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How to change the pixel size of uploaded images

A topic by atprunya created Oct 18, 2024 Views: 238 Replies: 6
Viewing posts 1 to 3

Thank you for developing this wonderful tool. I am enjoying using it.

Is there a way to change the number of pixels in the dots in decker? I would like to change the roughness of the uploaded images to match the overall feel of the game, but I don't know how to do it.

I am a Japanese indie game developer and my English is not very good, so my research may not be sufficient. My apologies.

Sorry if this issue has already been mentioned.



Is this what you're looking for?

When an image is imported into decker it's surrounded by a box with a dotted line. At that time you can adjust the brightness with the "J" and "K" keys on your keyboard.

(機械翻訳: 画像をインポートした後、点線のボックスが表示されている間に、キーボードの「J」と「k」を使用して画像の明るさを変更できます。)

If you have other questions, I'm sure the community here would be happy to help. 

Good luck with your project!

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you for your reply.

We apologize for the delay in replying to you as notifications did not work properly.

Thank you for letting us know how to change the brightness! I did not know that and it is a great learning experience.

I didn't word it well, but my question was about whether there is a way to change the resolution of the underlying imported image, the canvas size, and whether there is a way to change the roughness of the dots.

I was able to understand the English language because you attached a machine translation. Thank you kindly.


Hello! Thank you for coming back. 

I'll write about various things, but I might not have the answer you needed. I'm happy to try again if this isn't correct.

I'm using machine translation for the Japanese sections. I'm sorry if they're inaccurate or confusing.

日本語の部分は機械翻訳を使用しています。 不正確だったりわかりにくかったりしたらごめんなさい。


Deck Resolution (デッキ解像度)

For now, the way to change the resolution of a deck is to open it in a program that can edit text.

When the deck is opened in this way, near the top there will be a line that says size:[512,342].
この方法でデッキを開くと、上部近くに size:[512,342] というテキスト行が表示されます。

This is the pixel resolution of the deck. The first number is horizontal. The second number is vertical.
これはデッキのピクセル解像度です。最初の数字は水平方向です。2 番目の数字は垂直方向です。

You can edit these numbers to your preferred size. After that, save the file and open your deck again in Decker in the normal way.
これらの数字は好みのサイズに編集できます。その後、ファイルを保存し、通常の方法で Decker でデッキを再度開きます。

Because there's no ability to "zoom out" from a full sized deck at this time I recommend making sure that your deck's resolution is smaller than your screen's resolution.

On larger deck resolutions, the Decker user interface may appear small. This is normal. Decker scales up the user interface for smaller decks. It doesn't do this on large decks.
デッキの解像度が大きい場合、Decker ユーザー インターフェイスが小さく表示されることがあります。これは正常です。Decker は、小さいデッキに合わせてユーザーインターフェイスを拡大します。大きいデッキでは、この処理は行われません。


A note about Image Resolution  (画像の解像度に関する注意事項)

When an image is imported, there is a dotted box around it. At this time an image can be resized freely.

After it has been placed on a card, any resize action can only use the information in the image that's already inside decker so the quality will vary.
カード上に配置すると、サイズ変更アクションでは、Decker にすでに存在する画像データの情報のみを使用できます。


A note about Image Importing, Grayscale, and Anti-aliasing

In the latest version of Decker (1.51) it's easier to import color images into the program.
Decker の最新バージョン (1.51) では、カラー画像をプログラムにインポートするのが簡単になりました。

"Color" can be found in the menu under "Style".

Selecting this will change the color and pattern selection tools (and the toolbars if they are visible) to a 16 color palette instead of 1-bit patterns.
これを選択すると、色とパターンの選択ツール (およびツールバーが表示されている場合はツールバー) が 1 ビット パターンではなく 16 色パレットに変更されます。

Any image you import while in "Color mode" will be imported into this palette of colors instead of black and white patterns.
「カラー モード」でインポートした画像は、白黒パターンではなく、このカラー パレットにインポートされます。

You might be thinking "Huh? Color?"

If you want the effect of anti-aliasing you can prepare a color palette of grays and import as a color image.

This kind of "softer pixels" is possible, if it would suit your project.

If changing the color palette is unfamiliar to you I'm happy to explain more using this style of post.


Some thoughts on "Images" and "Canvases"「画像」と「キャンバス」についての考察。

This part is probably not what's needed. But I'll explain because I think it might be useful in some cases.

A 'canvas' is a kind of container widget for 'images'. The 'image' is what you see.
「キャンバス」は「画像」用のコンテナ ウィジェットの一種です。「画像」とは、目に見えるもののことです

Canvases can be resized freely but it doesn't change the size of the image, right?

In this case it can be helpful to think of the digital canvas as a physical "canvas" and the image as paint. Even if the canvas is cut or extended somehow, the 'paint'(Image) doesn't change in the same way. And image data can vanish if "cut away".
この場合、デジタル キャンバスを物理的な「キャンバス」、画像をペイントと考えると便利です。キャンバスを何らかの方法で切り取ったり、拡張したりしても、「ペイント」(画像)は同じようには変化しません。また、「切り取られる」と画像データが消えてしまうこともあります。

Code and other tools can interact with canvases in a variety of useful ways. But they do behave a bit differently than images.

Often, you'll want to prepare your image at the resolution you need it to be before putting it in a canvas.


I hope this helps in some way, if your question is still not answered -- let's try again! 🙂



Thank you so much. I was very anxious as this was my first time asking a question in an overseas development community, but I am thrilled with your polite and kind response. I appreciate your explanation in Japanese.

I have confirmed the resolution change! This is exactly what I wanted to do. Thank you very much. Your additional advice was also helpful, as I lacked an understanding of Decker's fundamentals, so I learned a lot.

I also realized that what I needed for my development was a way around anti-aliasing.

I am sorry to ask this question again, but I don't get the impression that anti-aliasing is happening in my environment when I import an image with Style>Color clicked. I am having trouble with this.

I sincerely appreciate your kind reply. Sorry if my English is strange.


I'm so glad I could help! 😊

I'll explain some general information, and then give specific directions for your question.

The default Decker color palette looks like this.
デフォルトの Decker カラーパレットは次のようになります。

(this image was rotated. この画像は回転されました。)

But in my example I changed the color palette to be full of gray tones.

If the only thing you need to do with color is to import images with the appearance of anti-aliasing then it's simple to replace all of them with gray.

You can also replace just a part of the color palette if you want to use other colors for another purpose.

There are two important parts for successful color image import.
カラー画像のインポートを成功させるには、重要な部分が 2 つあります。

1. Prepare the "color palette" for your project

The color palette can be changed with a variety of tools, but the easiest way is to drop a .hex file onto Decker.
カラーパレットはさまざまなツールで変更できますが、最も簡単な方法は、.hex ファイルを Decker にドロップすることです。

(The .hex file is usually a .txt file that contains a list of color hexcodes and had it's file extension changed.)
(.hex ファイルは通常、カラー 16 進コードのリストが含まれ、ファイル拡張子が変更された .txt ファイルです。)

I apologize that I don't know a Japanese language website which has pre-prepared hex files for game development. I'll link to an English language site.
申し訳ありませんが、ゲーム開発用の 16 進ファイルがあらかじめ用意されている日本語の Web サイトを知りません。英語のサイトにリンクします。

If this list of gray tones seems acceptable to you, you can download the "HEX File" under the color preview and drag that .hex file onto decker to change the color palette.
このグレートーンのリストが適切と思われる場合は、カラープレビューの下にある「HEX File」をダウンロードし、その .hex ファイルをデッカーにドラッグしてカラーパレットを変更できます。

It's very simple to prepare your own .hex file if you know what colors you want. And also it's possible to edit the colors in different ways, such as only changing one color at a time.
必要な色がわかっていれば、独自の .hex ファイルを作成するのは非常に簡単です。また、一度に 1 つだけ変更するなど、さまざまな方法で色を編集することもできます。

But hopefully this explanation is straightforward enough to let you work on your project.

2. Importing Color Images into Decker

The easiest way is to make sure you're using version 1.51 which came out on October 25th, 2024.
最も簡単な方法は、2024 年 10 月 25 日にリリースされたバージョン 1.51 を使用していることを確認することです。

This recent update allows for importing color images by dropping them on the program, while "Style -> Color" is active.
この最近のアップデートでは、「Style -> Color」がアクティブな状態で、カラー画像をプログラムにドロップしてインポートできるようになりました。

(There are other ways to do this but I wanted to make it as simple as possible.)

Other Notes:

It's important to prepare your color palette first.

Like with 1-bit images, the best time to resize your image is right after import.
1 ビット画像と同様に、画像のサイズを変更する最適なタイミングは、インポート直後です。

At this time, Decker can read a larger amount of data from your original image.
この時点で、Decker は元の画像からより多くのデータを読み取ることができます。

Resizing an image or changing the palette later can only affect the image data that is already inside of Decker.
後で画像のサイズを変更したりパレットを変更したりしても、影響を受けるのは Decker 内にすでに存在する画像データのみです。

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions.


Thank you so much!

The problem I was facing was due to not updating the version. Thanks to your very clear explanation, all the problems around anti-aliasing were solved.

I was also able to edit the hex file and create my own color settings to match the image of the artwork. 

You were also very helpful in sharing your knowledge of various Decker topics with me.The Japanese-language guide helped me to improve my Decker resolution, which I had no idea what to do with.

Thank you very much!! I will try my best to deepen my knowledge of Decker, become a great creator, and give back by contributing to the community like you do!