟遊戲後,語言選擇,匯入下方檔案就可以了)

簡體中文版本 (Chinese Simplified),請支持 CrosXX 的版本







如果有修改意见可以联系我喔 :)


你好,我想问一下解压码在哪里, 谷歌网盘完全打不开有密码的文档,就算在电脑上。 百度没有解压码打不开


Quem está traduzindo a versão brasileira?

I don't know if I'm the only one but when I play the game in Spanish this appears in all the texts:

me sucede lo mismo, tuve que volver a poner el juego en inglés,... Supongo que esto pasa porque el juego se actualizo pero la traducción aún no y por ende no tiene los diálogo nuevos!

The Translation is a work in progress right now, done by a few people of the community. The language file should update itself in the actual version with the progress of the group.  but i think you might need to switch to english at least for the tutorial. 

¿De casualidad aun no hay ninguna novedad sobre la actualización de los textos a Español? 

Es algo incomodo cambiar entre ingles y español para ver los detalles que faltan por culpa de texto.

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 1 year ago





Is there an updated version of the Community Translator? I have the previous version, but it haven't the dialogues of the final version of the game.


Hello, I'm sorry but we removed the community translater tool because we moved to an online version. There are already people working on a brazilian portuguese translation, so if you want, you can send me an email to, and I can introduce you to them.

the chinese zip password is wrong

(1 edit)

hey guys, i wanna make an Arabic translation but i have no idea how to or what do i start with , anyone got any tips ? :)

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Thank you for the German translation of Andreas Meichelboeck.
I was finally able to play the brilliant game and also understand something.
I found some translation errors and some translated are a little bit strange.
Please contact me via my email address.

Hi Kuschelfeuer,

yes, most of the affinity dialogs are still only deepl translations and quite strange. I‘m still working on it. It is much more text than i had expected  😅

you are welcome to participate if you like to. 


Hola muchachos, perdon por el silencio. larga historia corta: no he avanzado mucho en el projecto. entre el emfermarme, mi mama enfermarse (y llevarla al la sala de emergencia tres veces), y enfermarnme otra vez, no he tenido mucho tiempo para continuar. Los desarolladores han actualizado el juego para que lo que este disponible de la traduccion sera disponible en el juego. Mi plan es de resumir la traduccion la proxima semana. Gracias por entender. JaySage

Hi, I'm interested in translating into Thai. In fact, I had done some already, but what I did haven't covered new updated contents (I think mine, so far, was the true culprit scene..). How can I find new version of Community Translater so I can continue my project?


Hello Izze! Please send us an email at so I can configure the new CT system for you. It's all hosted in Google Drive now.

Hola, cómo hago para descargar el idioma español en movil??? 

Hi, I want to work on a translation on Malay/Indonesian but I have no idea where to start or to obtain the original English translation file, is there a way for me to get it? Thanks!


Hello, You can send us an email at, and we'll see to it ^^

Is there a Polish language version available? Or will it ever be?

Hmm... I’m playing the game on my smartphone with the app. Is it possible to change the in-game language into Germany with this? Or is it only for the PC version? And if it's possible, what to do with the .JSON file? Thanks for help in regard.

Hello! Im spanish, I would like to know how to make a translation of the Dlc into Spanish or help with it.


Hello, and thank you for the enthusiasm ^^

There are already a few people on the spanish translation, but you can send us an email at so I can give them your contact information.