This needs work but it's an interesting demo nonetheless. Movement feels good & I like the camera tilt on strafe. Nice to see leg-raising crouch-jumping actually being used. Combat needs attention though. I don't think combat is hard--towards the end I was plowing through enemies I was struggling with at the beginning--I think how to fight properly is not taught well enough. Incorporating mouse movement for attacking is interesting but I don't see the purpose. It seems like a weird layer between wanting to attacking and actually attacking. And it was initially confusing because the your notes in the cell say to just press/hold LMB to attack. Maybe limit it to just regular & charged attacks. I think health bars & damage numbers would help a lot. Especially the latter just to show how much more effective charged attacks are compared to uncharged ones. Towards the start of my playthrough when I was struggling in combat I would just mash attack when I should've been charging it. Finally, I suspect you're using ray/spherecasts to detect if an attack should hit an enemy instead of using attack boxes that mimic the swing & kick--there were a lot of dissatisfying "looks like it should've hit" moments. Other than that combat is enjoyable but getting to the fun is a matter of teaching the player how to fight properly. I'd love to see combat refined--not even adding things necessarily--because it has a lot of potential.
Other than that I don't have a lot of thoughts. Trinkets seem cool, I imagine you can get real creative with them. I appreciated the robust options menu, my only criticism here is that button remapping is finnicky at best. Otherwise it's GREAT. The map is VERY cool & being able to add your own map-markers is great--really gives me D&D vibes. Here's a video of my playthrough (I appended a 2nd part to the end of the first), I hope it helps!
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