Hello there
I would like to make few valuable things for LonaRPG, but faced with issue while try to understand how it works
I can't found good thread where I can ask questions about helping to develop LonaRPG so I think it would be great to have one here )
1. Easiest way is to add translations: this is I already did for English here, feel free to use
2. Second is Modding guide here: https://lonarpg.fandom.com/wiki/Modding_Guides
But by some reasons I have no Game.rgss3a or any other files with *.rgss3a, so first question to developers:
Where I can find this file? .rgss3a or can I ask you to share a bit more detailed description on how to load LonaRPG project to RPG Maker MV? (or which version I need?)
3. Third one is described in folder \ModScripts\_readme.txt with few examples here... For simple things it is more or less clear but
can I ask to share bit more detailed example? (if option 2 is not possible)
In any case many thanks for the developers for the game.
Wish all of us more new cool content!