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A member registered Jan 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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looks awesome, reading the dialogue is fun, controls are intuitive.  cool game.

this looks like it could be a cool game once it's done, rn it has a lot of bugs and inconsistencies but I like where it's going :)

can you upload as something other than a .jar?  I have no idea how to unzip it

negative: I agree with what everyone said about coyote time, but I think it goes a little further than that.  You aren't able to jump while hanging more than half off an edge, which just feels super disempowering to the player.  Are you using a raycast down from the center of the player to detect if they're grounded?  I'd recommended using a boxcast instead.

positive:  I really like the implementation of post processing here, it really brings the assets to life! also the story is silly and the side effects make it very interesting.  nice job!

fun game!  by the end it can be super frustrating trying to hit that last ingredient, it kind of feels like luck. nice job!

wow!  fun game and it has a ton of content for the time frame! the variety in areas is really impressive!  I like the art, I wish it was less noisy though.

thank you!

yeah, we noticed that at the last moment but just didn't have time to fix it.  thank you for the feedback!

really cool game!  unique idea and executed well (except for the infinite hp thing others have mentioned).  really fun!

you took a very silly idea and managed to make it super captivating! awesome job.

Fun game!  short and sweet, but lots of dialogue options which all feel like they matter (something missing in a lot of games like this).  Nice job!

this game is incredible, definitely one of favorites, you managed to make it feel overwhelming while still being pretty manageable.  awesome.  I love how the effects stack

I honestly really liked the art here, it uses very small canvasses but keeps it consistent and knows when to be stylized.  also the gameplay is fun!  nice job!

wow, this was such a silly and interesting story.  Also love the art, every character feels super unique.  nice job!!!

The powerups having drawbacks and being useful at the same time is some pretty good design :)

love the visual style here, and it plays pretty well too!  the butter chicken is kind of annoying to use

neat take on the theme!

I LOVE the visual style of this, it's super interesting.  it's also fun to play

you really nailed the chaotic feeling of unintentional side effects.  nice job!

I agree with what everyone else, said, very creative but it feels a bit floaty.  Some advice for arcade-style games like this is to ramp up the difficulty over time, that way players can't play forever.

Definitely the most visually impressive game I've seen, it's pretty difficult to figure out though and the flying feels like it's fighting against me.  Still, awesome job on this

awesome!  I love games that don't take themselves seriously but are still really fun to play :)

super silly game, I really liked it!  the cooking mechanic is very unique, combined with the fact it turns into a twin stick shooter is just a fun combination.  awesome job.

I have a pretty good computer so it was probably over 60 fps, yeah

Super creative, it's very difficult to keep track of everything but when you get it right it feels awesome.  nice job!!!!

Really cool game!  The whole area looked very nice and the upgrades were all super fun to discover!  once you got all the upgrades, the game kind of lost its charm, but it took a while to get there and it was a very fun experience!

I love how this game looks.  The characters are super adorable and the mansion is fun to explore.  I feel like locking doors doesn't really do anything, as the grunch seems to  just teleport around.  overall, really cool game!

thank you so much!

yesss finally found the puzzle platformer with a really cool mechanic.  The jump pads boosting you higher when you're heavier blew me away when I first did it, that's such a good idea.  If I had to critique it I'd say lean more into puzzle and less into platformer, a lot of the jumps seem to need to be fram-perfect and it's a little frustrating.  awesome job!!!

cool game!  loved seeing all the side effects.  one thing I'd recommend for games with this perspective is to make the player hitbox on the feet, not the whole sprite, which makes moving around feel a lot nicer :)

enemies not being affected by time slow is a super cool idea!  Some advice: I'd recommend looking into tilemaps in the future rather than just using a stretched out sprite.

best game ever

ooo, true.  it did contribute to that listless feeling.

Graphics are great, implementation of theme is definitely there, don't know why everyone is saying it's not, but yeah the farts can be pretty annoying as a mechanic.  I recognize that it's a learning experience though and it's cool that somebody got into making games :)

Chilling!  Being able to hover over objects in the rooms to get a brief description is a cool touch.  I loved how everything had multiple chunks of text to it -- really made it feel personalized, though I wish they didn't repeat.  Overall great job!

could you upload a version that's a .zip?  I know you can't add things during ratings but maybe a google drive link?  This game looks super cool but I don't have 7zip

Really cool game.  Honestly everything new I read was a joy to read, but I wish it didn't repeat.  Overall a great experience, I think my favorite drug was the one that made you super hungry,

Not quite sure what's going on, fun puzzles though.  One recommendation I'd give is to lock the rotation on the player's rigidbody, this stops them from rotating around like crazy, unless you want that.

This one really felt like I was playing an old game like Doom, nice job.  One piece of advice I'd give is to make the music play while you're actually playing, rather than just in the menus

Really cool game, love the art and music.  Not much criticism I can give other that nobody else has said, though I agree with them.