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Playtest Feedback Sticky Locked

A topic by By Odin's Beard RPG created May 03, 2022 Views: 702 Replies: 22
This topic was locked by By Odin's Beard RPG Dec 14, 2023
Viewing posts 1 to 11

Please use this thread to discuss any feedback from playtests of We Deal in Lead.

What mechanics worked well? What needs improvement? What’s missing?

Thank you!

Colin (@byodinsbeardrpg)


On page 6, in the creation table a row is unreadable (due to page change I think)

Good spot, thank you! I’ll upload a corrected version.


On basic abilities, to me the 3d6 characteristics feels like it could result in characters with very different effectiveness/resilience, especially where it feels like gunslingers should be less fragile/more competent. Have you considered other options of roll/keep, like in Mausritter or Knave,  or (my current favourite) the lookup table approach used in Fleaux? 


Hmm, interesting approach! I’ll have a look and try out some different ability generation methods in playtesting. Definitely worth investigating, thanks!


Hello ! I haven't tried the game yet but I have a question! I wonder, it is mentioned that the latter is played with 1 player or more. In the perspective where we play several players, does one of us play the game master or is it more of a GMless game ?
Thanks !


Hello! It’s primarily intended for the GM (Warden) and 1 or more players, though there are rules for solo/solitaire play as well. Thanks for the question!


There is a issue with the heading on tables on page 25 and 40.


This is a side effect of how I’ve exported the Markdown file. I’ve now updated it with a corrected PDF, thanks for the heads-up!


No problem.


Bestiary stuff is awesome.  I really like the solo oracle tables in your previous work.  Perhaps an oracle for mines, wilderness,  or even towns


Thanks! I’ve definitely got plans for something like a delve generator.


There's been some points of confusion in my group regarding the bandolier, and some worn items in general. The bandolier frees up a slot for lead, but takes up a slot of it's own. We've been confused about worn items (bandolier, cuffs, etc) and bulky armor like the padded poncho. How many slots are they intended to take up? Shouldn't the bandolier be small to free up an inventory slot? As is we're unsure what purpose it serves. This has been our only gripe so far, absolutely loving the game. Can't wait for the physical release.


Hello and thanks for the feedback! I’ll be updating the description for the bandolier to both clarify and add the “small” tag. Wearing the bandolier means Lead doesn’t take up inventory slot.

Worn items still take up inventory. Bulky items take up two slots. If an item isn’t small or bulky, it takes up 1 Slot.

Glad you’re enjoying it!

thanks for the clarification!

(1 edit) (+1)

Are there any rules for mundane firearms? There's rules for Artefact Guns, and reference to mundane firearms, but I wasn't sure if we should follow the Artefact Gun rules, then make the mundane ones...worse? Thanks! -- Specifically thinking of mundane guns here, rather than slingshots/bows & arrows. 


So mundane guns can’t damage creatures immune to mundane damage. As only gunslingers (and harriers) roll on the Shoot table, anyone else shooting a mundane gun just rolls for damage, but this is reduced by DEF as mundane guns don’t bypass armour. For misfires, rolling 1 for damage forces the shooter to roll on the misfire table. Weapon damage is comparable to artefact guns, except revolvers do d6.


Hi in general how does character stats progession  work?  Aka do they get more grit or stuff as they gain more experience? 


Progression generally happens through Scars, as these have a chance to increase Gunslinger Grit and abilities.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hello! I recently bought this game and ran into some confusion while making my first Gunslinger. Most of them i managed to figure out after flipping through the pages back and forth but some are still left unanswered.

*"2. Next, choose or roll their background (pg. 84, knowledge and potential skills)."
I rolled Stranger.. and then what? What skills do i roll for, if any? What knowledge? Is this a roleplay thing or a game mechanic thing?

*"4. Decide whether they’re from The Drifted World or arrived through a slip door. "
Ok. Should i jot it down somewhere? Unclear.

*"6. Finally, choose or roll for your character’s gun (pg. 86). "
..and look up its' Special Attack on pg. 31 and write it down .

*"Roll for Starting Gear (pg. 86), determining your hat, armour, tools, and equipment."
Should the choice of hat be noted down under inventory or just as cosmetics under notes?
What about the table for Trinket that is next to the Tool table? Should i not roll for one of those?

When i was 'done' i was also confused by the example of Rebecca Kruze on pg. 15 and her "Order of the King" and where that had come from in the character generation, but that cleared up after reading a bit more.

If i have understood correctly she also has her "Lead" slot incorrectly filled, since she has a Bandolier (which also has its Slot incorrectly filled since Bandolier is supposed to be a small item).

A small notation of (s) for Small item in the tables at the end would be nice too.

This is just in the view of someone quite literally reading through the book for the first time and the initial reactions, which i imagine could be helpful.
Now I'll be going back to reading. The game is looking real fun. Thanks!

EDIT: Maybe a lot of these questions/problems would solve themselves if the character generation and example was a bit further into the book, after the explanations.


The backgrounds are mainly for roleplaying flavour and to give a rough archetype for the character’s past, though some of them give mechanical benefits during wilderness exploration.

Whether or not the gunslinger’s from the Drifted World mainly informs roleplaying so could be included in the Notes section.

You can choose to roll on any or all of the starting gear tables, trinkets included.

Good point about the bandolier, I’ll fix that in a future update.

Thanks for the feedback!

I see. i see! Great rundown! Most of these i figured out myself, as aforementioned, but they were unclear from the text and i would love if they were a bit clearer.
I've since my first post read through most of the book.
I've got some more suggestions and things to fix:

. Momentary rest and a drink of water restore Grit but leaves you exposed."
All of it? In that case i'd add "fully restore Grit". ( If this is added, add it to pg 37 too)

*pg. 30
I would like if Steel Resolve was on the character sheet for ease of access and helping in remembering its existence for the players. Maybe pre-filled on the Special Attacks? "Steel Resolve (Add Artifact Gun dmg die to Grit if succesful HRT save. 1/day. Cost: 1 Fat)

*pg. 31
Same thing as above with Quickdraw. "Quickdraw (Cost: 1 Fat)"

*pg. 31
"Special Attacks. Over time, Gunslingers attain expert proficiency with their guns, gaining the ability to perform special attacks unique to each gun type"
This could be interpreted in a way that the player doesn't start with a special attack for their character, which i've understood is incorrect.

*pg. 36
I'd add the Warden saying "Since you (the Gunslingers) are prepared for enemies to appear, you do not have to roll a Dex save to attack first" or something like it to the combat example, to help players remember how "initiative" works in combat scenarios. Helps a lot when you play a lot of different TTRPG systems.

*pg 39-41
Some of the underscores sneaking their way across spaces between words.


There's a lot of documentation and guide managing in my day-to-day job so i have a tendency of wanting things to be overly clear, especially for new eyes, even in my hobbies. The less room for misinterpretation, the better. I'm sorry if i seem picky, lol.

Game looks absolutely fantastic by the way, gonna keep reading now, and I'm sure I'll be back with more feedback.

I'm glad i could help and i hope this helps too.

(2 edits)

pg. 35
*Scarred/Rattled/Broken/Bloodied "If it exceeds your max Grit, take the new result."
And do what with that result? Clarification needed.

pg. 35
*"Deprived until you rest." Add "You're" in the beginning of this sentence for consistency across the table.

pg. 35
*Inconsistency in table regarding "Roll d6" and what symbol comes after, to show results.

"Scarred: Roll d6, 1: Neck, 2: Hands, 3: Eye, 4: Chest, 5: Legs, 6: Ear."  Separator: ","
"Broken: You take a spill and break something. Roll d6 | 1-2: Leg, 3-4: Arm, 5: Rib, 6: Skull." Separator: "|"

pg. 38
*An example hex map and exploration/crawl example would be real nice in this chapter.

pg. 59 *"Rickety platform. Lowerable walkway, currently raise."
Should be "raised".

"Dented tins. Strung from thin wire, fixed two stilts. Crude alarm."
Maybe this is my rusty english but shouldn't it be "fixed to stilts" or "fixed to two stilts"?

"d4 lobstrosts emerge and attack."
 .."if alarm is triggered."

pg. 64
*"Encounter" table could be called "Encounter type" instead

pg. 62.
*"Roll d12 on the Encounters table (pg. 64) in each new area."
I'd clarify this as "Roll d12 on the Encounter type table (pg. 64) and then roll d6 on the Encounter Table (pg. 65) in each new area."

*I scratched my head a long time until i figured out what the parenthesis after the Locations table "Type and Size" meant (the "(+d6)" for Ruins for example)

Maybe set up the table something like this instead:

etc etc

Type and Size
Shack (10)
Waystation (10+d4)
Ruins (10+d6)

*pg. 79
Here I'd add a little suggestion text about the idea of creating and adding dead PCs/NPCs from other RPGs you've played with your group, which i think i heard you mentioning in one of your actual play videos or something like that. I think that's an awesome idea and would bring lots of "oh shit ITS HIM"-moments for players. It fits greatly with the theme of the game, as we both know as readers of The Dark Tower, "There are other worlds than these."

*A small dictionary or something alike at the end of the book would be great to easily look up game-specific words and their meaning. For example Errant = Group leader, Order = Group of players, Detachment = Group of combatants

And that's all for my first read-through of this game!

Man, it looks so much fun! Will be back after I've ran a one-or-two shot with more actual play feedback.

Thank you!

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