That was actually pretty impressive, all things considered. I don't know what to say other than that.
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Shitty Sonic Game's pageComments
it's no P-06 but its a neat prototype
definitely ought to be able to return to the running animation from a spin dash by pressing the spin dash button again, instead of having to press the right trigger
Seriously I think this shows why it's so stupid when people say sonic doesn't work in 3D. I actually had fun with this. Sonic had a... smooth transition to Unreal Engine.
I don't know if the green ramps are supposed to be crazy gadget gravity changers but that's what they feel like. Maybe it's just a placeholder for a better momentum system.
I'm not sure the difference between all the different spins and dashes and other doohickeys, but I'm a SA2 boomer so maybe I'm out of touch.
Sonic Adventure 2 is the best 3D sonic gameplay stop this boost crap and adhire to my boomer taste reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
This actually doesn't play shitty at all. I was expecting more sanic hegehig...
I'm eager to see dynamic speed in springs and launching all that other 3d sonic stuff.
Speed lines and particles will go a long way here, too!
As I said in the thread this is a great start. Only complaints are camera and loop running.
Hoping to see more maps in the future!
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