Physical game Devlogs About Game Design Page 4
nessuno dei nostri progetti e mai chiuso. in occasione della gnoccocon 2022 abbiamo aggiornato il manuale con una piccola modifica e aggiunto un 2° scenario ag...
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Hi there! Long time no see! I’ve been thinking about 36th Way a bit recently and realized I never finished my class redesign rundown by talking about Alchemis...
18XX Rail Way is about meddlers that are fighting against a world wide train conspiracy In here I've disclaimed my current game design process. I'll use that as...
18XX Richelieu is about musketeer agents that to protect their country and secretly dethrone an immortal tyrant In here I've disclaimed my current game design p...
18XX Solomon is about ghost knights dungeon delving on the purgatory to free hope back to the world. In here I've disclaimed my current game design process. I'l...
18XX Ragnarok is a game about a lineage of Nordic superheros fighting against eldritch gods. In here I've disclaimed my current game design process. I'll use th...
I included some easter eggs and references inside Stream at Su s mmer Camp of things that I like just for fun. Also, I have uploaded a preview sample if you wan...
18XX Dreams is about dreamers pursuing in the Dreams what is unreachable in the Awaken In here I've disclaimed my current game design process. I'll use that as...
18XX Victorian is about sciencepunk agents sorting missions for her majesty. In here I've disclaimed my current game design process. I'll use that as a frame wo...
18XX Night is about monster hunters belonging to a religious order. In here I've disclaimed my current game design process. I'll use that as a frame work to kee...
18XX Locker is about the last pirates recapturing escapees from Davy Jones's Locker, dreadful pirates and monsters, (I know I've done this before for this game...
On part 1 , I mentioned how "unexpected" is distinctly different from "mystery", and although both service the Weird, I think that mystery usually gets underrep...
18XX Outlaw is a game about gunslingers (who MAY be outlaws depending to who you ask) in weird west performing jobs In here I've disclaimed my current game desi...
I'm currently working on the first adventure module (episode) to Hexhunt. It will take place in a region called Dimyr. (see the map attached). I've completed ge...
18XX Muramasa is a game about samurais tracking down cursed blades trying to find the one who hurt them . In here I've disclaimed my current game design process...
/see the first comment to a revised view of the game genres for TTGOT/ Here is another Game Design Breakdown, where I talk about my process of how I design, pla...
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Some context On June, I decided to participate in DriveThruRPG's #PocketQuest2022 Jam. It was a great opportunity to start making my first ttrpg, and understand...
I started a new blog and posted a piece about working on Two Weeks One Summer you can find it here ...
This image was the first map drawn for 'Stream at Susmmer Camp' on July, 1st. We tested my game by using online tools. The goal of the game is start to discover...
Art in the TTRPG industry is oftentimes relegated merely to decoration, it's main purpose drawing attention to the text inside a book. It makes sense: just by t...
A little over a year ago, Facing the Titan was released in its final and complete version. A nice and big book of 370 pages, available in PDF as well as in hard...
Designing a Weird Fantasy game requires a special approach towards presentation. A TTRPG's text purpose is to explain the game. So how do you explain Weirdness?...
Let's talk touchstones for a moment. Not only is Blades in the Dark one of my favorite TTRPG systems, but I am also well aware that there are already plenty of...
The board game Clue holds a special place in my heart. My family played it all the time on camping trips when I was a kid and it remains one of my favourite gam...
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I don't know that this is the sort of information anyone is interested in reading, but I just wanted to wax poetic about the genre. When I was a child, my favor...
Hi there! Been awhile because I’ve been working on The Infected World. But I’ve been thinking about and tweaking ANOINTED in the meantime a bit. Tweaks for...
Hello Cryptids! I'm super excited to finally announce that we've received the developmental edits back from the editor, Jacky Leung, who has worked with other a...
I’ve been working on Drawn from the Margins for about five days now. We started with a real embarrassment of riches. We looked to the common sources provided...
Hey there! During the Pride Month sale we updated the character sheet to give a little more room for Decals! I also added the Vibes Master Manual to assist in r...
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There will be a brief delay in the next update as I managed to get myself into another game jam, just a month after wrapping up After\\Burner ! Whoops! If sci-f...
The soul broker (Art by @shyny1ng) a supernatural horror for The Dark After Dawn is quite literally my worst nightmare. He appeared to be in one of the most hor...
I am going to be brutally honest and I will attach a trigger warning for mental health discussuion. Nothing I've written is designed to be explicit or troubing...
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What will v.1 of The Dark After Dawn Include? At launch TDAD will include at minimum: Looter and Skirmish mechanics for endless waves of enemies from 4 ditict f...
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( This devlog is cross-posted to my gaming blog at ) I’ve introduced a new set of attributes for player characters called “Perils...
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Launch day for After\\Burner went way better than I ever could have imagined! A huge thanks to those who purchased the game, snagged community copies, or just s...
Abbiamo iniziato a scrivere gli scenari aggiuntivi per Svalbard. Abbiamo mille impegni quindi è un po' complesso starci dietro ma intanto, la prima alpha del p...
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Durante l'ultimo playtest ci siamo resi conto che alcuni termini erano... meno univoci di quello che desideravamo creando, in alcune situazioni, un po' di confu...
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Lunedì abbiamo fatto un altro playtest. In generale è andato molto bene, c'era una persona che non aveva mai giocato se non a D&D e che ha apprezzato il gioco...
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I have updated and renamed the file for Wreck: It no longer has the "Box set" cover before the game cover. Changed the cover art. Gave Wreck a unique back cover...
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During my TTRPG Dev Stream, I read through the text of Clowderful, giving my commentary and notes along the way. Watch for some dev talk, and let me know if you...
When I attended big conventions in the US, my usual procedure was to offer two games. In May 2013, I was pondering what to offer for Gamex. I had already decide...
Wound Test To streamline the "attack -> wound -> death" process i did a little but important change introducing the Wound Test. Now when damage exceed Stamina t...
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Copied from my blog at Welcome to the Deathtrap <a href=" " data-original-attrs=...
"Okay cool," you might say, "I see you pretty significantly updated Housewarming." It's true, I did. "But what if I want to listen to you read through the text...
crossposting this from my twitter / tumblr so it'll be accessible here :) hi! let's talk about modding EotP if u want to play it w a poly relationship! normally...
Let's talk about game design for a sec. According to the notes I have so far regarding the systems that I've been using (or plan to use since the game is still...
I love experimentation. I love trying new things, I like eating new things, I love doing new things, and I love being part of new things. It doesn't make it any...
Hi hack n slashers, i have some news for you. After several plays it's turned out how the game is not nearly as deadly as i and the other testers wished, so i w...
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Since last year I was toying myself with the idea to write a setting inspired by Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind , Hayao Miyazaki’s masterpiece. The first...
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Howdy folks! As part of the official release of Flame In The Abyss, I am posting a six part series of devlogs detailing the process by which this game was creat...
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