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Crowd Sourcing Horny Ideas for Asterion

A topic by Minoh Workshop created May 29, 2022 Views: 6,864 Replies: 86
Viewing posts 1 to 46

It won't be long before we start working, finally, on Asterion's NSFW content. This is what we've all been waiting and building up for, it's hard to express just how hyped we are for it.

We have quite a few ideas for what we want to do, but it's always healthy hearing what you guys want. It gives us a fresh perspective, which can be a game changer considering how we can get tunnel vision from putting so many hours into the game.

Feel free to throw your ideas to see what sticks, but to give some direction I'm giving you these questions. Answer whichever ones you feel comfortable answering — and if you see in this thread a response you're into, give it an upvote.

Without further ado:

  1. What are things, sexual positions, acts and/or kinks you'd like the MC and Asterion to explore together?
  2. If the MC had the chance to rile up/tease/excite Asterion, what would you like him to do? (For the sake of the discussion, assume that Asterion gave the MC permission to have some fun.)
  3. Similarly, what do you think Asterion would do to tease/rile up/excite the MC?
  4. Is there something you'd like R&D to do that would, intentionally or not, provide a chance for a NSFW scene? (For example, building a sauna.) 
  5. Is there something you'd like the MC and Asterion to do, but you are not sure if Asterion would be comfortable? If yes, what?
  6. If the MC's been more reassuring, dominant, bolder with physical contact, Asterion can become more bashful and really get into it. As a player who's been more dominant to Asterion, is there anything you'd like the MC to be able to do to tease him? Or something in NSFW scenes?
  7. Likewise, if you have NOT been particularly dominant, what would you like to see?
  8. What do you think Asterion is into? Feel free to speculate.

I'm a bottom, but not a sub.  I definately want to "take the bull's lurch" in about every position possible. Putting the MC in a sling would make sense given the height differences. Kinks could include water sports. I would be very uncomfortable if it went into violence, scat, or blood. Asterion could show off how well he can kiss and eat ass with bovine tongue agility.   I think Asterion would be into flip-fucking, toys (both ways especially if he is mythologically hung like a bull), and having his nipple worked on.  I forget if those are pierced.  That in itself could be a thing.  I don't think that Asterion would be into flogging or percussion play as he has suffered the real editions of those tools and would still remember the feel.  Similar with muzzle, blindfold or hood.  R&D - while installing a new plumblng fixture, Asterion gets an education on glory holes.  If the hotel adds a gymnasium (pretty natural idea for a Greek background) then the sauna and steamroom are definately possible as well as group showers and locker room fun, not to mention play around the weight and exercise machines that Asterion has never seen before.


Oooh! Some serious tongue french kissing with MC?! :D Lots of long bovine tongue woo!


1. i think asterion would be a soft top if the player isnt really dominant 

2. stuff amongst the lines of "my precious little moo" and probably nipple play

3. for a less dominant mc i think asterion flexing would work and for a more dominant mc having asterion say things along the lines of "make me~"

4. the sauna works really well i dont have anything to add to that 

5. perhaps soft bdsm? not sure

6. i think the soft top asterion works so ima gonna say have the mc tease him by sitting on his lap and grinding into asterion

7. asterion being more self confident and making some *bold* decisions 

8. i dont really have anything popping into my head but i would like to see any ideas you guys perhaps have


2 I just think It would be interesting to know how asterion right to the MC blowing softly in asterion ears 

3 I think in certain position he would trash around his tail in like a soft way  around the neck and chest of the MC or he would whisper poetry or just hold you up when he hug you

4 if there's ever a garden or a vineyard can at least have a kiss scene how far would they take that moment is up to you

5 bites I don't think he would ever bite someone and to be bitten would trigger bad memories.

6 grabbing asterion ass or just and spank like a soft one as a treat

8 he did smell your clothes and he like when you exercise together he might be Into musk 


I do love the idea of some sex interactions, like whispering poetry, grabbing butts, maybe pulling on his tail gently... before the actual sex scene. 

I want more kissing scenes! It's so sweet and tender,and it makes my heart just melt!!! ♥️♥️❤️♥️❤️❤️❤️😍

(1 edit) (+19)(-2)

I fully realize that Asterion is meant to be a bottom in canon, but it would also be nice to have him be a top if the MC player is a bottom. I think you should add the option for Asterion to top, even if later itshows him as versatile and bottom inclined. That's the last I'll mention of Asterion being a top.

Alrighty with that out of the way...

Consent. I know this is a bit of a 'well no shit' comment, but considering the kinds of power MC has over Asterion, I want his willingness to engage in sex with MC to be clearly consensual. Maybe have Asterion suggest sex to MC, to make it clear it's his idea?

1) I think both MC and Asterion would flirt/tease the other with the whole 'my king' and 'master' name-calling stuff. I'd be surprised if this wasn't somehow included.

2) Options for vanilla sex, and for kinky sex options. I love both, but a lot of people aren't super into kink, so make any kinky stuff optional. (But definitely still include kink!)

3) Possible types of kink



    Dom and sub (bit obvious with the whole master or king thing, can go either way!)

I will say BDSM is a delicate topic. I absolutely don't want to involve pain in any way with Asterion and sex. It doesn't matter who that pain is directed at, I would be deeply uncomfortable with pain being involved considering Asterion's past!

4) Confident Asterion! No matter what I'd definitely like to see Asterion be confident with his sexuality.

I'd also really like the idea of MC and Asterion sharing quarters to be discussed. I feel like after they take this step, it would only make sense for the two of them to share a bedroom, and a bed... 😍

5) It would be interesting (as an option for players) if Asterion's dick could either be human or mythical. Some people like that and some don't, so I feel like it should be an option to have.

Finally... I'd really love if there could be one or two smaller sex scenes, where it's more casual nudity and just exploring each other and getting used to the idea of sex, before Asterion and MC go fully into sex and possibly kink. 

Or there's a sort of foreplay period before jumping into the sex scene.

(2 edits) (+6)(-1)

Gotta agree, it would be great to have the option to have Asterion be the top or the bottom(a switch functionally)

(2 edits) (+14)(-2)

My time has come! Words cannot describe how many ideas and scenarios I've come up with about Asterion!

Answering the prompts in order:

1) For positions, MC and Asterion in a mating press is very high on my list, as is Asterion riding MC cowgirl style. Sixty-nine with Asterion would also be pretty hot!
For sexual acts and/or kinks, body worship is an obvious one, as is role reversal. Some role playing would be nice to see, too. Pet play could also be something interesting to explore. It might be interesting to sometimes get an option to bring one (or more!) of the other characters into the action every now and then.

2) Tugging on and playing with Asterion's tail would definitely be a good way for MC to tease or rile Asterion up. Some of the banter between Asterion and MC could also lead to some interesting ideas; for example, MC could leave a pair of his underwear on Asterion's pillow if you choose the option in chapter 18 that suggests Asterion might do something "indecent" while doing MC's laundry.

3) I feel like Asterion would be really into more classic stuff for teasing and riling up MC; caressing, grinding, whispering sweet nothings into his ear, etc. Including new events where MC can show interest in various different kinks or ideas could be a good gateway into new ideas for Asterion to Tease MC with; for example, perhaps there could be an event after building the gym where MC can show an interest in body worship (sniffing, licking, groping, etc) in the locker room and afterwards, Asterion could "forget" to put on deodorant after a workout or "accidentally" leave a used jockstrap in MC's room. Really get creative with it!

4) The sauna idea is definitely a good one. Other ideas could be things like:
     a. Upgrading the infirmary and MC and Asterion can decide to "christen" one of the new beds
     b. Creating a playground with a swing-set for any children at the hotel - after an optional conversation with Luke - leading to the installation of a sex-swing in the Master's quarters
     c. A rock-climbing room/station being added to the gym (the idea here is something like nude climbing)
     d. MC getting the opportunity to view the contract that forbids Adsterion from "exposing himself while [they] are expecting guests" and having the opportunity to modify or even completely rescind it would be a neat idea to explore
     e. A game/club room with things like a pool table (getting to tease or fuck Asterion while he's bent over to line up his shot; MC being teased or fucked by Asterion while bent over)
     f. Similarly to the sauna, adding something like a public bath or a proper onsen as a surprise or at the request of Kota, and/or adding a hot tub/jacuzzi to the pool
     g. Building a spa where MC and the characters can get massages and other spa treatments that can temporarily improve their stats, similarly to cooking with Khenbish
     h. Instituting an "Adults-Only" time at the swimming pool where swimwear is optional, encouraged to be disregarded, or even completely banned
     i. Maybe something like adding giant themed "getaway-rooms" that resemble different places and environments; one could be themed after Paris and have a perfectly to-scale recreation of the Notre Dame cathedral; another could be themed after the Asphodel Meadows in the Underworld, or perhaps Crete as Asterion remembers it
     j. A dance/martial arts studio (open room, wall-length mirrors, etc)*
     k. Art gallery (calling Asterion or his body a work of art)*
     l. A big library (fooling around with Asterion in a secluded cornr, but having to stay quiet; filling it with books could be something achieved over time via donations from guests and making purchases through the R&D Projects menu)*
At the end of the day, it really comes down to how creative you can get with seemingly innocuous or innocent projects. Really stretch the limits of logic and creativity with it!

5) Bondage, maybe? I don't really have much of anything for this one. Ultimately, I'd like MC and Asterion to establish early on some sort of safeword or consent agreement where they can explore their more out-there ideas and urges, but only as far as the other is comfortable.

6) Dirty talk about what MC could make Asterion do, filling Asterion's head with ideas of all kinds of horny debauchery, only to say that Asterion will have to ask for it if he want's anything like that to happen. Playing with the dominance and power dynamic while ultimately leaving it up to Asterion to decide what he is or isn't comfortable with pursuing.
Additionally, while MC and Asterion are getting frisky, MC could grab Asterion by the horns and fool around with that; grinding into his muzzle, getting a touch more aggressive while receiving oral, etc.

7) In a situation where MC is just less dominant, I don't really see Asterion becoming more dominant on his own. Rather, I'd like to see paths where MC could actively encourage Asterion to be more dominant in a sexual setting; for example, using the hotel's magic to tie himself to the bed, ready for Asterion to use as he pleases for awhile.
Heck, maybe even have a more dominant Asterion pull a trick like this!

8) I'm willing to bet Asterion has a praise kink; it just makes sense to me. Either praising or being praised by MC sounds like something Asterion would be into.
I also think Asterion would be into leather and harnesses and the like, kinda leaning into his bovine heritage a bit. 
Another idea, as mentioned before, would be body worship. Asterion has shown a great deal of pride in his physical form, so it would make sense that he would be interested in this sort of kink.

Grammar & typos
*More ideas for question 4


oh damn the "getaway-rooms" idea is actually so neat!! i second this point in particular and this post as a whole


hmmmm only thing that really comes to mind for me is double ended dildo action if both asterion and MC want to bottom since most of the commenters given ideas i had in mind. Or just toys in general for all your bottom moo's needs. 


im a kink nut lol i love super doms and love watersports but i think astereon mught be a soft top till hes more comfortable with the role then get progressively dom if MC is submissive id like to see him ask for advice from some of the other patrons in private like Luke i like their interactions together;) i think as a bottom Astereon  would be super submissive and be into leather or nipple play but would hate bondage to put a nice spin on things. As a wierd quirk i think he would be not exactly aloof but blunt when asking about sex but top or bottom hed ask the others about it in secret (testing his freedom so to speak by doing things privately)

(4 edits) (+1)(-5)

1. For position, probably a traditional one that allows the CG(s) to include the MC's dick, Ass-terion's ass and dick at the same time. Personally, nipple play, rimming, lactation would be most appreciated. Since we don't want to hurt Asterion, let's pamper him and be gentle to him

2. For now, I can only think of kabedon-ing him, squeezing his butt and petting his tail

3. Grinding his glute in the MC's crotch, or squeezing his own boobs and cheeks in front of the MC (you know which cheeks I'm talking about)

4. An erotic massage room, with Asterion as the massager

5. No, just ask Asterion before doing anything to him

6. Put him in a leash or tie him up (in their quarter only, thank you very much)

7. Pass

8. As mentioned above, nipple play, slammed against a wall, having his tail played with. Oh right, forgot about the musk


  1. I think some soft slave play might work really well. Have Asterion really want to pamper the MC, play up how he's always been trying to put himself in a subordinate role, let him really go wild with that. Maybe make Asterion have to talk MC into letting him do so, especially if they've made lots of "stop calling me master" choices. There's ways to eroticize the MC's ability to give "orders" and (on top of being HOT) it's a not uncommonly reported method of taking agency over past abuse, to turn it into kinky scenarios (though it should be emphasized that this isn't an approach that automatically works for everyone.)
  2. You could use the "control over Asterion's body" to some interesting effect, I think. Maybe as simple as a " what happens if I just ORDER you to become horny? Does that work?"
  3. I can see Asterion spouting extremely elegant and extravagant, to the point of being a little self consciously silly, poetic praises of whatever part of MC's body his lips happen to on right now.
  4. 'Sauna' is definitely good. But I'd also consider having horny possible extensions to already existing R&D projects, if they are completed AFTER the relationship becomes sexual. The Gym and the Pool come to immediate mind as good possibilities.
  5. I think Asterion might conceivably be uncomfortable with a sling/sex swing, or anything which might remind him of the cow Daedalus built Pasiphae. 
  6. The scene where the MC examines the nose ring, and handling it put Asterion almost into a trance, seems me to be foreshadowing horny applications. Like, gentle pressure down on it to get him on his knees, for example.
  7. Asterion's got far too much chest and torso in general to not be able to use it to good effect. Like just bury MC's face between his pecs.
  8. I think Asterion's the kind of person who falls in love with someone over a shared task (like, well, running a hotel) But like, the kind of "collaborators to friends to lovers" path. So i think he'd like some activity that then turns into passionately making out. I could see him getting the kind of performance anxiety that comes from having to initiate sex from like a cold start, as it were. I could see him much preferring sort of semi-spontaneous "oh you're brushing my back, oh, something about this feels good..." kind of scenario. Similarly, I could see him liking scenarios where he doesn't have to think about things, doesn't have to make decisions, where he can just be told "use your physical strength and sexy man-body in such and such a way." He'd be submissive because he's got the kind of personality that feels the guilty and therefore more uncomfortable with the sex the more responsible for it they are, so he'd like someone else to call the shots.
(3 edits) (+7)(-1)

  1. I can’t speak much for the question as it relates the MC being in the dominant position, but I could definitely see some potential pet play combined with role reversal where the Asterion is filling the role of “master” while the MC is the “servant”/ “Pet”. Some other options might be having them explore sensory deprivation, or in the case of a fully dominant Asterion in late chapters, potentially having the MC fill the role of a service top. Although tbh it would be great to see Asterion potentially taking the top position alongside his bottom position. Having Asterion overstimulate the MC would also be really nice.
  2. For sure could see the MC playing with either Asterion's tail, his chest, or his nose ring as part of getting him aroused. I could also see the MC showering Asterion with praise as part of getting the bull more into it.
  3. Honestly I’d love to see Asterion becoming more bold and start teasing the MC about their roles. I could see him doing a sort of “you can look but don’t touch” act when he’s stripped down to either just underwear or fully nude. Maybe coming up behind the MC while they’re working and just whispering in their ear about what Asterion wants to do the MC/questioning the MC about what precisely he wants Asterion to do to him.
  4. The idea of a sauna is one that is particularly appealing for an NSFW scene. Although the gym is already in the game, I could see a nude shower scene/locker room scene in the gym working well. I could totally see a theater/cinema being a good location to develop with R&D that leads to a little fun in the darkened room between MC and Asterion.
  5. Bondage definitely fits this category. It’s something I’d love to see them explore, but I don’t know if I can really picture Asterion being totally cool with it. At least at first.
  6. Don’t really have much of an answer for this one, so I’ll skip it for now.
  7. I’d think a good answer to this might be having Asterion gradually become more dominant over time, with or without the MCs intervention. I understand the prevailing opinion is that Asterion’s pretty heavily a sub but it would be interesting to see him fleshed out more as a true verse, rather than having a particular leaning innately. Honestly just getting to see Asterion acting more confident and dominant on his own over time would be great I think. 
  8. Off the top of my head, nipple play and musk come to mind. Continuing off of my prior answer, I could rather easily see him being into either position in either case for what he’s into.

The way I RAN to make an account to reply to this topic. I am so very excited to hear you are working on this and I love the fact that you are encouraging community engagement for it. You guys are the best. 

  1. I think with Asterion being our precious virgin star, it would be most appropriate to continue the “slow-burn” approach the novel has had so far. Before the actually sex, it would be great to have a scene or two (or ten) where the lovers engage in more innocent acts. That said, when it comes to the sex, I think it would only be appropriate story-wise for the first time to be very vanilla missionary with lots of eye contact. Imagine a CG where MC is knocking on the back door and decides to have a taste. To have the bull look down over his body and past his bull-hood to make flustered eye contact with his love who is gently tonguing his South Star — the bull being completely enraptured by new sensations after millennia of misery and torture — would be poetry. I want to see every involuntary reaction from that bull’s face as he finally gets his chance to feel real carnal pleasure. When the entry is made, I want that eye contact and closeness to continue. Asterion being the strong man he is, would be able to power bottom his way into a closer and more intimate position where the two are able to kiss and feel each other and bask in each other’s love while engaging in this, the ultimate act of intimacy. Once the bull acclimates himself to the feeling of receiving his sweetheart’s sex, I want to see the fleeting away of momentary pain melt into not just carnal pleasure, but loving correctness. Finally after so long, the bull is exactly where he ought to be doing what deserves. He wanted this for so much longer than he even realized. I want his first act to culminate in feelings of love that he — and quite possibly MC — never thought attainable. 
  2. I’d love a scene where a tender cuddle looking out the window turns a bit more daringly explorative vis a vis groping, necking, extended making out. Fluster. That. Bull. Tug on his nose ring, kiss along his neck until you find the spot that makes him moan the loudest, twirl his tail in your fingers, grope his bara tiddies, flick his nipple, trace the outline of his bull hood in his pants. I have full confidence that the writers have thought extensively about this and will deliver.
  3. Then a scene where our bull turns the tables on MC would be chef’s kiss. If MC has expressed being flustered by having Asterion mount him, it would only be poetic to have Asterion exert that over MC in a more sexually exciting way: extended necking, nipple play, groping, etc. leading to Asterion making the next step to hand stuff and mouth stuff. Verbal teasing throughout all of this is almost assumed. 
  4. Sauna makes the most sense here. I don’t think I have too much to add that others haven’t already said.
  5. Throughout the novel so far, MC has been rightfully cautious and aware of the bull’s feelings, so I don’t think it would be very appropriate for him to cross lines with sexual acts or kinks, but what I think might actually happen is that, while drunk, the MC might get frisky while him and Asterion are in the public areas of the hotel. I could see this causing a bit of a disagreement between the two of them.
  6. I think I addressed this earlier when I got carried away by horny thoughts.
  7. Asterion seems to have a side of him that wants the MC to be more dominant. I would love to see Asterion become a power bottom in this case. It would be interesting to create a dynamic where Asterion encourages the MC into situations where MC explores the bull’s body. An “I’ll close my eyes. Touch me wherever you’d like” sort of scene would be magical. (I'm drawing inspiration from Brogulls by AntiDev here.)
  8. I think Asterion would be into extended foreplay and kissing for sure. Teasing verbally and physically seems to be his favorite way to encourage intimacy. I think he would be just as much into smelling natural body odors as the MC seems to be. EDGING. Hoo boy. A scene where MC edges a big bull load out of Asterion would be GOTY stuff. I think just the lightest form of bondage would make sense. Nothing more than a linen tied to a bed post or even self restraint by way of holding his hands behind said bed post while the MC has his way with Asterion’s body. I could see Asterion being really into MC’s cum — like an “anything you create is perfect” sort of angle. 

I’m going to stop myself here. I don’t want to gush too much. (Double entendre unintended) but thank you all again for this wonderful novel and this opportunity to voice our opinions and desires about it. <3 


What I want to see for erotic content for Asterion? 

I just want to see his fat ass up close. I want to see see the MC grabbing his ass to reveal his hole, before he eats his ass, fingers it, hotdogs it, before he finally fucks it. I want to hear Asterion be really submissive with his moaning, reacting to every little touch the MC makes. But later on he could get really into it, and enjoying every moment and eventually being a little more in control. I really like sex against the wall, that's really hot. Doggy Style and Cowboy style are also super hot. As for kinks, I think leather would be fun. Spanking and rope play could also be hot, but maybe later on when Asterion gets over his trauma? Other stuff I'd like to see is nipple pinching, shower sex, and Asterion sucking our dick.

But yeah that's just what I want. I'm a pervert, and that's okay.


Congratulations, you have by far written the horniest post. Here's to hoping that's how it pans out.


  1. For sexual positions they should try the cowgirl for obvious reasons, also Asterion's pectorals demand worship and they should attempt the ultimate kink of being a married couple.
  2. Asterion acts all innocent and naive but with all his experience he actually knows how to be very manipulative, and i'd like for MC to learn how to notice and call out on that feingned naivety.
  3. Probably what he already does, of calling him my lord, my king, perhaps he could go even further and call him my god or daddy.
  4. Something like a dark room or sex dungeon. I understand this would be unusual for an hotel but there's no reason we shouldn't have and unapologetic culturaly gay facility within the hotel.
  5. Experiment with the hotel magic to make some body modifications on Asterion just for fun. Like changing his genitalia or making him more beast like. This could get uncomfortably kinky depending on what you do, but that was the point of the question.
  6. Perhaps some casual and inappropriate teasing, maybe tease on what Asterion would like to happen if the guests were to have their way with him.
  7. Power bottom Asterion, i rather dislike that the default for bottoms is to be submissive, i prefer when the bottom calls the shots and express the fun their are having.
  8. Maybe a date by the pool, it seems that water makes him feel at home due to his lineage. with some private playing of the lyre that has been a constant form of entertainment even when he was in isolation.

1. I personally am fine with any position.

2. Assuming Asterion is fine with it, then some thinly veiled promises, less SFW PDA, etc.

3. Refer to answer 2.

4. Sauna, a hot spring, things like that. Also, while not R&D, it would be interesting to create a new, binding contract that forces both to abide by a safe word and requires both parties to consent before sex.

5. I feel Asterion might be alright with certain public displays (see answers below), but draw the line at full on public sex, so if the room has no lock, no sex. Personally, I'd enjoy some optional watersports content, but am unsure how he would feel about it. Potential threesomes seem like they're a no-go. BDSM is off the table, but leather might still be appealing to him.

6. A few public ass grabs or a foot on his bulge below the dining area table. 

7. Trapping the MC against a wall for some flirting/teasing, some quick gropes during a hug. For some scenes, I'd enjoy the option for a dominant bottom Asterion.

8. I feel Asterion might have developed a slight praise kink, maybe a breeding kink, musk seems likely. He'd love more soft, tender lovemaking mixed in with some of the kinkier stuff, in my opinion.


I have another thought that isn't directly about sex with Asterion, but the consequences afterwards.

News travels fast around the hotel, so I'd love a scene where Luke being Luke gets a devilish grin on his face and approaches MC saying something along the lines of "So I've heard you had some angus" or "So you fucked the minotaur" (something with an innuendo haha) and while MC is getting a bit embarrassed by Luke being so direct, Asterion sneaks up behind Luke, leans down, and blurts out "Yup" or some kind of confirmation in a way that unexpectedly and completely flusters Luke.

I think the tables being turned on Luke would be really funny, and it would be a nice scene where Asterion is confident in his sexuality and relationship with MC. 



For sexual positions, there's the typical bedroom play and positions.

Cowboy, press, missionary, Legs Up, Legs wrapped around.

More uncommon positions could work too. (I.e. ass up while the top drives down while standing.) 

But since they seem to have their own private room, there's no reason to keep it there.

Open things up to having sex on the couch, shower, or against the giant window. Since the MC and Asterion can alter the hotel or summon things at will, getting proper support for aerial positions wouldn't be difficult either. Why fuck on the bed, when you can fuck on the ceiling?

As for kinks to explore, there's a long list that can probably work without being too uncomfortable considering Asterion's past. 

Orgasm Control/Denial/Edging (torture of another kind), role reversal (Asterion being King), outdoor sex (assuming they can lock the door to the roof to allow Asterion to get naked.), and if it doesn't break any rules, virtual stimulation. (Vibrator the MC can activate at range.) Assuming more of a bottom MC, you could even use double-ended dildos or similar toys.


Assuming we're talking bedroom only:

Asterion seems to enjoy light physical touch and warmth. I'd assume massaging him with heating oil or other sensory oils might help. Grinding and tail play would also work. As well as the dirty talk. Also wrestling. He seems to really enjoy the physical activity.

If we're allowing teasing outside the bedroom:

The typical standbys work. Quick pinch of the ass. Excitement about the night. When they stand the MC's hand could drift down towards his tail or ass.


Asterion has a way with words, so the dirty talk and dirty poetry would likely be part of his attempts. As would kisses drifting towards the MC's lower areas. There's also the flat out greeting your partner naked when the MC walks through the door and carrying them to bed.

This is a little more difficult as these will all have to account for every player.


Saunas are good ideas.

Adding a spa or public bath would be similar and allow for a more open experience. 

Repairing or updating the washroom facilities for the gym would give an opportunity as well, giving them the idea for a shower scene in the bedroom. (Since I don't believe Asterion COULD shower publiclly.)

Night Club, especially if Luke is the first character. An actual strip club may be too much, but having a place for dancing that leads to the both the MC and Asterion getting riled up might work. If we want to go full porno, you can even have them have sex in the bathroom stall. (Though the stalls would need to not have any gaps.)

Movie theater/Drive-In can work too. MC can toy with Asterion over his clothes since the rules are in place. Heavy petting is on the table at least.


That'd fall under roleplay or most "clothing" of the bdsm persuasion. Considering his past, a lot of roleplaying in that kind might be either outside his cultural knowledge (naive farmboy) or out of his comfort zone (sensory restriction and or pain play of any kind). Especially if the roleplay has a more subservient connotation to it. (Butler/Maid)

Body morphing or modifications might be under that umbrella too. While light stuff like piercings seems okay, having it come from the MC might come across as off-kilter.


For teasing by a more dominant MC, I'd say fiddling with his tail when they stand together, instead of the typical arm around the back.

There's also pulling him along to the bedroom by his nose ring, assuming it'd been okay'd. 


If the MC hasn't been particularly dominant, I'd prefer to see Asterion being more assertive in that he wants this. Being the one to initiate the encounter. This can lead to full on power-bottoming, if that translates well into the scene.

There's also possibilities for more... tender scenes as Asterion attempts to have the MC get more comfortable.


Kinks Asterion would be into would be more about his physicality. Body worship, compliments, and spooning. Wrestling and physical activities would definitely be something he'd enjoy. 

He also seems to have a thing for scent.


I absolutely want to see some tender moments of sex. Not everything has to be balls to the wall sex, (although I do also want that). But if love to see some gentle foreplay, and MC and Asterion exploring each other's body, and exploring sex together.


1. There's a lot to imagine, but a short list for me is oral with MC gripping Asterion's horns, doggy style with Asterion bottoming, cow girl with MC bottoming, and missionary with Asterion topping.

2. Tugging Asterion's tail or nose ring if he's wearing it. Another brushing scene but Mc brushing lower and lower. Horny one liners, like complimenting Asterion's fingering technique when he plays his lyre, though that might be more Luke's thing than MC.

3.  Asterion throwing his weight around MC, like picking him up, dragging his through the hotel, or pinning him down/to a wall. When he does that one smoldering stare too, that alone works like a charm.

4. A movie theater would be a really fun and romantic project, a screening room for a couple dozen people, and as the movie runs Asterion and MC hold hands in the dark... Or an observatory on top of the hotel, so Luke can map the stars, but afterwards MC and Asterion have a passionate moment under the stars. An art studio where everyone can workshop and create but also MC and  Asterion can mess around. Having a project that's only available to your chose background in a cool idea and a lot can come from that.

5. Maybe some butt slapping, or rougher sex. That as far as I'd go.

6. MC giving "orders" for Asterion to pose for him (maybe if MC has the Arts background he'd draw him in lewd positions). Touching or groping that minotaur in public but just out of sight of other guests, the risk of getting caught. Maybe MC could conjure up sextoys for Asterion and just leave them  in his room.

7. MC pampering the minotaur, brushing and  rubbing oils in his fur, massaging his legs and hooves, feeding him meals that MC cooked. Showering him with compliments to his size, scent, warmth, etc.

8. Maybe role reversal where he's the "master" and MC is the "prisoner" and he'll "treat you  the way you treat me" role play. Asterion is a bottom  [certainly] and loves all things related to "serving" the MC but I think he REALLY wants TO WANT to top MC but needs encouragement to get there. He likes wrestling and it seems that would be part of the foreplay to him. It's my understanding that Asterion is most likely a virgin (unless things happened between him and childhood friend Phoenes) so I'm not sure if HE really knows what he wants aside from pleasing MC, who conversely just wants to please Asterion.

I'm really excited to see what happens between Asterion and MC, the art and story of this game are amazing! Can't wait to fuck the minotaur!


  1. To be honest, I’d love to just see some very classic positions. Missionary is probably a safe bet to start and cowgirl and reverse cowgirl could also be cute. Would also be really nice to have the two 69 each-other. Kink wise, I’d love to see the MC and Asterion, regardless of who is more dominant, trading praise of one another in a form of Praise Kink. I’d also love to see Asterion and the MC performing aftercare, especially if in the case of Asterion performing it after filling the role of a service top. In regards to being a service top, while I understand generally Asterion meant as a bottom, it feels like it could potentially be interesting and IC to have him give topping a try at least once while he and the MC explore their interests more(this statement applies to both dominant and submissive understandings of Asterion). Especially later on once Asterion has grown more comfortable with performing these sorts of acts with the MC. That said, MC service top could also work really well in the event of a more dominant Asterion. Another fun scenario might be to have the MC dive under the desk to give Asterion a little tlc(blowjob+fingering) while the bull is working. Whatever it is though, the consent should be clear and complete from all angles. The power dynamic between the two makes this critically important.
  2. As mentioned above, the MC engaging in teasing while Asterion is working could be fun, so long as nobody else is around(could make for a fun scenario where the MC is accidentally caught being lewd towards the bull by Luke/Kota). A grope here, some whispered sweet nothings there. Perhaps idly playing with Asterion’s tail while they’re eating dinner together. A kabedon scene could also make for some fun teasing from the MC to Asterion.
  3. Regardless of how dominant he is, I’d imagine Asterion taking a very sweet approach to teasing. Maybe he pins the MC against the couch and tells him how beautiful Asterion finds the MC to be. Perhaps he writes sweet poetry expressing his love for the MC. He might walk up from behind the MC and pull him into a hug while whispering sweet nothings in his ear. Unconsciously, his tail might wrap around the MCs leg. Overall I imagine him being a very sweet/well meaning sort when it comes to how he riles up the MC.
  4. I don’t really have anything for this that hasn’t been said already. A sauna would certainly be a nice addition though.
  5. Both excessive/noticeable PDAs feels like something Asterion might not be comfortable with, especially early on in the dynamic of the two as a couple. Leather and Bondage also feel like kinks he might not be comfortable with, bondage because of his many centuries of being bound to the will of the Masters. Meanwhile he might be a bit uncomfortable with leather since it’s A)Typically made of cowhide, and B)potentially by association to the hollow cow made for Pasiphae which was covered in a cow hide. 
  6. Dominance wise, I would adore seeing the MC being a very very reassuring dom in the case that you chose to be more dominant. Very gentle, very loving, always making sure Asterion is comfortable with whatever they’ve been doing. As I said above it could be fun to have Asterion act as a service top at least once but I’d imagine that would require a fair bit of setup and would have to come later on down the line closer to the end of the game probably. But overall just, having the MC being a gentle dom.
  7. As it regards Asterion, supposing the MC has not been filling the dominant role, we could potentially see Asterion slowly stepping in instead to fill the role of dom. Whether it's as a power bottom maybe, or bottom-leaning switch, it would be a nice reflection of the bulls growing confidence. Having him become more bold and start being more forward with his teasing.
  8. There’s plenty of things Asterion might be into but kinda the few I’d imagine being the most likely would be a Praise kink(giving and receiving probably), musk maybe, body worship(again, both giving and receiving), and cuddling(I bet he’s a big time cuddler, and the wrestling scene gives me the impression he’d be fine as either big spoon or little spoon).

Oh, boy. Time for the horny talk. I need to control myself for this one. 😂

I've had a lot at my job for a few months now and I always like taking my time to properly enjoy your work and do a new playthrough without rushing anything. As a consequence I last played Minotaur Hotel after the big 0.5 release, so sorry if anything I say here actually happened already in the game or contradicts something that happened recently. That being said...

  1. I WANT TO PAMPER MY BULL! >:( I feel like some "hoof worship" could be interesting. Not the way it sounds, I swear. I mean it in the same way the MC brushed Asterion's back, I'd like to see him taking care of his hooves at some point. Maybe if Asterion complains about a splinter or something like it. This kind of ties into question 3.
  2. I'm not so sure about this one. Maybe accidentally on purpose spilling a rare bottle of Asterion's favorite wine to his belly area so that the minotaur would have the excuse that he just doesn't want it to be wasted and starts licking him. Only thing I could think of.
  3. I always want to be quite submissive to Asterion in my plays, that's why I love imagining scenes of MC taking care of him like a 1950's wife does to a husband, haha. I would love to see Asterion realizing that MC is staring at his body and kind of teasing him with uncared for/casual nudity. For example, MC starts working on his hooves and Asterion decides to take off his loincloth saying he just wants to be more comfortable and asking if the MC does not mind, but actually knowing it is messing with him.
  4. As soon as I started reading this I thought of a sauna lol. And naturally Asterion would be like "you don't mind if I go in naked, right?" With a cocky smirk on his face. Also would like a hydromassage bathtub, Asterion could be all  "how is this even possible?". I also feel it would be cute if they had a little teaching place for Asterion if he continues to take lessons from MC in language, technology or whatever. Kind of like a private classroom, with a board and one school desk. Kinky teacher/student scene? ;)
  5. I would LOVE for Asterion to stop sleeping alone in that ugly room where he always wakes up depressed thinking of the time he was a slave and start sleeping with MC. MC could use his fur as a pillow. I feel he wouldn't be initially comfortable judging by how he wouldn't even eat in the same table as the master at first. MC giving him a bath and scrubbing him with a dog shampoo could be fun as well. To help with the wet fur smell, haha. 
  6. The most dominant I've been to him was grabbing his tail every now and then, so I can't say much here. I found it funny, though. MC could keep stroking his tail if it gives Asterion some kind of funny feeling. Tailgasm? 🤔
  7. Playfully bossy Asterion. I feel like it would be very big for him to actually tell the master to do something, even if very small. It would help reassuring us that he finally sees himself as an equal. Also, Asterion seeing MC shivering in his sleep due to a nightmare during the night and then crawling into his bed to big spoon him to a peaceful sleep would make me squeal IRL. Lastly, Asterion learns how to better use technology, takes a nude selfie or a teasing picture cutting just above his Adonis belt and sending him in a message would be nice.
  8. Weirdly enough, not so sure about this one. I feel like he actually would be into doing kind of the things I'd like to make my MC do to him, that is, caring for his loved ones. Preparing his meals, his clothes, helping with simple things like nail clipping, hair brushing etc. If talking about NSFW stuff, I'd say that fucker definitely gets the biggest boner from being nipple-teased. And would rather die before admitting to that.

So, I hope I could be of any help and even if not it was very fun putting this down. :)

I know the main idea for him would be of making him kind of more submissive, and even though I love to imagine my big, dominant bull, I trust the team and am excited to see what you guys come up with. :D


It's so sad that Asterion is still stuck in that tiny room! 😭

I hope the two of them, Asterion and MC, eventually share a room together. It would show how far their relationship has progressed and would show that Asterion no longer sees himself as below the MC, but instead sees the two as equals.


you know, in hindsight maybe this wasn't the best system as far as voting goes. when you have up to 8 different answers in the same comment how can you tell which ones got a positive vote or a negative vote?


I feel like generally looking at what people are posting gives a good idea about what we want.

So far most people have mentioned:

Consent from Asterion in a way that makes it obvious that Asterion is into sex, and not as a result of MCs power over him.

Asterion being able to top as well as bottom.

Foreplay and casual sexual moments before a big sex scene.

Possible kink, so long as it is optional and is approached delicately, due to Asterion's past.


First off, I gotta say the interactive sex scene with Khenbish + Tuan was impressively written and basically everything I could have hoped for, so kudos on that!

Here are my thoughts + ideas for Asterion:

1. Vanila stuff is fine, and I think oral for Asterion, oral for MC. 69ing, and frot would be the main things I'd love to see. Maybe stradding his muscled chest while both nude. Maybe something where the MC gets Asterion to go on all fours, before ducking under him and 'milking' him ;)

2. Tail tugging, tail licking/nibbling or gentle crotch groping. Slapping on the ass. Biting/licking pecs + nipples. 

3. Hmm, probably put his bovine tongue to use in some teasing fashion.

4. Some random ideas: Pool scene unlock: (Asterion or MC loses their swimming clothes while swimming, or MC/Asterion gets frisky and dives underwater to do naughty things to the other)

   Gym scene unlock: (Asterion tries to bench press a hefty amount, MC has some kinky fun with his lower half.)

 Shower scene unlock: (After a particularly messy R+D project MC and/or Asterion get covered in dirt or mud and go to wash off, before being joined by the other as a surprise.)

Restaurant/Bar scene unlock: (New fancy booths/tables - maybe with tablecloths - lead to MC/Asterion having a dinner date that leads to either one 'dropping a utensil' and ending up between the legs of the other - cleverly concealed but still in public.) 

Office/work scene unlock: (Similar to the above scene, but instead its when MC or Asterion is busily working at a desk and the other 'interrupts them' and hides under the desk while other employees come and go.)

5. Probably something like the public sex scene above is as risqué as I would get.

6. Not sure!

7. Asterion taking charge, showing initiative or being surprisingly sexually aggressive - but still gentle. 

8. Worshipping the MC sexually, putting MC's pleasure above his own much to MC's annoyance. Perhaps having his tail played with during sex being a guilty pleasure of his. 


(2 edits) (+1)(-3)

1: Missionary, cowgirl, 69ing, ball-sucking and analingus. Would not like to top Asterion as it can be painful when you're not used to it, hurting the moo is a no-no

2 and 3: I'd like to see lots of campy innuendo stuff between MC and Asterion like you see in the Carry On movies. Lots of double entendres.

4: Turkish style bath-house, or anything with a large body of water that allows for underwater sex

5: Anything I doubt Asterion wants to do, I wouldn't want to do, stuff that involves pain or even roleplaying with Asterion in a subservient position like a maid. I want him to be empowered. I also don't want body modification as I want Asterion to be "himself"

6: I'd like to see MC put his fingers in Asterions mouth, or have Asterion suck his thumb during sex, I find that insanely hot

7: Scooping up MC in his arms like a baby, marching down the hall, kicking open the door to the bedroom, and the rest writes itself

8: I want to say wrestling, but the wrestling scene in the original labyrinth didn't feel like it was sexually motivated on Asterions part, so I'm not sure. Aside from that, nipple-play

Expanding on points two and three, I think a scene that's similar to this sketch would be funny, where MC and Asterion are flirting, and then Luke come in and ruins everything


it seems like everyone is having a blast talking about doing the horny so i don't think i can add more to that. i was wondering, is this topic only for suggesting ideas on the scenes in general? can i express some wishes for the way writing and scene composition will be handled, or have you guys got it and need no advice?


We have that covered but you're welcome to give your input anyway! We do threads like this to get a feel for what people want so we aren't strict with things.


In keeping things simple and enjoyable:

1. Definitely missionary, while staring into each others eyes.

                A) as a kink, neck biting

2. Fingering is always a plus in media 

3. Nipple biting, using his furry body to rub MC's entire body

4. Sauna or bath house sound perfect

5. Idk maybe analingus

6. Holding on to his horns while pulling in for a dominating kiss, or, licking along the "gooch" line while staring into his eyes

7. Definitely Asterion doing more groping or guiding the MC's hands to where he wants them

8. Asterion seems to be fond of the MC natural musk (and vice versa)... that should definitely be remembered for the nsfw scenes

  1. What are things, sexual positions, acts and/or kinks you'd like the MC and Asterion to explore together?

I think the two would try kinks that require a lot of trust, such as bondage and roleplay. Learning how to act, to change his way of thinking, could also help Asterion learn new perspectives on life!

  1. If the MC had the chance to rile up/tease/excite Asterion, what would you like him to do? (For the sake of the discussion, assume that Asterion gave the MC permission to have some fun.)

I'd say... dressing up in super slutty clothing, like thongs, harnesses, costumes or cosplay, maybe a little burlesque dancing!

  1. Similarly, what do you think Asterion would do to tease/rile up/excite the MC?

With Asterion, maybe something more simple, and primal, like a nude muscle show!

  1. Is there something you'd like R&D to do that would, intentionally or not, provide a chance for a NSFW scene? (For example, building a sauna.) 

A sauna sounds good... Or even some kind of special lounge, for orgies. The Greeks had orgies, right?

  1. Is there something you'd like the MC and Asterion to do, but you are not sure if Asterion would be comfortable? If yes, what?
    Maybe something to do with masochism, like whips, chains, pup hoods, candle wax. edging, spanking
  2. If the MC's been more reassuring, dominant, bolder with physical contact, Asterion can become more bashful and really get into it. As a player who's been more dominant to Asterion, is there anything you'd like the MC to be able to do to tease him? Or something in NSFW scenes?

Maybe... public sex, or chastity play?

  1. Likewise, if you have NOT been particularly dominant, what would you like to see?

The fluffiest sex ever. Handholding, make-out sessions, cuddling under the moonlight

  1. What do you think Asterion is into? Feel free to speculate.
    I dunno, but I love ballroom dancing, it's so romantic!

    Also, this is kinda stereotypical, but lactation! Lactation! We have the power of the gods, we can do it!!!!!!!!!!! Alternatively, maybe a magic spell that turns the MC into his fursona?

yes lactation all the way!!!


Oh lmao didn't even think about that. What if the MC was actually a furry? 

Would he create a mythicsona?


it would be nice to choose to be dom or sub with Asterion if I am being honest. Bdsm with him is a no go for me considering what he has been through. Chest play and tail play would be pretty hot considering that tail play has happened before, and playful wrestling  and taunting would be nice. Frotting would be pretty hot as well ( with you sitting on top of Asterions body and masterbating together with both penises pressed against each other) ass play could be nice with Asterion too.  One thing I'd really like to hear is asterion during these scenes. (I enjoyed his humming very much and I think grunting will be good if they had a play wrestling scene again). Other than what I had in mind right  now,  I'm sure whatever  y'all think of will be great ^^ you and the team makes great content and I can't wait for this update!

(1 edit) (+5)

Wish I had seen this thread earlier. Seems like almost everything I'd like to say has already been said, but I'll put in my two cents regardless.

  1. I like the pacing and feel of their relationship so far and expect their initial sexual encounters to be something similar to the kissing scene, very sweet and romantic with lots of foreplay. On a general note I'd like for the MC to really explore the implications of being intimate with a mythical to the fullest, be it in more innocent and cuddly situations or during sex. You've already been doing this incredibly well with putting these bovine features to good use and I can't get enough of it! The nose ring scene, all the ear scratches and tail petting are great! Having a BJ scene with some facefucking using the horns as leverage could be really hot. I guess another part of this relationship with a mythical that could come into play is Asterion's divine pedigree and how he is fit to be a hero of legend. Our Little Star seems more than happy to show off his athletic prowess and, I think it'd be fun for MC to indulge in some muscle worship and showered the Moo with all the praise he deserves with a bit of BO sprinkled in every now and then. With pectorals like that, MC would be crazy to let the opportunity for some tit fucking to pass by. Nipple play would be pretty nice on top of that, maybe down the line seeing if Asterions would be up for some piercings. Nothing specific comes to mind right now, but I'd love to see what kind of kinky shit (act or object) MC and Asterion can come up with using The Hotel's magic and clever contracts. If we are talking exclusively about personal preference, I always find rimming very hot and I'd love a scene with it regardless of it being MC or Asterion on the receiving end. I feel like it would be a missed opportunity if there is not even a mention of "milking the bull" at some point. To that end, prostate massages with fingers or a toy or perhaps rusty trombone would be wonderful. I bet with how athletic Asterion is he could also be surprisingly flexible. Having him lay on his back and kick his hooves towards his head, exposing himself so the MC could have at it untill coaxing Asterion into giving himself a facial would make me very happy too.
  2. I think he would most likely keep up with what's been proven to work. He seems to get a kick out of getting him flustered, of which PDA, praising, calling him things like majesty and that sort of thing seem to work exceptionally well. I'd like him to be more forward with that while still keeping it PG and proper for the work environment in front of the guests, maybe tugging him down by the collar to sneak in a more passionate kiss when no one is looking every now and then. All bets are off in private settings tho. I demand more play time with his nose ring and lots of tail stroking!
  3. With how he mentions that the Muses have been kind to him, I wonder if Erato in particular hasn't been more generous, after he and MC officially became "a thing". Maybe he has a separate book reserved for his more spicy works and MC finds it on accident or not. From them on the bull could sneak in some of those works around their office or slip one on a stack of papers that are due a review from MC. Around the more close members of staff I could also imagine him using his feigned innocence to some effect and make MC flustered. In case he grows bold idt it would be out of character for him to take advantage of the weird non euclidian space and steal MC away from his duties for some moments of heathy teasing away from prying eyes
  4. It would be nice to have a project for building spaces and workshops dedicated to artistic pursuits. Dance classes sound like a good opportunity to get up close and personal with a partner and that can have some unintended effects. Drawing or painting classes with live models also could be fun in that regard! Maybe even a pottery workshop to have the cliche of a  couple working together on the same wheel. With Asterion's lack of coordination for finer hand movements that seems appropriate. The potential is also there for expanding on the gym or having a new project altogether that focuses on sporting areas. Aside from the locker room shenanigans, having the characters play or teach one another can get pretty touchy. On a similar vein, that could be expanded on to having a full blown Olympic event, which would naturally follow the traditions of the past, with the participating athletes completely nude ;)
  5. Wouldn't mind some very light BDSM, perhaps some magically induced orgasm denial/edging and body mods, like piercings earrings and such.
  6. Nothing that I haven't mentioned previously already comes to mind atm. Might edit somethig in later
  7. Would be nice getting more of what we got during the Deep Labyrinth section, a more confident Asterion that gets to challenge MC in playful ways, makes his wants known without mincing words and takes the initiative. Having him become a power bottom sounds pretty hot. Also wouldn't mind if he ends up discovering himself as a verse/switch in this case.
  8. Cuddling, praise, physical exertion, muscle play, showing off/very light exhibitionism
(2 edits) (+1)(-2)

So. I hope, I'm not to late. :)

  1. Just about anything I can imagine, as long as it happens in privacy and by mutual consent. However, I would like Asterion to get a more top-like, dominant role during NSFW scenes. It can be implemented during the straightforward choice before the scene, or by using mechanic, that will give Asterion some "dominant/submissive points" according to the player's choices before their relationships come to sex. But I really want Asterion to be a Master's master, even just sometimes. ;)
  2. Well, I can really see it as it already is: some accidental (or not so accidental) touch, some accidental peek, some compliments here and there. I'd prefer the first scene to be driven just by emotions and instincts, maybe after the talk and the kiss... I've had it in my life, and for me it's the best option: no teasing, no riling up, just kiss, and the next thing you know - you're already making love. Of course, it can become really kinky later, but the first time is always goes on emotions and instincts. Maybe a bottle or two of vine before would be a good start. :)
  3. I think, he's doing it already, and by all means, very well (pool scene is VERY exciting). MC needs just get out this "we're just business partners" stick out of his ass, and Asterion should have less of this "Master this, Master that", though he's getting rid of it as of chapter 16 (as far as I got yet).
  4. Good idea, I'd also like to Asterion see the MC naked, and appreciate it, maybe. See him not only as a friend, or Master, or "business partner", but as someone sexually appealing. Well, MC have already seen Asterion naked: at least during the first chapters (though it wasn't sexy, mind you) or during the changing room scene. The last one would imply that Asterion sees MC changing too, but it's not explicitly said. As far as I can tell, there is not much text, implying that Asterion looks at MC with some sexy thoughts. I assuming it's the lack of his experience in such things, but I currently can't really imagine them making sex without going by instinct or after thorough preparation: thought here, glance there... P and Storm are good example. :)
  5. Anything that would remind him of his previous traumas. So, any rough BDSM with Asterion as a sub is out of question, at least before MC and the minotaur can get more comfortable on a kinky side of love. Asterion being a dom is more imaginable, though I don't think he would be comfortable in hurting his Master and friend.
  6. Can't say. I'd prefer to see my Asterion as (finally) more dominant. And I'm not the guy who can seduce someone without feeling absolutely awkward. :D
  7. Well, he can really be more bold with physical contact, occasional teasing, maybe some witty but not sleazy comments (as we already know, he can be a tease and give witty comments if he's comfortable enough with MC, why don't go with it to a new level) . As for NSFW scenes, I can imagine Asterion being rough, though by nature, and not by his own choice, with long sweet pillow talks after.
  8. As I said above, rough sex, but not by will but by nature. Well, if you're going to rile up a minotaur, you should be ready, that after he lose his head and all his shyness, things could be rough. :) I think some light restraints and teasing suit him too, maybe he would enjoy it on both top and bottom side. I can imagine him showing off to and/or teasing MC in not-so-private spaces, like the pool's changing room, though he must be sure they won't be caught, especially by guests. I can imagine Asterion and MC making love in the morning, somehow neglecting their hotel duties, only to have to hurry afterwards and missing a breakfast, or something like this. I think he would enjoy kissing and some oral sex, being top or bottom (adding maximum cringy "honeyed tongue" comment after). :D And yes, I think if he's free enough of his doubts and fears, he could enjoy almost anything, as long as it is love, and not just lust for a sake of fuck. 

p.s. The two things I can not imagine Asterion doing: is going after fuck-some-meat-with-no-feeling, and deliberately inflicting pain on MC just for a sake of inflicting pain.

(1 edit) (+5)
      1. Considering the differences between them, I'd also imagine a lot of exploration of each other's bodies especially when it comes to how Asterion likes to masturbate and self-gratify. (Surely, for as long as Asterion has existed, he's had some interesting forms of masturbation, or maybe the simplest is the best?)  Personal want, the MC eat Asterion's ass in various positions and on various platforms before being topped by the MC. 69'ing and frotting is always hot. 69'ing while Asterion is on top of the MC, getting a good taste of his cock, balls, taint, ass and hole. 🥵 If Asterion is into, getting rimmed as well is always good, and who knows how that bull tongue of his would feel on any part of the body. And foot play, both as symbolism to the foot washing in the bible and to give Asterion's hooves some loving. 
      2. This one is currently a little harder to answer since we currently don't know much about what turns Asterion on besides having his tail and nose piercing played with. Maybe some out of sight caressing of his hands and arms that slip under his clothes to caress him further.
      3. Asterion would probably use flowery word play to tease the MC and graze his tail against him a lot. I'd like to think that Luke might also teach Asterion some cruising gestures to tease the MC with like suddenly looking at him straight in the eye and grabbing his crotch in public while no one is looking. The same thing with teasing touches on the MC could also apply. 
      4. The obvious one would be a spa R&D that has massage tables, hot tubs, saunas, mud baths and whatever else is at those really expensive spa places. Even more obvious, a sex dungeon either private or "public". Something I feel like that staff and guest would really enjoy is an amphitheater at the hotel for concerts, plays and other entertainment that might either lead to backstage or, boldly, onstage shenanigans. 
      5. Since there's the centuries of torture Asterion has gone through at the hands of previous masters, I don't if he would be into the powerplay in roleplaying the Master and Prisoner/Servant power dynamic consensually. Especially if it has him playing the role of the Master and the MC as the servant worshipping him and commanding us to serve his kingly whims and needs. This sort of ties into the body exploration but just a tad more into playing doctor (veterinarian?) with Asterion and examining every inch of his exterior, both out of biological curiosity and understanding his body more so I can please and care (even if he's undying and his physical health isn't a huge concern) for him more. I wouldn't want to be intrusive and make him feel like he's a freak at a freak show being gawked at. And for the kinkier crowd, I don't know how he would feel about piss play, large sex toys, getting fisted or any type of bondage, form of being tied down and BDSM.
      6. Taking that under clothes touching to under clothes groping of his tender parts and fingering of his hole. Or some griding of a clothed erection against Asterion. NSFW, it might be fun teasing Asterion with toys instead of just fucking him until he begs for the real thing.
      7. Asterion presents himself some more to the MC. Maybe starts to wear just his underwear around the apartment or just an apron with nothing under it. Maybe he'll start wearing a toga or kilt with no underwear and flash the MC when no one is looking. During sex scenes, Asterion power bottoming the MC, maybe denying him entry until he begs for it or uses a fleshlight on him. Or maybe even grinds his own cock against the MC's ass but never putting more than the tip in.
      8. I feel like Asterion would be into the leather (whatever type of animal hide he feels comfortable with) aesthetic. Or just dressing up in ways that make him look handsome, sexy and feel good about himself. Since Asterion is into creating music, I wonder if he's also into dancing erotically, or at least trying it with the MC. Maybe it's because he's a bovine but it wouldn't surprise me if Asterion is into nipple play.

      I would also like to add that more overt appreciation of Asterion's smell would also be hot. I didn't think to mention it since there's been a lot of the MC smelling Asterion (and noticing other's smells) already in the text but seeing more of it in an open and intimate way would also be hot.


      It seems your musical muse has inspired a musical R&D idea for a possible NSFW: a recording studio! Not only could guest and staff use it to share the miracle of sound with the world, but it would also provide an opportunity for the MC to listen to Asterion's music in Asterion's native tongue (presumably, the hotel's translations would not apply to words being recorded and digital recordings. Also, assuming that when people sing live, the hotel translates the lyrics). This could also the be first time Asterion listening to himself in this way and his thoughts on it.

      I picture the MC wanting to record some of Asterion's playing so he can have them to play while they're both working. While listening to the playback, they end up having some passionate fun in the studio while a recording of Asterion playing and singing a romantic song is playing.

      (3 edits) (+1)(-2)

      I feel that the living quarters where Asterion serves the MC most often would be the best setting to get LEWD. I personally imagine that Asterion would be the top for the MC mainly because of the size difference, but it should be a power bottom situation, because he's still submissive but he gotta be a top with all that MEAT. Things he would be into might be bondage; restraints or leashes. With the option to pull his tail in the basic interactions, I would assume that we could do some rough things with him, pull his tail, use his horns as handles (in various positions), spankings, biting, things that could leave a mark.  In my run, I would love to see a power bottom position, because that's mainly my play style. Teasing him would be pulling his tail or petting his body; his stomach or chest. Something he could tease the MC with could be: picking them up, or being really dominant, calling us master or asking for punishment. I would love to see: Sucking/ playing nipples (maybe even milking) , him with a cock ring, lots of fondling, cuddling, and sucking his big dick.


      (3 edits) (+1)(-1)

      I'll go loosely by the bullet points to make this wall of text have at least some structure.

      1. I'd like to see a bit of role reversal where the MC can take or (if Asterion is sufficiently riled up) yield the more active role in a scene, or (smoothly) push Asterion into the bed/pillows to end up on top of him. In terms of kinks, bondage and latex (clothing or accessories) are personal favourites (though I don't know how well the latter would work with fur, considering the game seems to otherwise take a realistic approach). Being able to masturbate/top and/or interactively edge him manually and/or using toys, similarly to the kiss scene, would be really hot.

      I love the occasional surprises about how Asterion's body works. I suppose that's less of an idea and more of a "more of that please", though.

      2. M3tav0X's idea of riling up Asterion with hypotheticals is verz hot. More casually, the MC unexpectedly revealing that he's (very) open to trying some thing or other and getting him flustered that way sounds very fun. (On my main playthrough, it's unclear how much experience the MC actually has, but he's not shy about drinking games.)

      3. I have the strong suspicion that, if the topic comes up, Asterion could use internet research and contracts to make sex toys, especially interactive ones. (From what I can tell, he could easily do this on his own by skipping the electronics.) He could probably even tweak them on the fly if needed, though handing a stealthy "linked object" remote to a more sexually dominant MC seems fun too.

      Also, as others have mentioned, he seems like he might slip the MC an invitation or other message in form of a poem sometimes.

      4. There's a contract somewhere that makes Asterion feel the Master's pain, right? (I'm not sure he ever mentions this out loud, though.)
      It may be possible to amend that one to a) temporarily replicate other sensations like touch and b) also work in the other direction.
      (Kinky idea: Maybe this could even be used to act as temporary body swap that works between the MC and Asterion specifically. That would make a really interesting late NSFW scene.)

      5. Bondage is a touchy subject in this situation. I think Asterion may be okay with it or even into it if it's light and doesn't involve any hotel or labyrinth magic to restrain him (beyond summoning physical but otherwise mundane restraints, likely ones he could break out of with some effort). He may have some unusual preferences related to how his body works, that would be interesting. There may also be a need for an additional contract that limits the Master to make the scene safe for Asterion.

      (I'd actually like it if the MC could state very early on/in advance and unprompted that anything involving pain is off-limits, in both directions, due to the proximity to BDSM. The labyrinth seems to enforce one of them anyway, but this is a different context not built on contracts, so I think it bears restating.)

      Manipulating Asterion's body would be interesting as Theodwulf mentioned, but I don't think he'd be okay at all with his mental state being changed directly this way (and it may not be a good idea to do this even if he requests it for some reason). However, he may be able to become much more comfortable with this part of the situation if the MC uses this to pleasure him more indirectly by adjusting shapes and/or sensations (but in either case, I wouldn't be comfortable with doing this without confirming consent and boundaries first).

      6.&7. To be honest, I have no idea where I even ended up on that scale. Determined Asterion is hot as hell and he's utterly cute when flustered. I want to directly compliment him at some point, even if it's a bit blunt. Topping him while he's not entirely submissive would be great, I think. And cuddling afterwards.

      8. It's hard to tell. I think he may be into kinks that let him safely explore parts of his past trauma, but outside of that I suspect he'd also want MC to have a more hands-on approach to his culture from when he was alive in Crete. Or to himself in such a context, for that matter. Maybe he'd prepare a set of clothes for the MC to wear going into such a scene, especially if he recreates the climate from Crete there and it doesn't match the hotel's.

      (final edit: Just went over this again, hopefully it's a bit more coherent now.)


      can i write my ideas in spanish? english isnt my native lenguage and translate is horrible


      Yeah, I don't see why not... I'm sure someone on here will be able to translate it, and they could post the translation as a reply.


      no one stopping u on  loving the bull.... there are no language barrierrs on love~~~~


      If memory serves right one of the devs (Nanoff) is Argentinian, so you are good to go! I'm sure there are plenty other users here that could also translate it to English if there is ever a need for it.

      (1 edit) (+5)

      Bueno, gracias a quienes me respondieron, por lo consiguiente, escribiré las respuestas:

      1-imaginaba al mino siendo versatil... pero con temor a la pasividad, que nuestro primer encuentro, sea suave, un descubrimiento progresivo, dejandolo explorar primero, ya en muchos post dieron posiciones pero una que no recuerdo leer, fue que el toro nos levantara, no conozco como llamar a la postura, seria contra el muro mientras el nos eleva de la cintura, que sucediera en la azotea bajo las estrellas,donde pueden estar tranquilos, seria un toque
      2-en gran cantidad de posts leí el juego con la cola del mino y creo que es la forma perfecta 
      3-imagino que esas manos darian un excelente masaje para el PP con toques traviesos o incluso, una lamida al cuello entre jocoso y deseoso
      4-me encantaría algo involucrando el jardín de hades... pero no se me ocurre nada.
      5-algo que imaginaba podría pasar, es que Asterión quisiera enseñarle elementos tradicionales de su época al PP, dentro de eso se encontrarían baños públicos donde no se encontraría prohibido que Asterión se encuentre desnudo o incluso excitación en un combate grecorromano  (como idea de  Luke o incluso, que Asterión le pidiera a este algún consejo para dar el primer paso)
      Por ahora mi mente está en blanco, la forma en que avanza la historia y la relacion me tiene sumamente enganchado, deseo que el resto, sea una completa sorpresa muchas gracias por leerme y a quien traduzca esto

      (1 edit) (+6)

      Really rough translation here...

      Well, thanks to those who answered me, therefore, I will write the answers:

      1-I imagined the boy being versatile... but with fear of passivity, that our first meeting would be smooth, a progressive discovery, letting him explore first, already in many posts they gave positions but one that I do not remember reading, was that the bull will lift us up, I don't know what to call the posture, it would be against the wall while he lifts us from the waist, if it happened on the roof under the stars, where they can be calm, it would be a touch

      2-in a lot of posts I read the game with the tail of the mino and I think it's the perfect way

      3-I imagine that those hands would give an excellent massage for the PP with mischievous touches or even a lick to the neck between playful and eager

      4-I would love something involving the garden of hades... but I can't think of anything.

      5-something that I imagined could happen, is that Asterion wanted to teach traditional elements of his time to the PP, within that there would be public bathrooms where it would not be forbidden for Asterion to be naked or even excited in a Greco-Roman combat (as Luke's idea or even, that Asterion asked him for some advice to take the first step)

      For now my mind is blank, the way the story progresses and the relationship has me extremely hooked, I hope the rest is a complete surprise, thank you very much for reading me and whoever translates this

      perdon, se colo un no por alli en la primera respuesta, podrias corregirlo?
      y gracias por la ayuda con el ingles!


      Ahí lo arreglé! :)

      (1 edit) (+2)(-1)

      I just want a big sub bottom bull bf


      Don't we all?

      Soon you'll have him.


      ur not alone...


      Something I'd like to see later down the line is Asterion offering to give the MC an under-the-desk blowjob while the MC is working. After Asterion suggests it, you could even have it happen on a management day and optionally choose to assign him to that. And maybe they forget to lock the door and someone walks in and hilarity ensues.



      I apologize for using a translator that may have made this comment difficult to read😂 I'm having breakfast with him right now. I think with asterion's current personality, he might ask the MC's location and special hobbies beforehand, secretly take notes, and thoughtfully prepare everything in advance... I really want to see MC come in behind him pulling his tail until he goes with one incomplete moo after another!! please🤤🤤


      1. Maybe some dominant version of Asterion or a submissive depending on MC's choice.  Got a feeling Asterion would like role play to be a god or the Master.

      2. Sauna area would be interesting and would it lead to the relationship being open going in the sauna.

      3.  Adding a 3rd in to the mix of a choice of the other staff.


      I very much enjoy inflation, breeding, and excessive cum. As long as there are internal views and breeding scenes, I will be a very, very happy man.


      Having an Asterion baby?... A Baby Asterion?... Oh, my God, how cute that would be!

      (4 edits) (-1)
      1. What are things, sexual positions, acts and/or kinks you'd like the MC and Asterion to explore together?

      Body worship, Riding the Bull, Pool-Sex (overwater and underwater)

      2. If the MC had the chance to rile up/tease/excite Asterion, what would you like him to do? 

       Generel: message (body,tail), poolside fun, wrestling, Idea: MC visits a Sex/Erotic-Shop to buy a few toys, but Asterion cannot leave the Hotel so.. a) MC communicates with Asterion by Phone/Skype  b) MC keeps it a secret and invites Oscar because he is Minotaur,  c) the MC invite Luke, Kenbisch, Wolf or Robert to help him out d) MC can invite multiple people, example; with tech/math background the MC can communicat with asterion while also having Luke, Kenbisch or Temba around; With humanitarian the MC can invite Oscar (instead of asterion)  + another staff member. Leadership allows the MC to invite Pedro (looking for tools for Oscar) or Nikos (evil bondage ideas) instead.                  

      Background; Teach Internet and Pornsites (tech+math+gamer),  Asterion being nude-model for the MC (artist) or bunch or Guests who are artist or historian (leadership-humantarien)

      3. Similarly, what do you think Asterion would do to tease/rile up/excite the MC?

      Flexing, sucking morning wood. 

      Evil Idea: Asterion and MC agreed on poolside sex, but the MC made the mistake to anwser "ANYTIME, buddy!" So on one sunday very early morning, Asterion (in his Speedo) kidnap the MC (asterion  carefully took away the MCs clothes)  while sleeping and throw him over his shoulder. MC wakes up but does not protest because he is either too sleepy or fears to wake up the other guests with his protest. Arriving on the poolside with no other guest around Asterion jump into the pool with the MC on his shoulder. 

      4. Is there something you'd like R&D to do that would, intentionally or not, provide a chance for a NSFW scene? (For example, building a sauna.) 

      Sauna, small Cinema, River with nice green landscape for picnic scenes + maybe a waterfall, music room where asterion or Argos can teach diffrent music instruments, Oscar learning to play giture for some romantic songs etc...

      5. Is there something you'd like the MC and Asterion to do, but you are not sure if Asterion would be comfortable? If yes, what?

      a) FKK beach / pool weekend. FKK = free-body-culture -> nude

      b) Sex (or Sex Education) with other people:  1. MC or Asterion having Sex with Luke or other Stuffmembers. Tripples/Sandwiches   2. Asterion helps Oscar with minotaur-style sex / the MC advise Oscar on human sex issues.  3. Kenbisch wants....

      c) american wrestling, selling gut punshes, stomping the opponent stomach or chest and  leg drops.

      6 + 7 + 8. It's easier to tell what i don't like, what is repulsive: 

      - erotic asphyxia  (stupid/risky, boring)

      - hardcore bdsm, real torture  (doing this to Asterion, sick Bastards!!) 

      - rimming,  licking the butthole  (ugly, boring)

      - any kind of unremoveable piercing or tatoo (beautiful bodies don't need that, keep that optional!)  

      (1 edit) (+4)

      honestly I just want the master to hear about his nightmares and uncomfortable bed and offer to share the Master's bed and to see Asterion's reaction to such a suggestion of the Master sharing his bed with his servant. I want to see what kind of touching and shenanigans might happen under those covers. Physical contact will become part of their daily lives. A scratch on the back of the neck or fondling his long bovine ears, during a hug the Master buries his nose into the bull's neckfur and likes sniffing his scent, a kiss on the side of his jaw, all these things could send shivers down Asterion's spine. Eventually after a particular event that results in him being covered in a mess master wants to help scrub him down in the shower and gets to explore his body more. This new reality for Asterion of physical intimacy with his master should unfold one step at a time that allows him to slowly feel comfortable with the idea, but eventually realizing the master wants to have this physical contact and looks upon this bull as beautiful and desirable. And not just because he's covered in muscles and strong enough to lift and carry the master during certain physically intimate activities, but because the master has genuine love for him and mind spirit and soul. After all he's been through through thousands of years for him to finally be in the arms of a master who wants to cling onto Asterion and not let go, who despite not needing this half human half bull to accomplish things and spawn diamonds in his hand wants to be closer to his servant and who even sees this bull as a beautiful creature to make love to without the influence of altered vision from the gods like what happened to his mother, it should make Asterion feel like his heart is beating for the first time in centuries and turn him into a sobbing mess. It should be something beautiful and heart wrenching, which will involve plenty of hugging followed by touching and kissing and then maybe some exploratory sexy times can occur that night or in the morning depending on player choice. This would be the most realistic transition from their current relationship to a romantic relationship with regards to Asterion's past, and it would definitely make me cry for hours. I would very much like to see this be the path that plays out.


      I like this! :)


      I wanted to cry while reading your pole, I would love to see it happen too, this really would be a kind and perfect path, my chest warmed with your words, I want to see it happen too, if that was final decision ... Asterion deserves the best of everything... If it ends up not happening that way, I would love to read a version of you writing in more detail, sure would make me cry like a little baby too

      (2 edits) (+2)

      I mean with the ban on dating guests then who else has he been able to date for the last how many hundreds of years? The master? Typically women were not in positions of power very often more than a hundred years ago, so chances are most of the past hotels owners were men, maybe a few anthros as well? With homosexuality being more welcome now than it was back then the chances of Asterion dating a male Hotel owner had to have been slim to none. And he commonly refers to himself as a beast, as an abomination. For the owner of the hotel, a human owner, to lust after his physical form has to be unthinkable to him. I kind of want to see how he reacts to the furry community, that would be awkward and hilarious. Seriously though, this guy has never been seen as a treasure, and every night he goes to bed lonely. That first night of him sleeping in the Master's bed with the master snuggled up in his and happy to be there, the kind of thoughts that will be going through Asterion's soul & heart will be a war of doubt versus hope. I know I'll be hugging my pillow & weeping that night after reading that.


      I agree with this. I think this would make the most sense into how this happened.

      I keep thinking why the Master hasn't seen Asterion's room and said something about it in the good path. Invited Asterion to share Masters bed?


      Yeahhhh it's weird that the MC hasn't asked about Asterion's room, considering how involved they are with Asterion... :/


      More often than not Asterion and the MC have fallen asleep together on the couch, so it's no like the MC has been enjoying the master's quarters often haha.

      For the record, though, this will be addressed in chapters 19 and 20.


      That is true ♥️

      Alright great!! :D

      (2 edits) (+2)

      oh, a response from the dev!

      *shuffles index cards*

      Okay I've been thinking, Asterion is worried about his future, but the hotel owner could alleviate Asterion's worries by signing a contract with Luke or Kota (since they already know about Asterion's past) that if the hotel owner dies the ownership of the hotel will automatically be passed on to one of them. Like a minotaur support group of sorts. Luke would leap at the chance to be with Asterion but Kota being a dragon who has lived centuries has centuries more to live which would help alleviate Asterion's worries about the future. Maybe the ownership of the hotel can be shared between two parties? So if one dies the hotel will still be in good hands, or talons or claws or whatever. 

      what else? *shuffles index cards*

      Ok, so psychology & PTSD as a science was not very well developed in World War II and was only beginning to be studied, so Asterion is in desperate need of psychological therapy. The hotel owner & the two guests who know of Asterion's past could start a group with Asterion to share with each other about their own pasts & emotional issues. It could really help Asterion to open up & share what's been in his mind & heart. I could see a lot of tears being shed at these meetings, not just by Asterion, the other guests have problems as well they need to work through. & maybe more guests can be invited in as well, some of them rather reluctantly at first. 

      what else? *shuffles index cards*

      Greta went on & on about what scientific breakthroughs could be made at the hotel with access to unlimited resources. I'm talking expensive materials or rare materials or materials that are just difficult to manufacture or isolate. We've gone through the Green Revolution and we're now entering the Blue Revolution of ocean farming and the possibility of seaweed replacing plastic. We're talking about new battery technologies that will change the world and make countries not reliant on certain countries that export oil. There's serious biochemistry going on that has never been done before, some scientists in San Diego have turned kelp into oil, which could mean any country can make new oil for their cars & new cures for cancer being researched. We're examining new ways to enter space using new materials and new inventions, even research into a space elevator wouldn't be off the table. If the hotel can modify itself to include more rooms or new structures, a college of sorts could be established for research & development. Some guests at the hotal are super smart but can't afford an expensive lab to do research in, but the hotel can make things & people can build new lab equipment if they know how (or can look-up blueprints online). The hotel is a place of healing for it's guests, but it would do Asterion well to see the hotel helping make the outside world better with new research & inventions.

      *shuffles index cards*

      & speaking of how the hotel helps Asterion, it seems to be the primary source of his self worth. Asterion has zero self-esteem & prioritizes the hotel as the only motive to continue life. He needs to know that he is valued, not as a servant or a source of information, but as an individual. As a fellow traveler on this journey of life, that he is worth more to the hotel owner than the hotel itself. Sure the owner choose to wear the band on his arm but the workers were threatening to strike if he didn't, which could cause some doubt to start to creep in for Asterion. Basically the hotel owner needs to have a genuine sit-down heart to heart with Asterion that the reason he even decided to stay at the hotel in the first place was to help the Minotaur he'd just met, & if he ever had to choose between saving the hotel or saving Asterion, he'd choose to save Asterion. The hotel can be rebuilt to be exactly what it was before receiving any damage at all, but while Asterion is able to physically heal from any physical damage he will always carry the damage done to his heart & soul. To betray Asterion's trust would be to lose his heart & hurt him in a way he can't heal from. But the hotel is just a building, it has no soul. Asterion is the hotel's keeper, Asterion is the hotel's soul. The hotel cannot heal souls, only other souls can heal souls(or maybe meditation or nature idk I'm not a psychologist). & while the hotel does give a sense of purpose, Asterion is the soul who drives this hotel owner forward. Other owners have focused on the hotel, but this owner is focused on Asterion. This owner helps the hotel because having guests at the hotel helps Asterion. Healing Asterion's soul is the primary goal of this particular hotel owner, & Asterion is having trouble seeing that. There will come a time when the hotel owner will have to be blunt & tell Asterion "Look I care more about you then about any of this. I want to be here for you. Not to leave you alone & let you be. I don't want you to be alone, to feel alone despite being surrounded by guests. I want help you. I don't want the hotel, it's yours. I want you to have something that makes you happy. You're my focus. You're why I decided to live here in this hotel, not because you promised diamonds. Fuck diamonds!"*grabs the bulls hand*"I want you to be okay. I want to heal you. Not through wine, but to heal you inside. Your mind. Your heart. Your soul. You are who i care about. You're what matters most to me."*maybe follow this up with a hug or something idk*

      *pockets index cards*

      sorry about the wall of text but i had a lot to get out

      Your beautiful words almost made me cry, please keep sharing with us your ideas, I'm sure that both the minotaur hotel's creative team, as well as we forum readers, would appreciate it. Thank you very much!  <3


      I was going to make that my last post, but your comment means a lot to me. I will do some thinking of some more things to write & comment…


      Thank you, ChulaCharlie, my new friend! I will be here to read whathever you can give us

      I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long, but I'm back now. I feel like I should explain what happened. So last year I went to watch a movie at the theater, and shut off my phone so it wouldn't be a distraction. Well after the movie when I turned my phone back on it decided that the memory was corrupt and the only solution was to wipe the memory from the phone to restore it back to factory settings. After a day of trying to find a solution on the internet with my laptop and not finding any solutions I was forced to reset my phone. So all the progress I'd made in Minotaur Hotel was gone. And I didn't pick it back up again until recently because at first I was a bit dejected and didn't have the motivation to start over from scratch and I started and got caught up in some other visual novels as well that have held my attention. I had just finished the Hinterlands part 1 and was introduced to the hotels office when I lost all my progress. But now I'm back at that point again and I have no idea what happens next in the story and I look forward to continuing it. So yeah, what happens next in the story is completely unknown to me and I'm rather excited for it. Don't spoil anything! As I read more of the story I'll dump some of my feelings into comments here, just how I feel and ideas for the future of the story and all that, so look forward to that. PS if the hotel gets a psychologist as a guest that can do a psychological assessment of asterion, don't tell me. And if that's not already in the story at this point, it would be a good idea to include in the story in the future. Just getting that idea out there so that maybe by the time I get caught up to where the story is now it will already be well on the way, or maybe already in a new update when I get there:) PPS as for horny ideas for asterion, it would be interesting for the hotels master to ask asterion to dominate him in bed. Asterion is so used to being a servant that it would be new and different to be the one in charge. Exclusively in their shared apartment, of course. Not to mention being serviced, or the body worship with those big muscles. Oh what fun. PPPS asterion needs more hugs!


      We will endeavor to deliver all the hugs to Asterion.

      the contract states that mythicals are not allowed to claim ownership on said hotel, but all in all good insight on all parts of ur index cards.

      mythicals aren't allowed to be owners? damn. that's a bummer.

      I think the clause specifically states that the Owner of the Hotel needs to have "human" parents.... which might be a problem in the future depending on how humanity might end up... depending.





      This is very true and I really like that they do this. I think this really helps Asterion and the MC bond.


      What about Asterion being a Soft top but hard too in someway and slightly verbal.?!


      ❤️♥️ Yes :D !!!

      Personally I feel that Asterion would avoid anything relating to bondage, chastity, or actions and fetishes otherwise relating to previous torture and abuse. Being sexually exposed to another person is a very vulnerable state, and my interpretation of Asterion views him as inexperienced at best. However, while Asterion can be shy, he also has moments of confidence and will even physically overpower the Master.

      If Asterion were to flirt, I imagine him doing it through his poetry, getting ever-more erotic with his descriptions, but I wouldn't be surprised if he has little to no knowledge of current-day slang in relation to sex. It's hardly something I think guests would be openly talking about, but perhaps Luke would have taught him some things over time? Maybe Asterion would even end up teaching us, like the route with his project teaching us obscenities from the past.

      For Master flirting, there's many opportunities to grab Asterion's tail already throughout the story, I wouldn't be surprised if that became their personal way of flirting and hinting at Asterion that it's time for a private moment in the bedroom. He gets bashful and shy when the Master grabs his tail, and it's been shown to happen with his horns too.

      I'd very much like to see Asterion and Master in more of a playful relationship than a very serious one. The way Asterion bounces around happily like a calf when excited, and that smile, are some of the most warming parts of his character. 

      For fetishes, that is a difficult question on Asterion's side. As I mentioned, I doubt he would be into anything adjacent to things he has been tortured with in the past. But since he is forbidden from being naked around guests, it would be quite fun to have the Master declare Asterion as unable to wear clothes when in the Master's quarters, either as a nudge towards humiliation, exhibitionism, or the Master's own voyeurism. There's also a rather abundant use of scent-based commentary throughout the story, Asterion knows you love to smell him, perhaps that would be taken a step further, after a gym or swimming scene. 

      Overall, one scene I would definitely love to see between Master and Asterion is the two exploring each other's bodies. Asterion is forbidden from becoming intimate with guests, and it's very doubtful any Master in the past has allowed Asterion to see much of their body, let alone touch. He would certainly enjoy the opportunity to simply feel a human body, feel the Master. Realise that, despite his bullish features, parts of him are simply human. He isn't so different. He is normal, and healthy. It would be very reassuring to him.

      (1 edit) (+1)

      I like the idea of Asterion being a top choice if you make choices being submissive, losing the wrestling match in his labyrinth etc. Generally being more assertive after winning their contest sortof if the MC is turned on by being pinned by him.

      Asterion seems like he would be teased pretty easily! MC could probably play with his horns while kissing maybe?

      For the player character,  Asteron teasing could be dependent on how the two interact with each-other. I would appreciate more soft mooing in ears.

      Sauna project sounds like a good idea for NSFW, or you could add more locker-room shenanigans.

      I don't usually do dominant approaches in VN's  as I don't relate to that.

      I'd like to see Asterion picking up MC maybe, holding him against a wall and holding his hands above his head/pinned, anything strength related that shows how much bigger/strong he is and indulging his warrior side like the MC mentions at different moments.

      I think Asterion would be really into deep kissing during nsfw obviously, maybe getting his ears played with or licked. Pleasuring MC as a lover, rimming if he's into it or in general just tasting him.