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Thoughts on Trailer!!! :D

A topic by TheSneaK created Mar 02, 2020 Views: 938 Replies: 26
Viewing posts 1 to 15
(1 edit) (+6)

Hey friends!

Iv'e got a new game i'm working on and I would really appreciate some feedback!

It's a TWO PLAYER Co-op game!

The emphasis is on communication, logic, and team work.

Both players share a keyboard and have complimentary skills to each other!

The game has THREE playable worlds so far...

But isn't 100% finished.

I would really appreciate some feedback.  This is only the second game I have put up on

Any suggestions or comments are more then welcome, I just want to get better at making games!

Have Fun! :D

As per feedback, I've made some changes in the levels in World 1, requiring more work of the Red Player (Archer).

I'm also hearing that for some people the game is opening windowed instead of full screen, i'll have to look into that as it does not happen on my PC.

Thanks for the feedback so far and to anyone that gave the game a crack.

Please keep it coming!


This is such an awesome concept! I really like couch coop so this was the right game for me. I played with a friend and I also was curious what the game would be like if I just played by myself. I actually had a good time with both. Playing by myself made the game feel even more puzzle like so you could maybe make a world with the single player in mind, though they work great fro single player as they are now (for as much as i played at least). My one little critique is that step sounds were really loud and i didn't have an options menu to turn it down, but that's just a small thing. Good work and I think you got something here!


Thanks so much for the feedback and the kind words!

It warms my heart to hear you had a good time playing my game.

I have made sure i can beat every level by my self, so if you wanted a challenge, for sure see if you can get through all 3 worlds on your own!

Options (like volume) are definitely on my to-do-list.  I have just been putting it off because it isn't as fun as making level hahaha.  But since you say it was annoying, it will motivate me to work on that much sooner, thanks!

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts, it really helps alot.


Hey friends! 

I have recently added a lot of character animations to the bosses, enemies, and to Roopit and Boopit themselves!  :)

For those of you who already had a go, if you got the time to check out the animations for me, i'd love to hear what your thoughts.  Most of the work was put into the boss fights.

For those who haven't yet played the game, I'd really appreciate you having a look and telling me what you like/dislike about the game in general.

I would like to start getting an idea about what people think this is worth, i'm considering releasing a full version down the track and maybe putting a small price tag on it.  Am I getting ahead of myself?  I would really appreciate some input and opinions.  :)

Thanks a bunch to all of you who have provided feedback so far!

It really helps me out a lot and encourages me immensely, I love to hear that people had fun playing my game, it warms my heart.   

Have a great day!  :D

(1 edit)

Hello Friends!  

I have some more things I would like to ask for some play-testing for!  :D

In the new version CONTROLLER SUPPORT is working!

(well hopefully you guys will tell me if it isn't  xD)

Also the first 3 levels of world 4 are available, check them out as well if you like!  

Maybe you could see if you can break them for me  :P

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated  :)  It really does help me out ALOT

You would be doing me a huge favor!

Here is the game if you would like to give it a try!  :D

Started making some gifs of Roopit and Boopit doing various things

Like Fighting over a giant steak!

What do you guys think?  xD

I'm very close to finishing World4 (Ice world)!

Just a few balance changes here and there for me to be happy with it.

I'm still very keen to hear feedback from people!

Haven't heard from any of you in a while.

The love seems to have dried up recently!  LOL

Even if you have given me feedback before, I would be thrilled if you could try a more updated version and tell me your thoughts!

And to you!  That guy that lurks the forums, checks out peoples work, but never comments...  Yeah YOU!

Tell me what you think of Roopit and Boopit!  I'm chomping at the bit for more feedback!   xD

Anyway, have a great day people!  And STAY SAFE!

Have fun!  :D

This is unreasonably good!

The graphics are kinda ugly which gave me a bad first impression, but once I started playing, I was seriously impressed! And the graphics have kind of grown on me. They're ugly but they're a consistent DOS-like style. Kinda ugly-cute!

Where did you get your music? Because it honestly sounded professional, an absolute jam!

I played single player (since I'm in quarantine) and played until this level, where I died and restarted enough times that I got frustrated.

It would be cool if roopit and boopit had multiple hits of health. You could even hide hearts around the map to give players something else to do! Maybe that's what child mode does, I didn't play on it. 

But yeah, honestly really good work. The controls and mechanics work flawlessly. And you've gotta connect me to your composer / music provider, I just may use them for my own games!

Also, since I took a few mins to play your game, if you could take a few minutes to test mine out, that'd be super helpful. Thanks!

Thanks so much for the feedback!  :D

I'm hearing a few people say that I should use a dedicated color pallet to fix up the graphics, hopefully it keeps its DOS'y charm if I do!

The music is by an artist called Modem, check him and if you ask to use his work, tell him I sent you!

As for the mulitple hits on Roopit and Boopit, I had steered away from for the moment becasue I was afraid it would break the puzzles, but I will give it some more thought said it would be fun :)

Childmode slows down the games enemies, it would probably be the way to go if you were playing solo (and not wanting a super hard challenge!)

I have played your game!

I'll write some feedback on your page as well!

Again, I really appreciate you taking the time to play Roopit and Boopit and give feedback, your probably aware how much it helps us developers to get fresh eyes and opinions, so thanks again!

I'm glad you had fun playing my game!  It makes me smile  :D


Tell me what you think of these visuals compared to before!







Thanks!  :)


i miss the old brick texture but overall the changes are good!muting the plaid background was a wise chioice

Thanks for the feedback!  I will see what i can do about the blocks, maybe I'll make there style change depending on the world your in

Hows this for tiles?

Any better?

I'd need To see a side by side of what that level looked like before, but those graphics look fine! A little overly vibrant for my taste 

The muted plaid background is way better, makes the screen look less busy.

On your second set, I actually thought the floral tiles looked fine the way they were. In the new version, it'd be better if the cobble-stone tiles were more consistent where one tile seamlessly integrates with the ones next to it. 

Do you think I should get rid of the squares you mean?

Keep the squares, but just use one "cobblestone" pattern to be consistent.

What do you think of this?

Is this what you ment?

Yes, much better! (in my opinion) More consistent this way.

Got a Trailer to show you!  WOOOOO

This is my first try at a trailer and using this editing software.

Is it too chaotic?

Does it make you want to try the game?

Please give me some feedback!  :D

It was pretty fun to make!  I hope you are having fun watching me churn out this stuff :P

I'd take out the GD at the end and mention instead that's a co-op game. It definitely shows an enticing variety of gameplay!

I was thinking it was obvious that it was Co-Op, but I guess its not really is it?

Good suggestion!  Thank you  :)

Hello Friends!  :)

I have a new build up for Roopit and Boopit!

I'd like some feedback for a few things.

Firstly,  I've implemented a way to pivot your character rather then move that direction.

If you tap the direction you want to go, you face that way instead of moving that way.

It's hard to find the right balance in how long you need to hold the button to move, to long and controls are sluggish, too quick and pivoting is hard to not accidentally move.  I think where I have the balance now is good, but I'd very much appreciate a second opinion on this!

More excitingly, WORLD 5 is up!  :D

Well, the first 5 levels anyway

If you would play through what I have so far, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

You can try the game here!

Thanks so much for play testing, I really appreciate it!

Have a Fun-tastic day!!  :)


Added Roopit and Boopit on a website called "Roast My Game"

Check it out and give the game a good roasting!  xD

Maybe I'll have to come up with a prize for the most creative roast!  :)

If you havn't played the game, check it out here

For those that have played it, what do you think of  the new look for my game page?

Finally!  I have made a Small Cartoon intro for Roopit and Boopit!  :D

Check it out and tell me what you think!

I would appreciate some feedback!

Is it long enough?

Does It put you in a good mood!  xD

Really I'm just trying to set the tone for the game and put a smile on your face at the get go of the game!  :)

Have a great day you reading this!  :D

(1 edit) (+1)

Put a Video up on youtube of the Intro!

Check it out!

Check out the new trailer I made!!  :D

What are your thoughts?  Does it make you want to play the game?

Any ideas to make it better?

Thanks!!  :)