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A member registered Mar 03, 2016 · View creator page →

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Made it to the third level so past the 1x2 and 1x3 blocks. Just letting you know so I have some street cred

Needing the Don to face a certain direction to pick up cubes is a neat idea but means I spent a lot more time to trying to line his face up than I did figuring out the solution to the puzzles, which made it still feel slow getting back to where I was after I quit on accident. Being able to change directions against a wall or something might keep the puzzle aspect of realizing you need to face a certain direction after some moves without having it be so slow to get facing that direction

Other than that, it's 3D Block Dude, pretty fun

TL:DR This is a unfun Mobile game quickly ported to PC/consoles

Been a while since I played this one, nice to see it's still going. Really dig the art and models

Big issue I had was that my tanks hit themselves every time they fired. All of my other units worked fine, but my tanks couldn't do anything. Enemy tanks seemed to work fine too

Some minor UI issues, it would be nice to be able to drag and select units by the info boxes instead of just the units themselves. Units will start following each other even when I'm right clicking pretty far away from any other units, the distance could be a lot smaller

I really like this one, hope you keep working on it

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The moments where I wanted a better close range option was during moments where I'd get hung up on an obstacle for a second and all the melee guys would catch up to me. I don't think it needs a dash or dodge necessarily since it seems like you're going for more realistic movement than giant mechas boosting all over the place like in my Japanese animes. I think just something to recover from minor fuckups like bumping into obstacles would be good enough

For missiles, I think just a bit of proximity burst would make them a lot better, having to be pretty precise when aiming takes away a bit of the crowd control aspect imo

For the fixed camera, I didn't notice it was in the game until I was going through the control options after playing for a bit. Probably not worth cluttering the UI with a popup about it or something, but other people might not know it's there

This game fucks, beat all five missions. Love the overworld map, looks great. I think the only thing I really wanted was a better dodge option, especially against the melee guys. The missiles also felt a little weak compared to just using the gun for everything. Really like stuff like the toggleable fixed camera

Very stylish, nails the superplane feeling really well. I dig the weird desert pyramid / giant floating spaceship aesthetic. I especially liked how hard the afterburner kicks in, felt much more satisfying than the usual scifi plane boosts. Had some nice visuals to go with it, don't think it really needs to be any more complicated visually.

Nice to have a real tutorial for a demo, but would be really nice to be skippable on a replay. I pretty much never play plane games using mouse controls so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I struggled a bit with the controls. I had a hard time making small adjustments when making passes at targets, and the rudder controls felt a little too sensitive if I only needed to make a tiny correction. Would be nice to be able to make some small pitch and bank tweaks with the keyboard while leaving the mouse for the big motions.

I like the idea of the shield towers and how they require really fast passes and turnarounds. Weapons felt a little weak for a superplane though, missiles fell just a little bit short a lot of the time or not all of them would reliably hit. I think keeping them mostly short range is a good idea, they just feel a little too short I think.

You (hopefully) shouldn't be able to hit yourself with missiles, but you can definitely shoot your own missiles with the machine gun and create explosions that way. Thanks for playing!

Very good, lots of juice for a demo. Great sound effects, the asteroids breaking apart is really neat, and the controls feel solid. Didn't run into any of the jitter that the other comments mention.

Right now the asteroids feel underused, it would be nice to have a reason to break them apart for powerups or health or something. They also don't feel too punishing to crash in to, so the player can just kind of ignore them.

Minor nitpick but it would be nice to have the opening cutscene be skippable on retries.

Thanks for playing! Mouse controls are a pretty common request, I definitely plan to add them.

It's enginedev, yeah. It does use floating origin but the draw distance is pretty short just to hide that the map isn't very big. I do think I at least need to make the fog a cylinder instead of a sphere so the ground doesn't fade out so quick.

Very good.

Controller support isn't great, had some issues where R1 would both jump and change weapons while the D-pad didn't actually change weapons, just the UI. After I restarted the game once, I couldn't change weapons or shoot with the controller. But the keyboard controls work more than fine, so I just played with them. The minigun is fun, always good to have a fun minigun.

Taking damage feels a little weird, sometimes I felt like I could strafe and tank bullets all day and sometimes I would die without even realizing I was getting shot. But it's nice to have this much enemy variety in an early demo.

The bug I had last time with the invisible units is fixed!

Mostly the same as the other comments, a range indicator without debug mode would be really nice. It was kind of hard to tell when units were shooting, the aim percentage looked like it was stuck at 0% a lot of the time even though units where fighting.

I really like the visuals, good and simple color choices.

Mech feels a little weak since you don't have many options to avoid the turret fire - maybe just some more shield pickups in the open areas to enable you to run at them instead of feeling like you need to take cover. But the walking and guns both feel nice, good start

Really fun idea, I like the flexibility it gives you with the reloads. Seems like there would be a lot of room to expand on it with powerups or other options if you decided to go that route.

Not a huge fan of being forced to use the autoaim, missed a few shots that would have been easy to lead manually and having to press RMB to clear the target if they get stuck on the other side of a wall feels clunky vs just being able to quickly shoot the guys near you. Saw your comment about wanting it to be more tactical but it feels like it would work better as a more traditional top-down shooter.

Thanks for the feedback, good point about keyboard inertia. I think the inertia feels better on a controller but definitely could be toned down for keyboard.

Engine controls adjust the thrust force but there are some assists in the physics to try and make it feel a little more responsive. There's no base thrust, that would be a good thing to add.

Based on your comments in Discord I think the crash is in the logger, since it creates the logging file but never writes anything to it. Thanks for the help.

Would be nice to have the camera follow the plane when using keyboard controls, right now it's a little awkward since the plane always wants to go back to its original direction after turning with the keyboard. Speed didn't feel too responsive to the throttle setting, I think just a higher max speed might help with that.

Was playing at 1440p and the target indicators didn't line up with the targets.

Physics just need a little smoothing I think but are otherwise solid, nice to have manual control over the flaps. Was able to land on the ground really easily which is cool for an early demo.

Being able to double up on cannons in the hangar is really fun. Overall a really good start.

Fun concept, gets a lot more interesting on the 2x3 box level so feels like it would keep scaling well. Feels a little too easy to keep the skeletons away with the one turn cooldown on the 1 attack, means the other attacks don't get much use. Also feels weird having the key for the 4 tile be 2 when you only have 1 and 4 available, I think it should just be the number itself as the key, if that makes sense.

For windowed fullscreen, you can set it to a higher resolution without checking the fullscreen option and it shouldn't mess with your other windows. If that wasn't working, it was a bug. I'll test it later today. Or if you just mean you want something that dynamically fits your resolution instead of the couple hardcoded options, that's on the list
For the other planes being more maneuverable, if you're going too fast or too slow you can't turn optimally. Right now all that there is to communicate that is a blackout effect if you're going too fast and some wingtip vortices if you're close to the optimal speed, but I'm still working on communicating that.
Rest is good suggestions, I'll work on them.

Thanks for the feedback. I haven't touched the keyboard controls for a while since I mostly test with a controller but thanks for the reminder that I need to update them and add rebinds at least

Plays good, looks good for being an early demo. Would be nice to have an explanation of what the different elements do, some of them like light I kind of had to keep guessing and spamming them. Feels a little hard to stop in place to get things like powerups or hit the bubble columns, but that might have just been me not being used to the controls. Having to hold tab to access the upgrades feels a little awkward under pressure, wouldn't mind it being a toggle

Took a minute to figure out but got fun. Got through the first sewer flag before I got filtered. Feels like the momentum you gain bouncing off of walls isn't consistent with what you gain bouncing off the floor, it's a lot easier to accidentally launch yourself even hitting them pretty upright. Was a little hard to tell when you're about to faceplant, and you can collide with walls by turning towards them after you've bounced off them, which got a little annoying. Something that showed your angle more clearly would be really nice. But overall fun, a few nitpicks but feels good to beat something after bashing your head against the wall a bit

Fun stuff. Only real complaint is the throttle feels a little slow and the top speed feels a little low. The weapons like the railgun and laser are fun, would be nice to be able to store the charge for the laser. Wouldn't mind a dogfighting only level just to try the air to air combat a little more without having to wait for the enemy planes to spawn

Pretty simple but fun. Forgot about all the movement options but still got a little over 6k. Feels like the enemy variety could ramp up more evenly, I only fought the first enemy for a while but then the missile and laser enemies showed up at the same time.

Huh, that's a new one. I'll have to see if I can reproduce it. Thanks for the feedback!

Where'd you get stuck? It lists the controls before you start the mission. The button prompt to talk to the person to start is offset pretty far on higher resolutions though which is a bug, was it that?

Got three of the collectibles but going back to the tutorial after dying slows things down a lot for a demo. I like floaty jumps like in Cave Story a lot, but I think it would be good to move faster sideways so you could change direction mid-air and use the floatiness more.

The art is good, especially this early. Some of the blue terrain looked like backgrounds at first though.

The missiles only follow targets if you keep them in the big circle in front of you and maintain the lock. It's not explained anywhere in the game, so good to know I need to do that for the next version. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback. Next build will definitely have fullscreen. The space bar to shoot was a lie, I forgot to rebind it for this build

Thanks for playing! Appreciate the feedback

Sweet, thanks for the help

Thanks for the heads up. I think it might have just been because I accidentally left a debug flag on in the release build. If you get a chance, could you see if the latest version of the game I just uploaded runs?

The combat was a little confusing, dodging was always drawing energy even when my BP was full. Not sure if that was a bug or if there was an upgrade somewhere I was missing. The rocket launcher is cool but I could only get it to work on the targets in the practice level.

But the depth to the customization is cool. I had a couple bugs like multiple upgrades showing up over each other when I was trying to place them. Some UI changes like being able to wire between body parts more quickly would be good too.

Directional attacks feel pretty clunky, most of the time clicking doesn't lead to an attack. It also didn't feel like the direction mattered, enemies didn't look like they were doing blocking. Blocking is also pretty useless with how fast your guy moves. But I like how fast everything feels

Thanks for going out of your way to download a font to play instead of just giving up, I appreciate the feedback. I thought I had picked a standard one but I'll make sure to just include them next time.

What was your biggest issue with keeping the lock, something like slow controls or not being able to tell where enemies are headed?

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Fun game. Ran away from some of the robot guys and could still hear them trying to shoot at me through walls from the other side of the map. Also didn't see the death pit behind the red card and ran right into it. But moving is fun and shooting is fun

Also the top button on the pause menu being restart instead of resume almost got me a few times