My public notes about development.
Lost viking 路 By
Finally I finished new model of main character. I constructed bones and made a rig. Especialy upper part of body is ready for use and already tried some first animation import to Unity. Tommorow I check legs and can start do animations. Next day I am planning fully replace old default figure and also I maybe add shield and axe. :)
Next week I can start work on combat mode :)
I almost finished to do animations. I already start testing it in Unity. I has to sligtly rework "to arms" , Add jumps and climbes I am not sure if do now or in next update. Also I will need much more. Exit walk, learning,resting, tired, dying , drinking ect.....:)
I got like above 15 animations done and look it is still lots to do, but I need start to work in unity again :)
Today I fixed this bugs :
Tommorow I fix not working clickbuttons due some input coding day before. Also I like to see again blood :) It is not working due some previos model importing. After I fix this two bugs I finally release 2.5.1 (2.5.0 will bee not released) and can start on 2.5.2
8.AM :
last two days I spend on shader graph :) and also I keep working on drink potion feature. I start to have some outcome. But today I guess It takes whole time also.
Ok I has to do litlle secondary quest. Creating script usable for get child of parents from any object in scene which is script attached.
New combat upgrades
Early at day I did few code preparations for attack script
Lately I imported 3 more animations.
Now will start tricky part - connect it with input by coding ect.
After I finish I has to switch to create colliders for axe and shield and create
by another coding some behaviour.
Next big part Is learn enemies to being hurt and learn tham kill :) .....Hail and kill! :D
Today I started to code new animations . For now starting work walk armed forward. I created completly new animation walk backward armed.
Problem is when player is surronded and need to turn armed. Guess I has to create first double press feature soon :) It will be soluting armed turning
So it means if you hold button you will be moving backkward , but if you do double press same direction it turns you in combat mode.
I set some buy coffe page too, but I think that has no much big potential. Also I did some refresh at patreon page :)
I also fixed few bugs in transition and animations when player pressing more keys in same time, now is game play more stable. Question is how it will be after I Add rest of movement animations :D.....
especially that double press
Xmas. => smaller activity in last few days. But I finded always at least some time at night mostly. Currently working on sorting enemies script which is directing number of enemies in levels. I has some arrays created ,but still I need some features get running. Like for cycle which allows sorting enemies in array its belong.
OK two basic oportunties for attack players are starting working. Now I need to fix two biggest bugs.
1) better attack repeating (now working rare)
2) too often worm get in bed rotation(position) after he attacks. I has to learn him "stand up" :)
after this I has to work on damage system player vs worm and oposite again. And when i find solution I can finally relase 2.5.3
Last few days I learned worms:
Now I am working on learning worm climb on side of bloks. It is partly working already, but I has to add some advenced gravity logic because current working only
if worm is upside down or on ground, not if he is from side.
Today i did few nice things about worm. He has now basic dead animation and also I fixed bug when he died he is now harmless.
This patch is pretty nice for gameplay I guess. It starts to be playable :) I has to do 2 things before release : put some basic skelet of level II, put some few new graphic design into level I , place my worms back (now i got only one for testing ) And I can release.
From version 2,5.4 consider level I done like from 60% and I can start finally work on level II . there will be new kind of enemy so it might take some time , because it is humanoid , so it is different combat behaviour.
Captain log. Star date 08-03-23-223
Last few days start to be stable for work even with my new game developers :)
I started work on first pickable equipment - rusty basic helmet (later in game there will be better to change ! )
I got almost done nice animation and some code logic. I need still adjust some things about location of helmet. After it I need implement into combat defence as armor
And also I has to think how to save equipment if is already on head. (probably some list)
Captain log. Star date 10-03-23-228
Today I finished whole animation from pick in hand and put helmet on head. ....So animation and placing new equipment works fine. Now I has to review my code about add stats and increase some defence stats . I has to watch again some tutorials . My stats are based on Kryzarel "character statsinunity" tutorials,
I am back. Guys growing up and seems to be that I have got some itlle time for game again. I was working two nights and fixed some saving bugs.
1) Worms are now truly oading based on game difficulty (again - it was broken after some code work in previous month)
2) saving checkpoint is saving only once . If player die and checkpoint was used for save. He is inactive after new resurection :)
Pretty cool beeing back I missed it :)
I still got one big bug to fix. It is ABout saving and loading items. If I save and exit to menu , after continue it is ok. but if I exit from game and play again the game and use continue it is missing saved object. Also if i play and exit game before saving point it remember picked items even it shouldn't. This is obviosly some mistake in saving and need to be fixed
First thing in 2.5.6 done: Player got visually helmet even after save and load...I mean inventory worked long time ago, but visually on character was not saving/load. Now if loads inventory it automacically also load helmet placed on head. Next features for this topic will be destroy item on ground if was previosly taken and game saved and loaded destroyed on ground already , automatically switching equip if player find same class of item but better, correctly connect to player stats.
2 evenings with refreshing worm AI code done. Tonight I improved few bugs connected with climbing behind edge and also turning worm with "left" gravity field. I guess most developers using methods like navigate mesh, but I created kind of own. using combiation of raycast , local pos and euler angles ect.
After I finish few more bugs I try it on "testing field with cople of worms with same start position,
Captain log. Star date 04-12-23-663
Hahaaa! Perfect! Items work fine for now. I sucessfuly add feature which cause if player pick item in level and save. Item will be no longer avaible in level and player got it in inventory. Thats perfect for now. New feature about inventory will be comparing classes. If hero finds some better for example helmet. It automaticaly switch on his head for better and ignore if helmet will be worse. Now I add some new graphic to level I, level II and I can release 2.5.6 and start work on 2.5.7 :)
All main bugs about objects, items, enemies fixed after passing to level II :) . I need one more crucial thing for combat. and it is turning armed.
After it I can release 2.5.6. But now I go "relaxing" on adding some new graphic content to level I and bit extend level II .
For level II I need hero this will be big topic for next update 2.5.7 with this is connected "skill tree unlocing"
Turn animation bit better. It is time to move on to another topic. Now I guess , I should add some content to level I. Problem for level II is that I need another
big topic do first: It is climbing. It should be part of "skill tree" so it is another big topic connected. It takes some time to implement this. Maybe I release 2.5.6 and level II will be not finishable still. And this topics will be working in 2.5.7
I was working on AI of worms like I promised, Saint george worm sound not implemented yet ,but I am desided already release 2.5.6
Worms act bit more complicated now when spote player,so there is some new progress, but it is still far from finall result. Sometimes they do strange things but it is kind of funny. I like it.
I love chaotic, hard predictable enemies in games. Let's go upload and work on 2.5. 7....... :D
Captain log. Star date 12-01-24-934 . I desided add no more new things into 2.5.7 and ready to release. It is smaller update, but bit better improving gameplay.
What is new here:
2 bugs in level II fixed, some graphic also done but nothing from big topics done yet :) tommorow i has to start implement climb animation. I got already done something from earlier , but not tried yet and zero code implementation. After it I has to create that skill tree feature and first perk "climbing" figure out how unlock by recahing level II experience.
Captain log. Star date 08-02-24-1236.
I am getting close to make working skill tree. After It, I change focus for extending level II finally :). Also I might get help from another game designer, who is probablly willing make for me new kind of enemy - I mean model + animation (coding will be done by me)
Skill tree is working now and looks almost same like design, except green color of improved numbers. This small detail I do later perhaps:)
I will do some short video about how skill tree responds and after it I can start working on extend level II in next few days. I aso fixed one hidden bug in experience today :)
I passed throuh two gates, slightly behind halfo of level....... now all gates works correctly and I got print blue for so it will be quick from now, but during testing level II pass I got new issues with climbing and even jumping.....Hero is jumping to high and not in distnace I has to tweek it. Climbing is pain :) I has to rework some code, do it more user friendly.
Captain log. Star date 23-02-24-1427. Today I for first time passed through whole level II :) I has to use skill "climbing " of course. I need fix only 2 bugs and I can release 2.5.8. (I am moving few things to do in later versions). I think from version 2.6.0 will be game worth enough to try for players. It should have full lenght of 2 levels (from 14 ) and game will take to finish to level III like 15 minutes at least.
I released 2.5.9 earlier because I figure out that some users might have roblems with install. I discovered that itcho games working fine if you dont change directory for install, but if you change it cant download. I first though it is because of some mistake in 2.5.8 but same problem was with 2.5.9 if I changed install directory. I described it in instalation instruction, but I start to think I shoul do some installer for my game
Captain log. Star date 14-03-24-1699 I have got first work results in score board. Only some UI elements and basic sorting funkcion. Now I has to connect script with save and load system. Score will be added to leaderboard if player dies pernamently or he reach current end of game. :) I guess I might it get done tomorrow.
I have decided due last feature change way of saving /load all kind of data data ............So finish score board takes much longer than I expected. I was using binary formater for saving which is marked as unsafe by microsoft. I next version I like to switch probably to JSON data format and save / load it. I aslo consider not using encrytion since I am not perfect coder yet :) and has some worries about bad code vs performance :) I think it might takes another week before I rework whole save/load system
Finally I started work on Archer's AI , guess tommorow I consider it good enough and can switch to unfinished turning issue of goblin warrior.
I like to release 2.6.0 at end of week , but I think it is to optimistic. Still not finished nothing about lvl 3 hero stats increased. New skills I do in next version for sure,
Goblin archers shooting and killing now :) . They are uselles if they shoot out they arrows out (10x arrows), but as a support of warriors they are usefull enough :)
I tried on hardest difficulty fight with 3 archers + 1x warrior and I was unable defeat tham . There is still lots to do, but for new update pretty cool.
Last thing to do is some stats for level 3 of hero. skills I will do in next versions. New update is close !!! Finally :)
I has to do new game play video fof 2.6.0 today. But for now I started work on 2.6.1.
I also go look on archers AI. If he shoot out all arrows he is harmless and uselles to much :)
Goblin now try player knoc down :) , but it looks also powerfull I has to bit restrict it , because hero easy lost ballance and after it goblin often finish him soon after he respawn. I add random factor for it, but it is too frequently I guess. I decrase it bit. One problem might be if player try avoid fight and run through it looks like it is bit to easy, goblin react slowly :) I will add soon some logic knoc down on running unarmed hero next to goblin