Hello, I need ratings for my game! So, if you rate my game, I will rate yours!!!!
Hopefully this meme I am supplying you will make you rate my game

Oof, that meme has legit happened to me
My team's game is like overcooked meets crazy taxi, where you drive around and chuck orders out your food truck window at customers. You can also chill and customize your menu with as many crazy sandwich creations as you want :)
It's my friend and I's first ever time making a game, we learned GODOT on the fly while building it, and we are super proud of the outcome.
If you want to give it a try, any feedback is greatly appreciated! https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2972634
Will give your game a try too! Looks really cool
If you want to you can check out my game and leave a comment!
and this is my game for you to rate, and I already rated yours:
Rate Honorable Torch by whackyfear for Brackeys Game Jam 2024.2 - itch.io:the web to rate stuff
Here is my game, thanks for playing.