Hello all! Just thought I post a little bit of a sneak peak into what I am working on, and might ask for some help or advise in the process! (Seeing as I am a little new to this tool)
Here is a screenshot of the original version, and my version. (That is again, a heavy work in progress, almost nothing is done at this point in time, but it should show the perspective I am going for.
While this doesn't show too much, you can probably see that I am attempting to turn this into a flat track, and convert everything to actual 3d, instead of what the pseudo-3d entails. This however, has a few major problems. While the original moves the characters up and down to create an 'illusion' of changing tracks, if I move him to the location shown above, and decide to go left or right, he will still go up and down, and float in the air. My question is, can this be changed, through scripting, or something of the like? Or am I just out of luck?
My other question is that excitebike uses objects in odd ways sometimes, at least, when trying to convert them to 3d, so, I was wondering if there was a way to disable the 'rippling effect' that repeating objects gain, so that a change to one of the objects will not necessarily effect another one. It sounds a bit complicated, and it might be able to be done with some careful cloning on my end... maybe. Let me know in the replies! I'm not sure if the thing I am working on is even feasible...