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A jam submission

Lampion CorpsesView game page

A body switcher platformer and second entry of the Lampshade Anthology
Submitted by Bruno Gat Car (@GatCarBruno) — 8 hours, 14 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Is the graphics 1 bit?#673.4713.471

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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The art in this game is absolutely fabulous, i loved the feel to it. The gameplay was fun but it is really hard. I do think the first few levels should be a bit easier and introduce the player to the mechanics a bit more. However i do get that its a game jam and time is limited.

Overall i really enjoyed the experience and im quite interested to see where this goes as it has a good amount of potential.

If you get the chance id really appreciate it if you could play my game, rate it and give some feedback :).


One of the best applications of the themes to a gameplay mechanic I've seen in this jam. The art style is great too (I love the hand drawn look). 

But it's *wayyy* too hard to play. I only managed to complete 1 level, and was really frustrated by how tight most of the timing is (these might be good levels towards the end of a game, they're far to challenging for the first few levels). 

This is a superb concept for a game and there are already a bunch of clever ideas here. There's a lot of potential if you iterate on the level design, and tutorialize it a bit more (not necessary with text tutorials, but through gameplay that teaches the player what to do). Nice job :)


Thank you so much for your review! I'm really sorry about the difficulty! When I'm in a jam, or making short games, I always make "mid game levels" trying to show the players what I think could be the potencial of this game... But in doing this I forgot to appropriate introduce then to the mechanics... Next time I'll take one or two levels to appropriate introduce the game mechanics before the "masocore mid game levels" that appears I'm bound to create hahahahaha


10/10 atmosphere


Thank you so much!


Interesting mechanics, but this is not nice to play. Everything is so complicated straight from the first level. There are not even any guides. Everything should be figured out by the player, and making the mistakes whole level restart. There are no logic what to do because everything goes so fast; enemies, time, hazards, etc. I start feeling like the suffering game tester during the game play haha. Still nice atmosphere in the game (played desktop version)


Thank you so much for your review! I'll work on a tutorial for my next game, I'm seeing that this is the point that I've mistaken the most in this game, to help the players in the start of the levels.... Thank you :D


It's a very original idea and the atmosphere is great. True, I was completely stuck there at the end and couldn't get through, but nevertheless the game is great. I really like both visual and sounds. The programmer has put everything together well. In short, thank you for an interesting experience.

I would be grateful if you also rate our game


Thank you so much for you review! I'm happy to see that you liked the game :D


I'm so bad at this game, but it's a fun concept and the gameplay feels good. There was just one issue while trying to move as a spirit through the cloud made by one of the floaty guys that i ran into. 


Thank you for your review! As a Fire-Spirit the smoke cloud of the incense doesn't affect you the same way as when you are as a Lampion... But I forget to put any kind of tutorial about this kind of mechanics... Sorry about that...


I like the game mechanic and its creativity, it really goes well with the art style but one thing that made me almost quit after the first level, was that the difficulty is up there (with other difficult platformers) above the clouds where it will make most of the game jam participants quit after the first level.

I liked your game and the only feedback I had to give is its difficulty. So, maybe you can give me some more feedback than I gave you on my entry.


Thank you so much for your review! Sorry about the difficulty D: As a solo developer is so hard to me to balance the difficulty of my games, even more in a jam that I had like one afternoon to finish all the level... But I have to admit, my taste for masocores doesn't help me in this part of the process hahahahah 


The game looks wonderful! I love how good use of lights makes the game look way more 3d. It might be a bit hard on occasion, but I kept going so I could see all the levels. Level design is very solid too. 

Great work!


Thank you so much! It's the fist time I used the 2D lights, I'm happy to see that you liked the use of it :D


This was really good but also pretty hard lol ._. I coudnt beat level 2


Thank you! And sorry about the difficulty hahaha


This is a really excellent game -- the artwork and animations are fantastic, the mechanic is creative and well designed, the game plays smoothly, and it's very challenging.  This game took some practice and investment, but I was happy to keep playing and I finished all of the rounds.  Really good job.

Because the game is challenging right out of the gate, I'm afraid you may lose some players early on (particularly because in a jam you will have players of varied tastes, and not just those who seek out difficult platformers) -- and it might be good to ease players of all tastes into the mechanic with some easier tasks.  If you develop this further (I'd happily come back for more levels), there seem to be a few places (e.g., in the middle platform on Level 5, on the left side of the platform) where the player sometimes gets stuck on surfaces when trying to slide laterally, as you sometimes see if a collider edge is sticking out (it might also have been an interaction with the NPC on that part of the platform).  It's a very minor fix in an overall excellent game.  

Great job!


Thank you so much for your review! I'm glad to see that you liked the game :D About the player gets stuck in the surfaces, I think its because I made the tilemap collider in a different way than usually I do, to test, and it does't worked very well thank you for tell me about that :D


I love how this game looks, I love the cute and fully animated sprites.  I wish shooting out of the pot was way more responsive, it takes too long and it's kinda confusing.  Still, good work, this is super high quality.  Also the sound effects are great.


Thank you for your review! Sorry for the responsiveness of the shooting, it was a mistake, probably because Of how I made its animation that makes me shoot the fire itself not exactly when the action is called…


Love the hand-drawn art! It would be nice if in a future version level 1 were a tutorial. I had a hard time getting past even the first platform.


Thank you so much for your review! Yes, I design the first level to be  a tutorial like level, making the player use the mechanic of jump and shoot his soul but I forgot to include the tutorial part of it, to explain this mechanic hahahahhaha thank you again, now I’ll try to include some explanation of this kinds of mechanics in my games :D