I made this animation to represent what I have accomplished during the Community Game Jam.
What did you accomplish during the jam?

You can play my game here: https://stephcraft.itch.io/void :D
I made this animation to represent what I have accomplished during the Community Game Jam.
What did you accomplish during the jam?
You can play my game here: https://stephcraft.itch.io/void :D
I made my first RTS prototype. Never thought I could make one but gave it a try in jam. Hopefully I'll be able to add more value to the game later on :-)
I made my first jam game: a simple puzzle game similar in story to portal in 2d! Had a lot of fun. I also made a bunch of bugs haha! https://lilnarwhal.itch.io/differentiation-game
I also made my first game for a game jam! https://mironco.itch.io/escape-rooms-with-the-narrator
Learn a lot about Unity2D, i knew nothing about it before starting the jam, just made somethings in 3D. And also made my first completed game hehe. Also i got more aquainted with the Unity API . I just need to train more the parts that don't envolve coding, because i'm a programmer so i try to run away from most of the things that i need to use the unity interface, like animations and some other things hehe.
I use Unity tons but the "newer" features have been something I've ignored for years. This jam forced me to learn Unity's mixer system, 2D skeletal animation/rigging, navmesh generation, Cinemachine, and the new timeline features. All huge parts of the Unity engine I wasn't using in my daily workflow are now things I can start implementing on a regular basis. I really disliked the theme but ironically this was one of the most productive jams I've done.
Thanks for the great question!
This was my first actually finished game and game jam. I've experimented with animations combat system, enemy behavior and dialogue system. I learned to manage my time (kind of (had to sacrifice music and final scene)) and made some friends. It was a very exciting experience. I cannot wait for the next game jam. (ps: You can check ot my gamehttps://andrei-piatra.itch.io/liar-game )