You can post in this topic all the hidden stuff or secret levels you find in the tutorial area
Here are some things that I found (both in my game and on youtube) (for version pa07_0010 and earlier, some things changed in pa07_0011)
Hidden messages:
1. Hidden text right behind the player when entering the tutorial. "..."

2. Hidden text in the back left corner under water in next room after the one where the player appears. "just ignore them"

3. Hidden text in one of the windows in the next room. "STOP IT!"
4. Hidden text inside a wall next to a spiral staircase. "it keeps happening"
5. Hidden text in a circular pool on the right in a room with computer panels. "it was great, why do things have to be changed?"
6. Hidden text in a window in a room with servers. "stop trying"
7. Hidden text above the transformer. "it has to be that way"
8. Hidden text in the forward left corner in a final room with red pipe going down. "do not jump, please"
9. Hidden text at the bottom of red pipe behind a wall. "it did not have to be this way"
10. Hidden text in the corner of a hidden vent in a server room. "How could i..."

There is a lot more hidden messages, but I didn't screenshot them so be free to post them here yourself
Locations of three radioactive capsules required for access to a secret level:
1. In the second room from the beginning in the circular window above the entrance:
2. In the room with computer panels on the blue pipe:
3. In the secret room with pool of blood in one of the windows to the right from when you enter this room (didn't screenshot the capsule itself, but it is there):
Secret areas:
1. The large pool room with 4 stone shapes, places for them, and some messages. You can get into it from a hidden vent in the server room:

Here are all 4 stone shapes:
2. The room with pool of blood:
3. Secret area that you can get into using a key found in transformer room, has a code locked door (code for the door in 0.7.0b2 is 7261, if it doesn't work try 7260 or 7262), a spiral staircase going down, and a room with 3 slots for radioactive capsules that open the entrance to the maze:

4. The maze (And the secret room with tree and some unopenable doors). To get to the exit you need to follow the left wall, to get to the secret room you need to follow the right wall:

5. The room with some pools and metal pipes that you need to climb to get to the next area:

6. The room with some pillars, 2 pools, and a ladder on top that you can lower by pressing a hidden tile on second pillar:
7. The room with a pool, some windows, 3 pillars and a message underwater saying "Stop looking around", the exit from it is in the left window:
8. The large circular room with several floors and a pool in the center (the exit from it is on the second floor):
9. The small room after large circular room, some bars on the left window can be pushed out, leads back to pipe room, after you get out from the window there is a vent to the left that can be broken:
10. The small room with one pool and holes in the ceiling:
11. The big room with two pools (the final secret room for 0.7.0 update, I think), also has one secret message in bottom right big 'door' above the water saying "...constant migranes... i need to take a rest...", and one flying message on top saying: