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Aiuto tecnico riguardo i sottotitoli

A topic by FrAsriel created Nov 14, 2024 Views: 296 Replies: 17
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Volevo chiedere un aiuto per quanto riguarda la parte tecnica dell'ultima LocJam. Dopo aver completato il file .vtt, in nessuno modo riesco a collegarlo con il file html fornito. Inoltre, anche riuscendo, la piattaforma non mi permette di inserire la mia entry per qualche strano motivo. Essendo la mia prima sottotitolazione non sono proprio pratico, ma anche guardando su internet e seguendo tutorial su html non sono riuscito a trovare una soluzione. Qualcuno saprebbe darmi una mano? Altrimenti anche solo caricare il file .vtt. Il problema alla base è che non mi mostra i sottotitoli né quando lo carico, ne da client (sia in italiano che in inglese).

Ringrazio in anticipo e mi scuso se l'argomento è già stato trattato. Inoltre, se necessario, riscrivo tutto in inglese (uso l'italiano solo perché spulciando il forum ho visto che la utilizzavate)

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I just checked: the usual browser didn't catch the modified subtitles, but when I created the draft project and uploaded the archive there (with the modified index.html and modified night_of_the_living_dead.vtt files inside), the player on the project page shows the correct modified subtitles.

To edit the index file you can use any text editor (I used Notepad++), the subtitles file is highlighted on the screenshot:

So it could be the in-browser viewing issue.

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Ciao Frasiel, per tagliare la testa al toro

1) Scarica lo zip originale da qui
2) Estai la certella night con i due file al suo interno
3) Apri il file night_of_the_living_dead.vtt con un editor di testo (basta Blocco Note di Windows)
4) Seleziona tutto e incolla la tua traduzione al posto dell'originale (CTRL+A, CTRL+V)
5) Salva il file
6) Comprimi di nuovo la cartella night con due i file  al suo interno, uno modificato e l'altro no (basta Invia a cartella compressa di Windows)
7) Segui le istruzioni sulla FAQ per creare una pagina per la traduzione

This is not working for me. This is what I see when I upload the ZIP file.

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Thank you GilShrewmouse

For clarity
: there is zero need to touch the HTML file. All you guys need to do is download the package with the two files, unzip, replace the content of the vtt file with yours, rezip and upload. Hope it helps!

Also, remember that SUBTITLES CAN ONLY BE SEEN ONLINE. If you open the html on your local system, the browser will simply refuse to load them (safety measures)

Hello, I’ve almost finished my Romanian subtitle translation. Where can I upload it?

Thank you both for the assistance, when I first saw the html code I felt too overwhelmed and almost backed out. Also, in the link you send for submitting I think there's an error, because it's said to not enable the scrollbar, which I found very useful (If I'm mistaken and it's mandatory for that to be turned off, just say so and I'll quickly do it). Again, thanks for your patience!

Yeah… and also no "this file will be played in the browser" apparently? (Has to be UNCHECKED?)😳

Oh no! I also have a problem: I translated the .vtt file to Polish (via a CAT tool that has a filter for them, so I am sure I did NOT break any of the… scaffolding 😂(essential file elements, tags, timing labels etc.)), then renamed it, because the CAT tool attached a _pl bit to it (so ultimately/after my modifications it had the name night_of_the_living_dead.vtt; just like the original one! And as it SHOULD be), deleted the original (English) subs file from the archive and replaced it with the Polish one; zipped the two files together (no "archive within an archive"/double layered nonsense this time! Just chose the two files and clicked Compress (or whatever this command is in English Windows OS; mine is obviously PL). Then created a new project, uploaded the ZIP… and well… the video works, but WHERE ON EARTH are my subtitles??? They don’t display! Also, for now the project is just on my PERSONAL Itch profile. Have not submitted it to LOCJam yet. It already has public status though. Does that mean I must dive into the index file and change "srclang" variable from "en" to "pl"?? (And make a NEW zip…)And here I hoped there would be no problems…😭

Here’s the screenshot for reference. Don’t mind files (folders?) no. 1 and 4 😂 the fourth folder is a result of zipping index.html and my Polish subtitle translation together… and the first one was just my unzipping my own .zip folder to peek inside - because maybe it was a structure issue? (it was NOT)

*just ME unzipping. Typo!

But wait a second! This time the source folder HAD a "folder in a folder" situation going on! (translateme—->night—->index.html and .vtt file) whereas my zip folder does NOT! (Opening an unzipped folder unveils the two files right off the bat). So I messed up in the OTHER direction! Should have used the Compress command on the "night" folder (2nd level) not on the two files themselves (3rd level), right? So that another "container" is added…? Although it did play… just without the subtitles. If I destroyed the folder/file structure, the whole thing would just hang, correct?

Uuuhh… NEVERMIND! I just accessed my project via smartphone (as it IS mobile friendly) and after clicking the three dots button in the player and choosing the second option (the subtitles were OFF by default)… THERE THEY ARE!!! I am submitting my project to LOCJam right now 😅 See you next time!

So this is awkward… I’ve tested a bunch of browsers (well, 2) and:

Safari: works with no problems.

Desktop Edge: the video launches/project loads fine, but I cannot for the life of me find that 3 dots button in the player which I used to activate subtitles on Safari, so subtitles are missing. Or rather hidden. The only 2 buttons are Picture in Picture and Enchance at the top of the player window!

MOBILE Edge: won’t even LOAD the video/project page! White screen is all I get.

Sooo… 1/3 of a success? 😂 But no… if it doesn’t work EVERYWHERE, then I need to admit defeat 😭

*Enhance! What’s with these typos…😬😥

If it helps, I tried to launch your project from my smartphone and it works (mobile Google Chrome)!

I think it is a browser compatibility issue. Technically, you can try to make the video play in all browsers, but it's actually more of a technical work, not the localization, and it could be challenging.

Eh… I guess in its current state it’s fine. Besides… don’t people watch videos MOSTLY on mobile devices anyway these days? If my project is fully operational on mobile devices… good enough for my first audiovisual translation 😊 Buuut… just out of curiosity: what exactly would I need to do to tackle these browser compatibility problems? Have also an .srt copy of subtitles ready or what…? Apparently some browsers just WON’T ACCEPT WebVTT. Only SRT. (There are also others, but these are even more niche?)Or is it a programing thing? I don’t know! Advice will be appreciated 🙂

As far as I know, it's more about coding the video player with compatibility in mind 😅

For example: