Game demo is live! Link here:
Here is a real quick summary of the story before going over everything else:
Story summary
Since the beginning of civilization, a tale has been passed down, the origin of which has been lost to time.
“It is written, At the end of days.
The Savior will rise, With wondrous Grace.
Once he appears, Our hope will turn.
When he appears, Evil will burn…
Until that day, The Savior will stay,
Locked away, Until that day…”
Whether that saying is true or not, it gives us all hope that we will be safe if the world we call home were to ever be threatened…
…and with the world on the brink of war, we could use all the hope we can get right now.
Welcome to Lingard, a world where almost every person is born with magic abilities connecting to an element such as fire, earth, thunder, and many more. However instead of mana being the source of how they cast their powers, the real source is their stamina.
Who is Aldric?
Aldric is the savior, who you'll meet at the beginning of the game, and becomes a companion for the rest of the game. Essentially Aldric needs your help in order to find whatever may cause the end of the world so they are ready for when the end of days comes and they are set free to stop it. Over the course of the game cracks will appear in Aldric's room meaning that something that leads to the end of the world has happened.
How Battles Work
To make this game more unique I came up with a more complex system revolving around the use of stamina.
Instead of hitting enemies only once per turn, you can choose between attacking their health or their stamina, and you can hit them as many times as you want until either you decide to end your turn, or you run out of stamina.
However, you don't want your stamina to run out completely, if it does you will become winded, meaning that you will take 2x damage from everything that attacks you.
Stamina always recovers when your turn is ready, but can also be recovered by either using an item, or using breathe in the tactics menu. The amount you recover when your turn is ready and when using breathe, depends on your respire stat.
When enemies attack, a bar will appear over the targeted character and the hits will scroll across at varying speeds. Blocking successfully will lower the damage by half, but your stamina will also be used in the process. If stamina runs out you can no longer block.
Some spells will also have the same feature of attacks, allowing you to cast them multiple times, however the stamina cost is much higher for spells than attacks.
Each party member, and almost every enemy, has an element they are weak to causing 2x damage if hit by that element, this also stacks with the damage multiplier from being winded, resulting in a total of 4x damage received.
Stuff That's Done
Almost all the core things needed for the demo are finished.
The things that need to be done:
putting levels togetherconnect all levels togethercreating cutscenesoptions menumagic menusave menu (save files already finished)Aldric's roomAldric's spritesputting enemies together (stats, attack list, animations)leveling upadd enter player name and skin tone choice to main menu when selecting new gameplayer battle animationsrefining battle system
Also, one more thing needs to be finished but can't tell it here since it's a spoiler.
Hopefully I didn't forget anything for this first post, if I did I'll update as soon as I can. Leave a reply telling me what you think of the combat or if you'd want more detail on the story.