I can't click on my Cyborg to move to that Bodypart in the Garage, I have to use the Menu?
Your Text describing what an Ability does is over the Area that needs it.
You really really need a display for the Converters which are Inputs and Output on the select screen already, not just once selected, placed and switched to Wiremode. The System is really fun, having to built your Cyborg up properly, wiring around and Stuff, but its lacking in UI as described above. Also could use with having the Partswindow be able to stay open while working on the Bot, maybe put it on the right side where abilites and stats currently are, or something, I'm no UI Expert. And its missing a few Things, firstly some more converters probably, and a bunch of smaller Stuff to fill out empty space, +50 or +20 Bullets, not only gunprinters and +250 Bullets directly. I understand the Idea behind Cables being thick and non-bridgeable to make the menuing more Fun, but often I would wish for there to be some, I don't know how you'd handle it with the current System, but maybe a 1 block bridge, that takes Input of X and Y and gives output of X and Y at the same time aswell, or something like that.
Regardless, even with how it is now, I managed to push in all Abilites, and get hopefully some good melee damage and some amount of Bullets in, plus some extra Health and Energy. Obviously I cheated for max out equipment, I'm not going to grind through all of that for DD.
Rightclicking in Wiremode when not over a block shouldn't do anything instead of removing the closest block. I used that often to get rid of a Wire currently selected, but when not over the Cyborgs building Area, it still removed my Wire at some Points.
With how the Layout is currently and the whole Idea behind Cyborg building, I've been thinking wether you're aiming for more Cyborgs down the line, with different internal Layouts?
Was hoping external would give me some Design Options, not just Colors, but maybe later.
Tutorial is nice and clean, but as with a lot of Things graphically lacking. You have some nice Atmosphere in the main Menu and Garage, even tho it is aswell very barebones and placeholder-y, but it doesn't translate to elsewhere much.
Maxotaur fight is alright, DDos is not. Once you get hit by Rockets or something, you get flung around repeatedly while being hit be the next set, and can't stand up until the next ones already hit you. It needs a bit better timing. Same on Red Comet, he can easily stunlock you into melee if he just hits you once there. And Cobalt then does basically nothing.
Overall its still enjoyable tho, I really liked the Bot assembly, and with better AI, and more interesting Enemies then just walk towards you and/or shoot at you, it could be quite fun. Needs better graphics and animations and Stuff tho I think. Some background Doodads in the Garage and Menues, better UI, more interesting Arena then just a flat sandy Plane and so on.
During the Maxotaur fight, charged at him with full speed to melee, catapulted myself out of the Arena. I could walk into it, and got some kind of knockdown/out of ring warning and countdown, so that Stuff works, but I shouldn't launch myself a massive Distance through the Enemy ouf of the Ring I think. It definetly felt like an unintended Bug.
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