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A member registered Apr 24, 2017 · View creator page →

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Some mid-level checkpoints might be nice for some of the bigger levels. I didn't really have too many issues with the gameplay from what I played. The second seems broken because I spawned at the end of the level and immediately hacked the terminal. Here's a link to the stream I did with the relevant timestamp for that problem.

Lowering the damage you receive would help a lot for the early parts, maybe make healing a bit cheaper too.

  • Please for the love of all mighty god, make a normal pause menu with clickable buttons. Having to jump to each individual option is as bat shit insane as it is tedious.
  • Let me turn off the PS1-style texture warping. I prefer the look of up-resed low poly without the wobble. Think emulated PS1 stuff.
  • I spent a good while trying to figure out how to play the game, you should probably put something in when the game is starting telling the player that the only thing they can do is turn and jump.

You watched me play this, but I'll put down my thoughts anyway for reference:

  • Good atmosphere and interesting art.
  • Weird gameplay mechanics, in a good way.
  • Card system is interesting, I'm curious to see where it goes.
  • The choice system seems fairly in-depth, especially as you can set your own backstory and relationship with characters you haven't actually met you.
  • It's quite difficult, enemies do a lot of damage. Feels like I have to grind if I don't want to get minced. Might be worth balancing some of that unless you want it to be kinda tough.
  • Thematically interesting.
  • Keeping the hat to be able to tank hits is an intriguing mechanic.
  • Music is too loud.
  • Put the bat in an easier place to see.
  • The bat's hit box is either too small or bugs out when moved. I was missing hits a lot.
  • Aiming cursor is too small and hard to see. Might be better if it was a laser sight.
  • Physics go haywire when on the train.
  • The lights going out makes it very difficult to see.
  • The rooms are bit too big and empty.
  • The guns need a bit more punch to them, better recoil animations and louder SFX should help.
  • There's no feedback when you're taking damage.
  • Gets way too difficult way too quickly. Especially if you're not familiar with these types of games. It needs to ease players into the movement mechanics.
  • The enemies are annoying.
  • Going from a rotating section to a static platform causes the player to veer off suddenly.
  • The lives system sucks.
  • Performance is good.
  • The UI is well made.
  • Good visuals.
  • Lots of enemies.
  • Need a HP counter and lives counter.
  • Let me disable the scanline shader.
  • Display the button prompts for confirm and back on the main menu. I had to hit every key on my keyboard before I realised Z was the confirm button. Then I could go to the How To Play section to see the rest of the controls.
  • Core idea is solid, I saw the HAWKEN inspiration after you mentioned it.
  • Reloading of guns could be faster, especially for the rail gun and shotgun.
  • The sniper mechs are really hard to see.
  • I like the movement mechanics, but it feels like the player is on ice.
  • The constantly changing FoV is very disorientating.
  • Improve the tutorialisation around punching enemies to stun them and then hacking into them to use their weapons.
  • Level design is mostly fine, could do with leading the player better.
  • I like the idea of possessing people
  • If you want to make this platforming focused, you really going to need to improve player handling and animations, especially when moving about as a human character.
  • Performance is very erratic, there's a lot of stuttering.
  • Good core idea, basic movement works alright.
  • Jumping on moving platforms doesn't feel right, they might be too fast.
  • Add a double jump.
  • Put a spot shadow (As a form of a sprite) directly below the player so I know where I'm landing.
  • Put some clothes on the main character. Don't be a degenerate.
  • Looks trippy
  • Interesting art style
  • Collected everything and nothing happened. What's the point?
  • I could get outside the main room and see that all the levels are just different rooms.
  • The UI looks cool.
  • Good atmosphere.
  • I have no idea where I'm supposed to be driving to. There's no obvious marker on the map or the UI.
  • Driving is a bit swirly.
  • I don't know how to use the food I pick up.
  • The map should be top-down instead of isometric.

I'm not a big RTS guy, so I was thrown into the deep end a bit with this. I think the fog of war should be a bit more visible, as well as maybe last know positions for units you can't see anymore. It needs a tutorial for noobs like me.

There's not much to do in this yet, but the cat girl is cute I suppose.

  • I liked the gameplay. It's mostly functional.
  • I like the PS1 look, but would prefer a proper high resolution, low poly look. Like emulated PS1 games.
  • The auto-aim doesn't work well when there's multiple targets. It seems to be based on which one is closest to me rather than which one I'm facing towards.
  • Using two characters to solve puzzles is a fairly novel idea.
  • Animations look weird, but they are at least functional.
  • Had to stop after glitching into a wall after teleporting.
  • Movement looked jittery. Not sure if the smooth camera you can toggle by pressing C can fix that as I only learnt about it after getting stuck in a wall.
  • Needs a better tutorial, as well as an explanation or help text to explain what various things do.
  • Hard Light Array seemed to give free money and power. I don't know if that was intended, it seemed like there was no downside to using it.
  • UI was functional, had no issues.
  • I don't know what I need the money for or why I'm doing this.

I played the first 5 or so levels of this. It seems like a good mix of Hotline Miami and Gunpoint. The only real issue I had with it was the main menu UI. I clicked on the options button and got sent to a blank page and then couldn't back out of it.

I enjoyed this. I like that it's silly and precision isn't required for it. I would like some better feedback for when I get a kill or take damage. The boosting and ramming mechanic should be better explained.

This seems like something I could sink a lot of hours into, despite that, I don't have too much to comment on:

  • I think there should be a way to select all minions so I can move them to a place easier.
  • Enemies around the initial spawn seem kinda tough.

Pretty sure you watched me play this, but I'll mark out my thoughts anyway:

  • Pretty difficult, I got minced quite a few times.
  • General controls and shooting seem pretty spot on. Very much in the vein of World Of Tanks or War Thunder.
  • Destruction for different parts of the tank and having it affect them is good.
  • Tank handles badly on slopes, especially going up.
  • It's very easy to get outnumbered quickly.
  • The turning time on the turret seems slower in first person than in third person. Although it might just be a perspective thing.
(1 edit)

Something about the look of the game reminds me of Runescape.

  • Everything feels slow. Walking, using weapons, pretty much all the animations. It makes the game feel bad.
  • Trading seems completely broken. I tried to buy health items and I couldn't put any in my inventory beyond the first one. And if I returned items, I was not returned the money.
  • I can't seem to access the inventory of my party members, so I have to carry everything.
  • Without any healing items, I died a couple of times in the beginning part. Decided to stop after the 3rd time.
  • I like the look of it, reminds me of Duke3D and Shadow Warrior.
  • The gunplay is mostly alright. The shotgun could be a bit beefer. The flamethrower seemed quite weak too, and enemies don't have a "being on fire" animation, which you should definitely add along with accompanying screams.
  • The levels seem to have very odd scaling of objects and buildings. The toilets on the theatre level have very tall stalls, and the sinks were about the same height as the player. Some buildings are quite large with big rooms, often overly so. I don't know if it's a problem, but it's definitely something I noticed. It's just very inconsistent is all.
  • I didn't know how to progress after getting the green key in the street level.
  • I like the visuals, the mood is quite creepy overall.
  • The interactable computer screen looks great visually.
  • I found the gunplay to be overly complicated and fiddly. It works in Half-Life Alyx, but here it was more annoying than anything.
  • Enemies are bullet sponges. Headshots don't seem to damage them anymore than body shots and they don't really react to getting hit either. They'll just continue to charge at you. The gunplay would probably make more sense if headshots actually killed them.

I didn't play a ton of this I'm afraid. I unlocked the briefcase and then made it back to the safe room. I'm not great with horror games, they unnerve me a bit too much. I take frequent breaks when I play them usually. But I wanted to leave feedback anyway. That said, I think the idea is cool!

I'm not gonna sugarcoat this, the game is a bit of a clusterfuck. The UI is a mess and there's a lot of stuff on it. There's a lot of mechanics in here. I'm gonna assume you're trying to build a Deus Ex style immersive sim kind of thing. I think you need to step back a bit and focus on one or two mechanics that are the primary focus of the game, get those to more acceptable level, and then start merging the rest of your ideas into that.

Building those kinds of games are very difficult due to the sheer amount systems and mechanics that all need to work with each other. Good luck with that.

  • The core idea is sound enough.
  • Not being about to move the camera around the field makes it difficult to place structures and units.
  • A visible grid would be nice so I can see where I can and can't place things.
  • A visible line indicating the enemies path though would be useful
  • More resources or less expensive structures would be appreciated. I couldn't finish a single level because I couldn't build enough of a castle to slow them down or but enough units to damage them.
  • The art is good.
  • Aiming is a bit fiddly, both for keyboard and controller. Lining up shots took more time that I'd like.
  • I got increasingly annoyed by the RNG of whether or not I did damage to an enemy or they damaged me, particularly after spending a good chunk of time lining up the shots. There surely must be a better way of handling that.
  • Solid core of an idea. Controls and movement seem good.
  • Weapon animations need some work, particularly reloads. A satisfying reload adds a lot.
  • Shotgun needs more recoil.
  • Needs more interesting things to do in the bigger levels than just DOOM II-like card collection.
  • A map screen would be nice, but I understand if it would be difficult to implement.
  • Simple but challenging.
  • It's the kind of puzzle where you can keep fiddling with it until you get it to work, which I like.
  • Good use of tutorials through gameplay.
  • There's a bit of a difficulty spike on the yellow area, I ended up getting stuck there.
  • A hint system would be nice for when you get really stuck. Maybe make it limited use so players can't spam it.

I like the premise. Here's my thoughts:

  • Add vision cones or some kind of indication on the sides of the ship so I know when ships are in range and will get hit by my shots.
  • The waves often blocked my shots, but it was difficult to know when that was going to happen as it was near impossible to judge their elevation. So I had no idea when they were intersecting my line of fire.
  • I'm not sure how much of an issue this might become, but it looks to me like the LODs of the ships don't seem to change no matter how close or far away the camera is. It's not currently as issue as everything is fairly low poly, but might become a problem later down the line.
  • Maybe add some random islands to avoid (Or even some with treasure) and some friendly units who can join up with you and double up your firepower, trade with, or one-sidedly attack.

I quite liked this, here's some thoughts:

  • I like the art style. Kinda grungy pixel art.
  • You should have a controls display
  • Let me back out of shots. Once you lock in your position, you have to take the shot, and cannot change your mind.
  • Wait time between the rounds is a bit long. In general the matches take quite a long time.
  • I think the characters should have more personality in how they play. Maybe they already do and I didn't notice, but I think making some characters more aggressive or do certain strategies could add a lot.
  • Music is a bit repetitive. It isn't bad, but it gets a bit mind-numbing after a point.

I actually did animate a lean like that, but importing into Unity didn't go as planned, so I'll need to redo it. And I fully intend on having tricks being both more in-depth and providing a speed boost. Thanks for playing and for the feedback.

Thanks for playing and giving feedback.

I by rotating on the X axis you mean the roll axis or the pitch? Based on what you wrote, I assume you're talking about the former. I do want to change how the player handling works some more to better predict how and where the player is going to land and correct their rotation to make hitting slopes a lot easier. This might also help alleviate some of the bouncing off walls and corners. I'm also thinking of removing the invisible walls around the track and letting the player fall off either into the void or to later parts of the track if possible.

I will put air control back in, people seem to be falling of the track a bit too much. I meant to put in a way of jumping off railing, but never got around to it.

The underside of the track not rendering is an issue with Unity's shaders, I need to get a double-sided shader or create geometry under the track for it to render.

I'm planning on adding a more complex trick system, which will reward the player with a speed boost if they land it correctly. Air movement is something I might add back, albeit slower than ground movement. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing. The level was haphazardly thrown together and a lot of things don't work the way I want. But it seems like everyone wants more speed and less shit slowing them down.

The art style is good, reminds me of Post Void. There's a lot of enemy variety as well which is great.

Get rid of the reload. Go full DOOM and just let me keep shooting. Get more sound in, it would help with the atmosphere and make it a bit more frantic with all the enemies. The ammo pick up notifications should be on the HUD, I clip through them in world space and can't read them.

  • I very much enjoy running over peds.
  • The visual effects can make it difficult to see where I am on screen.
  • The one-button gameplay works, but maybe consider some other control schemes for people who want more precision.
  • Using the truck was WAY easier than the 86.

I liked the art style. But I the game felt broken. The balls reacted like an ant trying to push massive lead balls. It feels terrible. I don't know if the physics were broken or something. Also, the lack of exclusive fullscreen with keeping the mouse inbounds meant that I was selecting other windows on my other monitor or in the task bar when I was trying to shoot.