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THE CLEANERView game page

The power is around you!
Submitted by OKONNAYARAMA — 2 hours, 53 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 24 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I like that i made nice gameplay loop especially i never did first-person shooter. First time animating, modeling and texturing.

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Really playable game and the enemies can just stack up until there's hundreds of them!

I did find the best way to get the crystals was to just ignore the aberrations and quicky run are grab them, which kind of spoilt the gameplay a bit. Also, it seemed pressing 'e' to interact (especially opening doors) didn't seem to work if you were too close to them (which was a little confusing to start with...).

Overall, I liked it - really nice entry and had a great presentation. Great job!


Impressive work especially for your first FPS. Felt very chaotic with so many cultists to deal with but the flame aberration made quick work of them most of the time haha


Nice game!  I like the sound effects and thought the overall presentation was very good.  The gun was very fun to use too.   I think maybe the crystals could be a little bigger, or glow to make them a little more visible.  I missed them my first time through.  Great game though!


Really silly game. I enjoyed the setting of the game it really fits with the theme of the game. I wish I had a little more context with the story, but I understand with the limited time we all had. All in all, its pretty good


cool atmosphere and a solid character controller and solid gunplay.

the enemy's just keep spawning infinitely and it's a bit of a maze so i couldn't find the keys unfortunately


Once you get the hang of how this all works then its actually pretty fun, tho since so many enemies spawn and they move so slow I end up just looking for red dead bubble and not actually shooting at them at all. Overall pretty enjoyable!


That was a cool and spooky FPS, I think at some point I missed one of the crystals and had to turn back, there were like 3582673 enemies waiting for me lol it's ok we had a nice little party, they killed me and then I started over. It does feel a bit that the enemies spawn faster than you can really kill them, so I ended up just running away constantly going through the level. Good thing my agility is like off the charts and those enemies couldn't touch me because I was so fast lol. The music was great as well, I wasn't sure if you had made all of those yourself? If yes, then those are really fantastic. Otherwise, great choice for the game. Other things I liked: the pace, the lighting, the sense of urgency as I smash type that E button to open a door when I have a fleet of cultists smelling my butt... Great game overall!


Good atmosphere, context felt a bit like Dusk. Enemies spawn a lot and you can get stuck so you have to be careful. I would like it more if the game was more fast-paced and easier to kill enemies. The gun doesn't feel useful if we are not in close range. I liked the red ball but it goes upwards so I try to launch it like a bawling ball. Good job, cool game ^^


Nice game! I really didn't get the aberration mechanic but the gunplay felt good and I really dig the lighting and atmosphere :) Good job!


Red ball is imba




Cool game, I really liked how it looked.

I didn’t quite understand the “aberration mechanic”. I did have some “powers” from time to time, but they didn’t do much to the enemies, there are WAY too many enemies in the stage at the same time.

Looking for “aberrations” wasn’t something I did a lot because most of the time I got stuck between the objects on the floor and the “cultists”, and since there are like thousands of them, I die immediately.

And the powers, they didn’t feel good, and rarely hit anyone. I’m not even sure if I was able to hit anyone with them.

Having fewer enemies per wave would be way better, or making your gun pierce through all the enemies in the way, or making them take fewer hits.


Thanks for feedback.


Nice music, I felt like my bullets weren't very effective though, with the amount of enemies it would be more satisfying to kill many with the gun and have the powers as a fun addition, but I found myself avoiding them and just going for the red power since it cleaned the giant mob following me. it was fun still though.


Thank you for feedback.


Fun gameplay, dug the aesthetic and music




Really liked the gameplay and how you can pick up different abilities/aberations and use them. The gameplay loop is solid. I do not know how the game decides what powerup to spawn or how the chances are weighted, but it spawned but it often spawned the red dead ball aberation for me which seemed a little bit too overpowered, especially if you get it that often. Good game :)


THANK YOU!!! Objects will give same aberrations. Like table will give always bullets or couch will give red ball.