OST is good and fitting. The revolver controls felt a little clunky. I feel like you can have an advanced reloading system and make it a bit more intuitive still.
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BULLET REVOLVER dd's itch.io pageComments
I played it on stream if you wanna go watch the video on twitch. My personal qualm was mainly with having to hit the button again even after a reload. I kept forgetting to do that part. I like the idea of a more involved reload system in a game I think just making it slightly more intuitive would help.
I also thought it might be a fun side thing to add the ability to spin the barrel with mouse wheel (maybe this could even be what you do to finish the reload instead of hitting the button again) and the barrel would animate but thats just me being extra.
sfx are good. using Q while controling with WASD is not good. the main mechanic could work, but im not sold on mixing it with VS-like. the screen gets too crouded too quickly. marking enemies seems kinda pointless, could just shoot the closest and use marking as a way to force focus on a higher priority target.
Really clunky. I'm having trouble trying to tell if bullets are even loaded into the chamber. It would help to have better visual queues for when bullets are actually available, let alone when I'm able to shoot.
Also the inability to use left-click to shoot was infuriating.
Really fun idea, I like the flexibility it gives you with the reloads. Seems like there would be a lot of room to expand on it with powerups or other options if you decided to go that route.
Not a huge fan of being forced to use the autoaim, missed a few shots that would have been easy to lead manually and having to press RMB to clear the target if they get stuck on the other side of a wall feels clunky vs just being able to quickly shoot the guys near you. Saw your comment about wanting it to be more tactical but it feels like it would work better as a more traditional top-down shooter.
pressing spacebar never does anything iduno prolly firefox's fault
Do you really have to press Q 10 times for every bullet, then pressing R after doing all of that? It should be press Q once for each bullet then reload. Also I really wish I could just shoot with the mouse instead of needing to mark them. Make it where marketing enemies does more damage and doesn't last forever (temp debuff). The main problem is that doing these things isn't rewarding to do and it's very quick to needing to press Q 60 times to reload once every 5 seconds since you can still miss shots. There is potential here, but you seriously need to focus on making it snappier with more risk and reward outside "how much time can be wasted button mashing Q 60 times every time there is a reload." Doing that isn't fun and feels like it's only just there.
Depends on how many other ideas are competing with this one. I think it's worth iterating on a little bit and leaning into the reloading mechanic. If it works, there are plenty of other firearm actions that would lend themselves to your game: leverguns, pump shotguns, and others I'm sure you've thought of.
About 1/3 of my firearms are revolvers so I might be biased.
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