Rating the games of people who play my game: https://alittlerandomdude23.itch.io/dream-jump-where-is-the-dog
You basically travel between genres and dreams to find your dog
Rating the games of people who play my game: https://alittlerandomdude23.itch.io/dream-jump-where-is-the-dog
You basically travel between genres and dreams to find your dog
Added your game to my collection, will be playing and rating more tonight/this week. I'll rate yours as soon as I can!
Here’s my game: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-7/rate/142066
You wake up at home, or so you think... In this point and click puzzler, it's your job to find clues, solve puzzles, and see if this is in fact life on earth, or something completely out of this world.
This is my first jam, so any feedback would be much appreciated! Thanks!
I'll rate and comment as soon as possible.
I would love some feedback and rate too!
here's my game: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-7/rate/1418539
I don't know if it's allowed to do that or not but it's my first game jam and I couldn't upload the web version on time because of the errors, so added it separately,
here's the link for the web version: https://nimapeykarimeh.itch.io/is-this-real-web