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"Voices Of The Void" Pre-Alpha

Gather unknown signals from deep, silent space · By mrdrnose

VotV Tutorial secrets

A topic by user258823 created Mar 03, 2024 Views: 28,953 Replies: 60
Viewing posts 1 to 22
(6 edits) (+5)

You can post in this topic all the hidden stuff or secret levels you find in the tutorial area

Here are some things that I found (both in my game and on youtube) (for version pa07_0010 and earlier, some things changed in pa07_0011)

Hidden messages:

1. Hidden text right behind the player when entering the tutorial. "..."

2. Hidden text in the back left corner under water in next room after the one where the player appears. "just ignore them"

3. Hidden text in one of the windows in the next room. "STOP IT!"

4. Hidden text inside a wall next to a spiral staircase. "it keeps happening"

5. Hidden text in a circular pool on the right in a room with computer panels. "it was great, why do things have to be changed?"

6. Hidden text in a window in a room with servers. "stop trying"

7. Hidden text above the transformer. "it has to be that way"

8. Hidden text in the forward left corner in a final room with red pipe going down. "do not jump, please"

9. Hidden text at the bottom of red pipe behind a wall. "it did not have to be this way"

10. Hidden text in the corner of a hidden vent in a server room. "How could i..."

There is a lot more hidden messages, but I didn't screenshot them so be free to post them here yourself

Locations of three radioactive capsules required for access to a secret level:

1. In the second room from the beginning in the circular window above the entrance:

2. In the room with computer panels on the blue pipe:

3. In the secret room with pool of blood in one of the windows to the right from when you enter this room (didn't screenshot the capsule itself, but it is there):

Secret areas:

1. The large pool room with 4 stone shapes, places for them, and some messages. You can get into it from a hidden vent in the server room:

Here are all 4 stone shapes:



2. The room with pool of blood:

3. Secret area that you can get into using a key found in transformer room, has a code locked door (code for the door in 0.7.0b2 is 7261, if it doesn't work try 7260 or 7262), a spiral staircase going down, and a room with 3 slots for radioactive capsules that open the entrance to the maze:

4. The maze (And the secret room with tree and some unopenable doors). To get to the exit you need to follow the left wall, to get to the secret room you need to follow the right wall:

5. The room with some pools and metal pipes that you need to climb to get to the next area:

6. The room with some pillars, 2 pools, and a ladder on top that you can lower by pressing a hidden tile on second pillar:

7. The room with a pool, some windows, 3 pillars and a message underwater saying "Stop looking around", the exit from it is in the left window:

8. The large circular room with several floors and a pool in the center (the exit from it is on the second floor):

9. The small room after large circular room, some bars on the left window can be pushed out, leads back to pipe room, after you get out from the window there is a vent to the left that can be broken:

10. The small room with one pool and holes in the ceiling:

11. The big room with two pools (the final secret room for 0.7.0 update, I think), also has one secret message in bottom right big 'door' above the water saying "...constant migranes... i need to take a rest...", and one flying message on top saying:



how did you get into large circular room after pipe room?

(1 edit) (+1)

In the room after pipe room there is a hidden tile that you can press to bring down the ladder:

And in the room after it you need to just jump down the hole in the left window:

I edited my post so it now contains these areas too

thanks didnt notice the hole 

(2 edits)

Sorry if this may be a bit obvious and I just didnt realize how, but how am I supposed to access the vent in the server room? I see it, I just cant reach it, and throwing the crowbar isnt helping to break the vent. Is there something Im missing?

Edit: Red Herring :)
Now Im stuck in the blood room, so yayyy???


The vent on top of server room isn't breakable, there is a vent inside a drawings on the wall on top of servers

To get out of the blood room you can just press 'C' and you will get teleported back

Thank you for sending this. I had already discovered the ragdoll trick, but I didnt figure out that I was supposed to leave for a *very* long time. I have several screenshots from other secrets I discovered in the tutorial, but I will be posting them later.

As far as the vent is concerned, I did discover that but I was trying to be down low about that with the "red herring" quote.


I recently found this... what is this keyhole for?I didn't see any keys in tutorial


There is a key in transformer room but it doesn't work here, behind that keyhole is just a gray box that doesn't do anything, so either it is just fake keyhole to waste players time or something will be added to it later


I just found out that in the second room there is a secret room, if you try hard, you can get there! but I don't want to tell you what's there, so go ahead.

I turned over the table from the second room and broughtone of three boxes from the third room, yes, it is difficult to do, but it is possible.
maybe there are other ways to get into this room, but I didn’t find them.

Deleted post

Also: If you're planning on doing the other secrets as well, do this one first. It will reset your progress unless you're prepared

(1 edit) (+1)

Heres a few secrets that I found

Right before you go into the room with the 3 water slides, theres a series of signals tapes, all of which hold the same signal "unnamed". Collecting these and taking them down the slides, you can play and process them. Here are their levels in order.

For the second and final secret I found(that wasnt already posted) you're going to need to use the Debug Teleport button(for me its [Num Pad .], you can check at the bottom of the keybinds). This will take you to a secret room in the tutorial that is completely isolated. It starts off in almost a lobby before entering a section that somewhat resembles a church imo, but theres likely no significance.

EDIT: It should be noted one of the fountains in the "church" isnt running, this may have some significance but Im not betting yet. No screenshots unfortunately, it was a detail I remember but didnt capture.

Anyways, thats all the new things Ive found so far. May post later, but its unlikely that Ill uncover anything relatively new.

(1 edit) (+1)

About tutorial secrets for pa07_0011 (Recent 0.7.0b3):

I got stuck on the room that had the blood in previous version, because now it is just empty and if I fall down I just collapse and get teleported back, there are some supply boxes that look like they are supposed to stop the falling, but they are too low. And I didn't find radioactive capsule around this room too, so either it is a bug and player is supposed to land on those boxes and not collapse or the developer hid the radioactive capsule somewhere else and I just didn't see it:

(pictures gotten while falling)

And also, the room with places for radioactive capsules now doesn't have the "Wrong place wrong time" message, so there is definitely something new to it:

Im pretty sure there are some objects that you can carry that have a physical hitbox in the item rooms. Maybe bringing some of those can help prevent the fall damage? Its a long shot, but there might be just enough. Currently busy with things, so I cant check myself for the next few hours.

Ive started investigating, and found that the pipes in the room are the perfect size for a capsule. Maybe the capsule is hidden in the one that is just now suddenly clogged?

Update to this: Ive broken the boxes at the bottom of what used to be the blood room by using high explosive devices (Gasoline canisters) to see if taking the entire fall would fix it. It did not. Will continue to experiment.

(1 edit)

Update: I managed to get a friend interested in the tutorial ARG, and this evening we did an investigation into the new update. Specifically, my friend managed to mod in the ability to negate the ragdoll effect of falling by lowering player gravity and managed to use this to enter the blood room safely.  I approved this method of investigation for 2 reasons: the first is that the boxes seem to be set up to allow you to fall through safely, but for some reason arent properly arresting momentum; the second is to determine if the radioactive capsule was still in the blood room or if it wasnt.

We managed to confirm that the radioactive capsule is still in the bloodroom, although it was on the ground rather than in the window. He picked up the capsule before thinking to take a screenshot, but heres a recreation of its placement.

Additionally, we managed to get a screenshot of inside the blue pipe.

It is a possibility, judging by the texture used for the far blue pipe, that there is supposed to be an alternate way to enter the blood room. This texture is the same one used for the trapdoor that is unlocked by the 3 radioactive capsules, which is why Im mentioning this. The purposes of this investigation was to confirm the further existence of the capsule in the blood room, so we will not be looking into this lead any further with the use of mods.


I noclipped just to see if there was something else, and I found that the blood pool wasn't actually removed, but it is placed just under the floor:

So maybe there is something else that is supposed to raise the blood level so player can land in it?

I also found more secret rooms for the pa07_0011 version, for example in the room with computer panels there is a room hidden in one of the windows with one unopenable door, that is very similar to (spoilers: the door that randomly appears near base in main game):

After you discovered the new room, my friend and I decided to go back to previous versions we downloaded to investigate. As it turns out, this white room with a door is something that has appeared back in at least pa07_0005. We only checked the previous versions we had downloaded, so the only versions of the game we have confirmed its existence in is pa07_0005, pa07_0010, and pa07_0011. My opinion is that the door likely doesnt pertain to the issues caused by the current update, but that it may have some significance in the future. I saw a reputable source for VotV secrets on youtube reveal a similar hidden passage in a window of the pipe room after the maze, so its likely that whited out rooms with doors in them are going to be a common motif throughout the levels of the arg. It should be noted that the door was not, at least from my memory, the same door, but rather a copy of the Panopticon's prison doors.

how did you noclip? and without the game crashing?


As it turns out, you need to have player physics damage on in order to access the drained blood room. I normally have this off because I think the implementation is poorly thought out.

I will be continuing the search from this point.

I have reached the last point we were at. Ive learned some secrets, so I will be exploring all of those before making a further report. So far, very little things that are new have occurred, but I have noticed *some* details.

(1 edit)

Unfortunately, at least to my investigations, it appears that the current iteration of the ARG ends at exactly the same point as it does in the previous version of the game, it has just been slightly modified in mostly insignificant ways, barring the blood room fiasco. The following is images exploring one secret in the room after the pipe room and the actual end of the current ARG pathway, at least to the best of my knowledge. There is one more secret I have mentioned in an earlier post. I have not explored that secret yet, though I intend to at some point tonight. For now, this is everything I have.

I learned this information, as well as both of the new secrets I am putting up, from a channel called "The Voices Network" on youtube. I would recommend checking them out, as they release high quality videos on complex secrets in VotV and deserves some attention for how in depth their coverage is. Its honestly impressive how much knowledge they have.

The following is a path to an easter egg relating to the streamer The Jolly Wangore. You will need the crowbar to access it, and it is hidden in a vent similar to the secret vent above the servers.

The vent should be low to the ground, and is in the room with the secret tile button that will bring down the ladder.

The following is the actual end of the current ARG as far as I know. In order to access this, you have to parkour along the row closest to level with the top of the "Echo Chamber" until you get to the 4th doorway along that row. In the back, you should see a vent leading to the final room.

^^View from inside the doorway, looking out^^

Unfortunately, it appears that we are still in the wrong place at the wrong time. Further investigation is warranted, but there may not be much else to the story yet.


Took a bit of time, but I managed to get into the window I was talking about. The first 2 pictures shows the path you need to take. Run and crouch jump off of the pipe that leads to the window, you're aiming to fit into the window. You may be able to mantle on, but not from the pipe below it and if you're moving quickly it'll be really inconsistent. Took me 15-20 minutes of trying to get inside. Once you get in, keep going. You'll eventually end up where you need to be. Once you've committed, theres no way back. Make yourself comfortable, theres little else you can do.

Found out about this secret courtesy of The Voices Network on youtube.

                                                                          Run along this pipe and crouch jump^^^^

You're in. Go deeper.

Commit. Deeper.

Welcome Home.


An approximate map of the entire maze in secret level of the tutorial:


I do not know if anyone here has simply sat and listened in the tutorial (I've had the most luck in the first room for another reason to come) but you are not alone. Footsteps can be heard around you if you sit still and listen- in the walls, windows, vents, and even the floor immediately around you. If you wait long enough in the first room, something else will play with the items in the room below, and even open the door to the slides- it is strong, as it even threw my tables around. It also left a piece of "organic trash" (yellow mushroom cap looking one) in the slides room. However it's not just the argemimic or something, I have seen it, whole body, trying to stay behind me, behind corners and doors, out of sight..... this is the best picture I managed to record... is this the "them" that the text blurbs are telling us to ignore, not the tutorial markers?


Tried to do that also and got these screenshots:

Trash appears in the rooms just randomly from version 0.6.3

I knew that there was an entity that walks randomly in the pools behind the player, but I never noticed these entities, I throught that it was just the light flashing for no reason.

Also, the tutorial hints disappear behind it, so it is definitely an entity and not a visual effect:

(1 frame after it disappeared)


I kept trying for over an hour to get another full body sighting while recording but I think it was a fluke to even see it... I would best describe its appearance at a distance as that of the bracken from lethal company, so it may be a reference to it, loosely. That or the resemblance and fact it doesn't like you looking at it is purely coincidental, still spooky to realize I was *not* crazy in thinking I was hearing and seeing things all those hours I was exploring and testing stuff


It starts to appear again after restarting the tutorial, here is another screenshot where it can be seen:

(I used UE4 renderer panini projection for these ones, because higher FOV will allow to get a fuller view on these entities)

And another screenshot, looking up:


interesting... I don't know if any of mrdrnose's other creations in other games/the game universe match the appearance of this thing at all? But it may provide some information if so

There, got a better picture while recording for a video, gives a much better sense of scale and can be easily mirrored for a better sense of what we're actually looking at... a better/less distorted silhouette at least- your pictures are great because they show it has some sort of protrusion/s, forward and maybe even backwards, so perhaps it is spikey in all directions?

(2 edits) (+2)

This entity can be found in the test level untitled_112, it’s called the Cursed Spider.

Here's how its looks normaly. (sorry for bad grammatic, im using translator)

By the way, it just appears, it doesn’t do anything special, there is another entity which is invisible and it can throw objects, open doors, make splashes on the water and sometimes you can see the shadow of this entity.


(Sorry for bad english)

I tried to freeze the game with UE4 Unlocker to see that thing in full height, and it worked. What i did:

- Set the game fps to 1

- Opened UE4 Unlocker and bind the key for freezing to "1"\

- Enabled camera to fly around

Here are the results (Also some random playlist on youtube in the background):


Also just had this strange noise I've not heard before play off in one specific direction, but I could not explore much to see if it was anything more than a sound as I proceeded to accidently clip out of the map climbing into the vent wrong in the next rooms

Seems like just a loud version of an existing sound, sounds probably play in random places behind the walls and you just got in time to hear it in full volume


how did you fly up in the last location with the two big pools? lm very interested in that question


Without cheats and noclip, you can disable fps limit and press Ctrl (Crouch) + C (Ragdoll) to fly up, more fps = higher


in first ventilatoin on corner (after ladder) has a text

this is not about the secrets of the tutorial, but I found a strange signal that seems to be some kind of cipher

If I remember correctly, That's just an Ariral Satellite, The text is probably some Ariral-Technology nonsense, Seems weird until you understand where this thing came from

Я так понял, это Кто то на корабле Ариралов пытался взломать панель управления, так как на самых последних строчках есть надпись "DENY", что означает "ОТКАЗАНО" в доступе. Есть несколько таких сигналов, и на одном из таких в конце надпись "ACCEPT", что означает "ОДОБРЕНО" в доступе

(1 edit) (+1)

(Very bad english down below)

So, 0.8.0 is out. I found some interesting places in tutorial. Now, instead of a very angry Ariral, there will be a corridor, and at the end a note: "behind you". The wall behind the note can be broken. There will be a huge hall with 3 notes: 

"The depths will absorb your flesh and soul upon entering the forbidden place. One shall not cross the bourders of the deep or they will perish with no trace."

" It can't be..."

"The sky is not the way out. The abyss is the way to go." 

If you dive into the water, something will eat you. 

Instead of a Blood Room, there will be huge pit.

There is also a bug in this version that allows you to clip into the walls. It is necessary to climb on some kind of surface, you can even climb walls and inside them. In a room with a combination lock, I was able to go behind it and even without receiving 3 radioactive capsules, go further. There was nothing new before the huge hall with water. Now, there was blood on one of the windows. If you climb up there, there will be a very high descent and a new location.

If you go further, there will be a hall with a staircase to nowhere. Inside the tower there will be a small pool and a button, clicking on which a ladder will go. It is necessary to climb on it while it is driving, and go further into the corridor.

"Its all lockes behind doors...i am scared to reach the handle..."

"It did not work."







Next there will be a room with pipes. It is necessary to climb up the pipes and turn all 4 valves so that the water in the room fills up and we can get to the ventilation. There is also an iron door that can be knocked out with wooden boxes. There will be an inscription:

"I regret all my choices..."

Next there will be a small living room with a swimming pool and a balcony. There will be inscriptions there:

"Im starting to lose grip on my reality...

I should tell them everything i know..."

"Wrong place, wrong time" 

Also, i managed to clip under the floor, using the same bug, and i saw that there was a some rooms under it. Inside was bed, table, toilet and drawer. Rooms are locked with metal pipes, so it some kind of prison? In the main hallway, there was 2 angry Arirals.

How did you clip past the door??????

In the very beggining of the video

владос а как войти туда где дверь с кодом?

Я прошел через текстуры. Я не знаю кода, и нет времени его подбирать

может все таки стоит его подобрать пока разраб не пофиксил баг?

Has someone already started picking up the code for the door?

how do I take radioactive capsules and triangle and pentagon shapes?

(1 edit)


3  capsule is located behind the vent that you need shapes to get into


I know the password to the door 41352


how did you figure it out?? :O


Never mind!! I figured it out too. Now just to figure out what to do with those bones.

It may not be relevant to anything (or perhaps it's old news), but I noticed that you can still use all the in-game console commands on the console computer in the room with the servers. Bravo is the only satellite that exists in the tutorial (alpha isn't even a point you can target with the compass) but you can target it with It does change the orientation of the compass. Also, in the next room, you can turn the transformer off by hitting it with the crowbar. Not sure if this actually impacts anything in the tutorial, but they're neat things I haven't seen anyone post in this thread about. Want to help provide as much info as possible.

I should note, I have no clue if you can get to where the compass points after you target bravo.

Nobody's posted about this yet either, since the room changed very recently, but the big dirt pit (that used to be the blood pool room) has roman numeral bones in the bottom of it. Pressing them in order 1 to 5 does not do anything, it seems, but they make the interaction noise when you press interact on them.

Yep, currently stuck on that


Made a map of the maze