Physical game Devlogs About Game Design Page 8
Hi there! I'm going to talk about some of the simplest classes in the original 13th Age - Barbarian, Ranger, and Paladin - and how they changed. The Original Ba...
I designed this class in 2016 for my local Dungeon World campaign (a number of one-shots and short run games in the same setting rather than one contiguous thin...
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Recently, another TTRPG designer looked at my game. They said it really spoke to them, and they had ideas they wanted to share. “Great, bring them on!” I sa...
It’s not just an obsession with Sontag’s work, I had good reason for selecting the three touchstones of You’re sick and (it’s your fault) and limiting m...
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For those who don't know, John Harper recently updated Lasers & Feelings licence to fall under Creative Commons Attribution, which means that anyone with a publ...
And lo there shall come ... a Second Edition! What's so Powerful About Responsibility went through a lot of changes when I finally hit on what I really wanted t...
Hi everyone! Just a quick update and hope everyone is doing well during these crazy pandemic times :D Spark was put on hiatus early this year but now it's back...
Hi there! Today, I'm talking Rogue and Wizard. I'm going to stop promising any of these will be short, but Rogue was, so I just kept going to round out the init...
I am going to be brutally honest and I will attach a trigger warning for mental health discussuion. Nothing I've written is designed to be explicit or troubing...
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Hi there! I'm going to be writing a bunch of devlogs about everything in 36th Way, in pretty much the order I developed it. This one's about the most basic mech...
Hi there! Today I'm going to talk about classes. Specifically the one that started it all: Fighter. I've always said you can judge One Of These by how good thei...
Hi there! Last time, I wrapped up the original 13th Age core classes. Now I’ll be talking about my Commander and Monk refreshes. Both of them had seeds of the...
Hi there! Here to talk about two more classes, Sorcerer and Bard. This’ll round out the original 13th Age core classes (I think). The Original Sorcerer 13th A...
18XX Night is about monster hunters belonging to a religious order. In here I've disclaimed my current game design process. I'll use that as a frame work to kee...
Hi there! Been awhile because I’ve been working on The Infected World. But I’ve been thinking about and tweaking ANOINTED in the meantime a bit. Tweaks for...
I'll be uploading what I've currently got finished for Ep. 2: The Accursed Manor in just a moment, which is the new Felhunter class and nine new Nightmares to d...
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Hi there! I'm going to be talking about the Cleric redesign. It's not as much as the Fighter changes so this should be shorter. The Original First, the original...
This designer diary was originally written for the Tiny Library kickstarter. The concept for Itsy Bitsy Spider came to me in a flurry of inspiration. I'm very p...
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Depletion and Despair should be key themes in a post-apocalyptic setting, and should have explicit mechanics to support those themes: DEFENSE: Choose depletion...
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Well howdy, pardners! It's our third devlog for the updates to this here game, and tarnation do we have some fun stuff going on! We might talk more specifically...
The game is mostly finished. I've put basically everything I want in, maybe just the "connected" tag thingie is missing, and more examples in the second part of...
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My next project for HIS MAJESTY THE WORM is the alchemical system. It will be a product roughly equivalent to the Sorcery is a Sword Without a Hilt. I have not...
¡Hola nuevamente a todos! Estos días estaremos realizando muchos beta test del juego puesto que estamos planeando una actualización grande del mismo. Hoy nue...
foto playtest di Be@ Lunedì sera abbiamo fatto il primissimo playtest di Be@. Peccheremo di hubris ma... è andato benissimo! Ringraziamo Greta e Massimo per a...
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Every time I make an announcement about His Majesty the Worm , I declare we are getting close. Then a year goes by. Then I make another announcement. Then anoth...
Since last year I was toying myself with the idea to write a setting inspired by Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind , Hayao Miyazaki’s masterpiece. The first...
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Last time I made a post about mechanics I talked about the Grid . Now I’m…still talking about The Grid, kind of! But it’s a different one this time. Home-...
Hi there! I'm gonna talk about a lot of the other basics now - Attributes, Skills, and Icon relationships. Death to Ability Scores So ability scores in 13th Age...
Thinking a bit about the Standing rules for acquiring stuff, ... I recognize there are some in-built Western European assumptions. The basic mechanic is that o...
As now there is a second game using this divisibility system, Andrea Duarte’s Asphalt Among Ashes , I’ve been thinking. I’ve always been thinking, that’...
18XX Rail Way is about meddlers that are fighting against a world wide train conspiracy In here I've disclaimed my current game design process. I'll use that as...
This I think mostly doesn’t need to be said, but it can help. It is my understanding and belief that functional elements are outside the domain of copyright...
A Nice Hobby is not perfect. That doesn’t bother me yet. I had the idea for this game for a while, without any clue as to mechanics. The touchstones I highlig...
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Q: Social mechanics? Does that mean my character can be "mind controlled" to be convinced of things I don't agree with? A: No. With these mechanics you're alway...
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Aquí estamos (Mena, Mina y Sue) escribiendo sobre nuestro nuevo jueguito, que llamaremos, tal vez de forma provisional hasta que encontremos otro nombre " Magi...
When I started writing 60 Years in Space, there weren't as far as I was aware any TTRPG adaptations of board games. Dungeons and Dragons itself was an adaptatio...
I am in the process of re-editing the game so that you only write in one book, allowing for easier printed play. In working on the illustrations for the project...
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On our main company blog, I wrote a post about how we use stock art by Jeshields to bring the Cosmic Legends of the Universe to life...
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Currently working on the next Appendix release of His Majesty the Worm . This is the companion piece to Omphalos . The working title is Dungeon Seeds . The proc...
Hi all, I’m working through some updates for a new release. Currently the big changes are: Renamed a few concepts (getting bland terms a bit more exciting mos...
You know how I leave that spot in the currently-working-on list in my profile for impulsive work binge projects? Yeah. This is the kind of thing that happens to...
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A member of the Asians Represent Podcast Discord community (thanks, Izen) suggested that I produce an episode breaking down cinematic action scenes as if played...
18XX Locker is about the last pirates recapturing escapees from Davy Jones's Locker, dreadful pirates and monsters, (I know I've done this before for this game...
This version doesn’t use dice. It uses character abilities, narrative circumstances, and resources to determine outcomes. By using a decision matrix focused o...
Soft Chaos is participating in TCAF online this year, and so, in the spirit of Zine Culture, I've been revisiting old prototypes and rehauling them majorly! Tha...
This playtest is using a version of Awen somewhere in between the second draft of the cards and the third; it may not exactly match what you've got if you downl...
I included some easter eggs and references inside Stream at Su s mmer Camp of things that I like just for fun. Also, I have uploaded a preview sample if you wan...
Ya tenemos una portada para el juegooooooo <3...
Gatitas Mágicas luchando contra un caótico mundo cotidiano.
Just wanted to put up a short post and let you know I am working on the second issue. To be honest, I worked on an idea that just did not pan out. After several...
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